US House Committee on
Foreign Affairs invitation to
open hearing on Baluchistan
Oversight and Investigations
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)
You are respectfully requested to attend the following open hearing of the Oversight and Investigations to be held in
Room 2200 of the Rayburn House Office Building.

Date Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Time 2:30 PM

Location Room 2200 of the Rayburn House Office Building


C. Christine Fair, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Georgetown University

Mr. Ralph Peters
Military Analyst and Author

Mr. Ali Dayan Hasan
Pakistan Director, Asia Division
Human Rights Watch


We fully agree with Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA). It is time for a realistic US policy in south Asia. Instead of
supporting Pakistan, a terrorist State and a fake ally, we must extend our hand to reach out our true friends and allies in the
region to counter these terrorists and extremists.

US, India, Israel must join hand to help Balochs liberate Balochistan from Pakistani and Iranian illegal occupation so we can
defeat Taliban and Al-qaida terrorists and counter Pakistani and Iranian extremists. Secular Baloch are ready to work with their
friends and ally to keep Pakistan and Iran in check.

D. K Baloch, MI