Nawab Nauroz Khan Zarakzai, commonly known as Babu Nouroz was the chief of the
Zehri tribe of Balochistan. He started an armed resistance against the occupation of
Balochistan by Pakistan. The Pakistani armed forces could not militarily contain the
Baloch freedom struggle, and thus they changed tactics and offered amnesty to the
Baloch fighters as well as “peaceful” negotiations to resolve the Baloch grievances
over the oath of Holy Quran.

As soon as the Baloch freedom fighters ended their struggle to opt for peaceful
negotiations, the conniving Pakistani armed forces reneged on their promises and
arrested all of them, including Nawab Nauroz, his sons, nephews and followers. On
July 15th, 1960, in the Hyderabad and Sukker Jails, the Government of Pakistan
executed through hanging the sons, nephews and followers of Nawab Nauroz Khan
Zarakzai, and imprisoned him for life where he died on December 25, 1965, in
Hyderabad jail.

Baloch Society of North America (BSO-NA), pay highest tribute to our
Shaheed-e-Watan Nawab Nauroz Khan and his sons and Nephews for
scarifying their lives for motherland Balochistan. Their Sacrifices along
with thousands of other Baloch Martyrs will not go in vain. We will not
rest until their dream of a Free Independent United Balochistan is

Long live Balochistan.
Long live Baloch struggle for freedom.

Related links:
Shaheed-e-Watan Nawab Nauroz
Khan Zarakzai day. (Dec 25th)