Dr. Dr.Jumma Marri, President Baloch Unity

Killing of women and children is totally unacceptable Baloch unity conference must be called urgently.

I strongly condemn this heinous state crime against our Baloch people especially against women and children and send my condolence to Brahamdagh
Bugti, Bakhtiar Khan Domki and the entire Baloch nation. Such killings must not be just condemned but there must be consequences for enemy to deter
them from such crimes in future; we have to carefully plan out responses for such crimes. I call for a Baloch national unity conference and call Baloch nation
to unite and struggle as one.

Unfortunately we still remain divided on petty issue and cannot see the harm which we are inflicting on ourselves by remaining divided. I strongly urge for
Baloch unity conference to chalk out a strategy to counter the atrocities being perpetrated against Baloch.

These killing are a strong signal from the state that even if the men go to mountains and far from their reach they can always reach to their women and
children this is clearly not new trend in state thinking they did it before in 1970s during army invasion of Marri areas when they could not defeat the Marri
Baloch fighters on face to face fighting they took to the soft target and started aerial bombardment of Marri women and children and took most of their
livestock to starve them.

I propose forming a new Baloch national congress or Baloch congress for freedom so we can speak with strong and united voice of Baloch unity. Its
constitution could be drafted out in Baloch unity conference somewhere this year, where all stake holders must be invited and Baloch must formally kick start
their diplomatic efforts and lobby world capitals specially the USA, EU, Russia and other powers for their support.

We must send strong message to Baloch enemies in particular and then to world community at large and Baloch people as whole that we are united and
our vision and mission is clear. We need Baloch nation to unite behind their leadership as this road is long and treacherously dangerous we have to take
careful steps to move forwards to our long awaited freedom and justice. Without unity and clear signals from Baloch leadership both in Diaspora and back
home world community will remain confused and as often in past succumb to Pakistani blackmails and pressure and Baloch are left to suffer miseries of
occupation and repression.

Baloch unity conference is essential to unify our strategies and form a single body and choose a unified leadership and appoint envoys to all important
capitals to convey the right message and requests of help from Baloch people. As we see daily disappearances of our youth and then find their badly
tortured mutilated dead bodies all over Balochistan. Baloch nation is passing through its most critical times in its history. We have only two choices. Unite or
Perish. Unite to save our motherland for us and for our future generations or we continue with our personal grudges and perish.

We are surrounded by savage enemies, and the only way to save our national identity as a Baloch Nation it is time to unite and defend ourselves. We must
bury our past and open a new chapter of Unity, cooperation and support to each other. It is not the time to point finger as to who did what. The blame game
must be over.

Baloch must tell international community in one voice that for peace and stability of Afghanistan and of this entire region an independent Balochistan is the
only solution to counter Islamic extremism terrorism and control of weapons of mass destruction.

We must draft a resolution and put all the evidences of state crimes before the international criminal courts to challenge Pakistan crimes against
disappearances torture killing and dumping of innocent citizens of Balochistan.

We must state loud and clear that Balochistan was in independent state and hence been forcefully occupied by Pakistan and Baloch independence must be
restored through peaceful UN intervention.

Agenda of such conference must be:

1. To bring all stakeholder and political activist together under unified umbrella, to try to end all misunderstanding and bury our past mistakes and start a
new life for Baloch unity.

2. To discuss the current situation in Balochistan

3. To draft preliminary Constitution of future Independent Balochistan.

4. Plan for future action.

5. To call UN and other world leading countries for help stop crimes and genocide of Baloch people.

6. All other pending affairs and matters must be discussed. Baloch international TV channel unified news net working must be drafted out instead of so
many web sites which distract and confuse everybody. I request this initiative be supported by entire Baloch community leadership activists and well wisher
and let us discuss and fix the date not later than April or May.

women and children against
Baloch Ethos