The Baloch and Balochistan: A Historical Account
from the Beginning to the Fall of the Baloch State:
By Dr. Naseer Dashti (Author)

Three thousand years ago, a group of Indo-Iranic tribes (called Balaschik at that time) settled in the northwestern Caspian
region of Balashagan. Circumstances forced them to disperse and migrate towards south and eastern parts of Iranian
plateau. In medieval times, they finally settled in present Balochistan where they became known as the Baloch. During their
long and tortuous journey from Balashagan to Balochistan, the Baloch faced persecutions, deportations, and genocidal
acts of various Persian, Arab and other regional powers. During 17th century, after dominating Balochistan culturally and
politically, the Baloch carved out a nation state (the Khanate of Kalat). In 1839, the British occupied Balochistan and
subsequently it was divided into various parts. In the wake of the British withdrawal from India in 1947, Balochistan
regained its sovereignty but soon Pakistan occupied it in 1948. The historical account of the Baloch is the story of a
pastoralist nomadic people from ancient times to mid-twentieth century. The author outlines the origin of the Baloch state
and its variegated history of survival against powerful neighbors such as the Persians, the British and finally, Pakistan. This
fascinating research work discovers the background of the long drawn-out conflict between the Baloch and Pakistan and
Iranian states.
Book Description
Publication Date: October 8, 2012
Three thousand years ago, a group of Indo-Iranic tribes (called Balaschik at that time) settled in the northwestern Caspian
region of Balashagan. Circumstances forced them to disperse and migrate towards south and eastern parts of Iranian
plateau. In medieval times, they finally settled in present Balochistan where they became known as the Baloch. During their
long and tortuous journey from Balashagan to Balochistan, the Baloch faced persecutions, deportations, and genocidal
acts of various Persian, Arab and other regional powers. During 17th century, after dominating Balochistan culturally and
politically, the Baloch carved out a nation state (the Khanate of Kalat). In 1839, the British occupied Balochistan and
subsequently it was divided into various parts. In the wake of the British withdrawal from India in 1947, Balochistan
regained its sovereignty but soon Pakistan occupied it in 1948. The historical account of the Baloch is the story of a
pastoralist nomadic people from ancient times to mid-twentieth century. The author outlines the origin of the Baloch state
and its variegated history of survival against powerful neighbors such as the Persians, the British and finally, Pakistan. This
fascinating research work discovers the background of the long drawn-out conflict between the Baloch and Pakistan and
Iranian states.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:25 AM
Dear Folks
Dr. Naseer Sahib's thought provoking and comprehensive work on Balochistan is now available from international chains of book store. You can order this book via Amazon and other
internet sources. You may also check the contents and some abridged materials from the Amazon website of this book. You cannot reproduce the materials on your websites because it is
copy righted one. Dr. Naseer Dashti scholarly explained the origin of Baloch and their homeland and shed the dust on the ambiguous history of Baloch people which was written by
pseudo-historian earlier. Thanks to London where he is staying since last 15 (?) years and using his precious time wisely for the service of his nation. One of common problem of Baloch
history written in Pakistan is that the writers including myself are not historian plus they usually reproduce the previously written materials and never bother to search the primary sources
of these materials. I understand that in Pakistan or you may say outside of western countries it is impossible to find these primary sources.
Dr. Dashti is fortunate enough that he is living in London and spent (still spending) his time at the British Library's oriental section and brought these hidden sources and also artistically
cast them in the form of a brilliant book. To some extend all of us well acquainted about our history but we disparately need some academic support about these theses, for instance, who
are Balochs? From where they came from? How a confederacy of nomadic tribes converted into a nation and developed a simplistic code of welcoming other ethnic groups to be merged
in their circles. Besides, Dr. Dashti also elaborates the social aspects of these events which occurred in our history. Similarly it is right time to work and publish this sort of books because
our nation is going through a tough time and we need logic and scientific arguments rather talking and swearing, to defend our case in front of International society.
Believe me.
Sincerely Yours,
Hameed Baloch
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