Obama has announced the partition
of Pakistan - Webster Tarpley

A former NATO officer claims US Special Forces have conducted secret raids inside
Pakistan's border regions. The operations were conducted between 2003 and 2008, but only
one was ever made public.

According to reports, troops were looking for high value targets among both the Taliban and
Al-Qaeda. The one that became widely known in September 2008 was condemned as a
provocation by the Pakistani government.

Ethnic groups from Pakistan’s Belugistan province where most of the raids occurred blame the government in Islamabad for allowing these things to
happen, said RT LIVE investigative journalist Webster Tarpley.

He pointed out that “President Obama’s West point speech of December 2 is a thinly veiled declaration of war against Pakistan in the sense that it
announces the intent of the US to promote the dismemberment, the partition of Pakistan along ethnic lines and in order to do that you have to create
trouble on the ground.”

“Ambassador Richard Holbrook, who is the US tsar for the region, was asked ‘Do you have troops in Pakistan?’ and he said ‘The US has intelligence
personnel in Pakistan but not troops’. And I would ask – “What about the contractors, Mr Ambassador?” asked Tarpley.

Webster Tarpley disclosed information published in The Nation and Vanity Fair magazines about Blackwater Select and Total Intelligence Solutions
having massive snatch and grab and even assassination operations run out of Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, under the command of the US Joint
Special Operations Command and CIA.

The Taliban refused to take responsibility for some explosions in public places in Pakistan and blamed the CIA for destabilizing the situation in the
country through terror.

“I guess from some points of view the golden age of Blackwater was perhaps not under Bush/ Cheney but it is now under Obama,” Tarpley said, “and
they are running wild in ways they trample the sovereignty of Pakistan as a country.”

Pakistani Pandora’s Box
03 January, 2010
by Eugene Khrushchev
Pakistani Pandora’s Box

03 January, 2010, 15:30

The latest string of heinous terrorist attacks in Pakistan is a reminder that the ostrich policy
of appeasing firebrand extremists has triggered a security climate change that could no
longer be dismissed or tolerated.

Pakistani politics: powder keg paradox in paralysis
There’s no quick fix or a silver bullet to Pakistan’s inherently complicated heritage.

Pakistan is a paradox because its tribal & sectarian disunity undermines from within its own search for national identity, which hinges mostly upon
irredentist belligerent claims to Kashmir & Pushtunistan.

Under dictator general Zia-ul Khaq, American democracy & Saudi theocracy – in a bizarre troika joint venture – the Islamization of Pakistan was
meticulously promoted as a bridgehead for anti-Soviet insurgency in Afghanistan.

Then, the United States, in a fatal attraction to military dictatorship in Pakistan, let it acquire a nuclear arsenal aimed at democratic India – hence the
powder-keg component.

It’s an implosive paralysis, because Pakistani secular society is ruthlessly tormented by homegrown religious extremists in cahoots with
international terrorists. There you have it:

The Talibanization of Pakistan & the Pakistanization of Afghanistan.

The Strategy of “managed chaos” is no longer manageable. Despite so many billions in so many years of “no strings attached, no questions asked”
US land-lease to Pakistan, Washington has failed to alter behavior in a desirable direction in Islamabad, to redirect its focus from the mythical threat
abroad to the imminent danger at home.

Barack Obama is acutely aware that it’s incumbent upon the US to defuse its Cold War legacy in the region – that’s why he established SRAP, the
Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan & Pakistan – an outfit unmatched by UN, EU or any other country.

However, the new diplomatic office is not a solution to the old smoldering security problems – in fact, its shuttle policy of appeasement towards drug
lords & terrorists has only exacerbated the situation in Afghanistan & Pakistan.

The Islamization of Pakistan, a symbiosis of military & militants, has already collided with imported Western democratization, and no amount of
international support or military & humanitarian aid could prevent jihadists from going nuclear.

It’s a wake-up call for the United States to realize that the AfPak challenge is a “united battle space” against a narco-terrorist nexus.

The new AfPak strategy should declare loudly & clearly that its mission focus is shifting from counter-insurgency to counter-narcotics in Afghanistan,
and from remote-control bombing to full-scale counter-terrorism in Pakistan.

If the Special Office didn’t help, maybe the Special Forces will.

by Eugene Khrushchev

Pakistan can rely on Russia
to help fight terrorism –

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has sent his condolences to the people of Pakistan
after a deadly attack that claimed at least 95 lives.

In a telegram sent to the president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, Medvedev said, "Russia was shocked to learn about a new crime committed by
extremists – a bloody terrorist act during a volleyball game in the town of Lakki Marwat." The telegram says, “In Russia we are perturbed by the
latest crimes of terrorists, which have the same features anywhere in the world – unlimited cruelty and complete disregard for human lives
sacrificed for their sordid goals.”

Dmitry Medvedev also added that “all sides interested in peace and stability of the state must act as a united front against the global terrorism
threat… In this fight Pakistan can rely on Russia’s support and that of the entire global society. There’s no doubt the organizers of those inhuman
crimes will be certainly found and severely punished.”
Recently Pakistan has seen a series of suicide bombings in Karachi, Peshawar,
Rawalpindi and Muzaffarabad. The rise in the number of deadly attacks is believed to be
orchestrated by Islamic fundamentalists as a response to military operations in the South
Waziristan province, on the border with Afghanistan, where Taliban strongholds are

The latest suicide bomber attack in a volleyball court in the northwest of the country has
been condemned by the UK and the USA. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that
Washington will continue its support of the Pakistani people "in their efforts to chart their
own future, free from fear and intimidation."

“Believing cultures are equal is West’s
biggest disease”

18 February, 2009

He’s being prosecuted for an alleged hate speech against Islam and Dutch MP Geert Wilders calls the Koran a “fascist book”, and Islam “a
retarded culture”. Yet, he also claims he has nothing against Muslims.  >>
Read More
ISI, CIA ran over 60 join operations against Qaeda
commanders hiding in FATA

New York, Dec.27 : A senior Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan's main spy agency, official has revealed that the Central Investigation Agency
(CIA) and the ISI together have run over 60 operations against Al-Qaeda and other key extremists commanders hiding in the Federally Administered
Tribal Areas (FATA) and Balochistan.

The official said the missions included "snatch and grabs", the abduction of important militants, as well as efforts to kill extremist leaders, The New
York Times

The operations were carried out on the basis of intelligence inputs provided by both the US and the Pakistani agencies, the official said, on conditions
of anonymity.

The Obama administration
has been pressing Pakistan to take action against the Haqqani group, which is controlled by one of Al-Qaeda's top commanders, Sirajuddin Haqqani.

The US believes that the Haqqani network is using Pakistan's lawless border areas to carry out attacks in Kabul and important locations in

US troops, stationed in Afghanistan, have intensified their commando operations against the Haqqani network in Afghanistan and have gained
substantial success.

Although President Obama and his top aides have never discussed these highly classified missions in public, such counterterrorism operations are
expected to increase, along with the deployment of 30,000 more US forces in the next year, as part of the revamped strategy for Afghanistan and

US Central Command Chairman General David Petraeus has also made it clear that following the surge there would be more focus on the
counterterrorism operations.

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, earlier this month, General Petraeus had said that more such commando offensive
against hard-core Al-Qaeda and Taliban extremists could be seen in the near future.

"We actually will be increasing our counterterrorist component of the overall strategy," General Petraeus had told the Senators

"There's no question you've got to kill or capture those bad guys that are not reconcilable. And we are intending to do that, and we will have additional
national mission force elements to do that when the spring rolls around," he added.

