“Roadblocks To Peace In South Asia” And “War And Peace In South Asia ”

By Aziz Baloch,
Organizer BSO-NA, Canada Chapter.

Vancouver, Canada. * Appeal for Peace 2006: Make Peace!

The first World Peace Forum assembled in Vancouver from June 23 to 28, 2006 to discuss "Cities and Communities: Working together to
end war and build a peaceful, just and sustainable world."

(Both these Conferences were sponsored by South Asian Network For Secularism and Democracy at The World Peace Forum 2006 was
held in June 23 - 28 at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Aziz Baloch, Organizer of Baloch Society of North America (BSO-
NA), joined these events and gave a Speech on Balochistan. Following is the copy of his speech that he sent us from the Vancouver,

Ladies and gentlemen,

during 19th century Balochistan was on the world map as a country. British empire later divided Balochistan by "divide and rules" policy to
Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Due to its geo-strategic importance British wanted to stop the threat and expansion of the former super
power (Soviet Union) in South Asia and Middle East. British Chief Commissioner Maj. General Gold-Smith was given the task of dividing
Balochistan into Eastern and Western parts. Western part of Balochistan was given to Iran to: please Iran, keep her quiet, compensate her
for its territorial loss to Russia and mostly to keep Iran away from the communist Russia.

All These agreements were done by the British empire without taking into consideration the history, geography, culture, language and above
all were against the will of Baloch nation as a whole. Balochistan’s geo-strategic importance sometime became the double edge sword for
Baloch nation because their territories were being used as a bargain chip by their oppressive regional powers of Pakistan and Iran to the
super powers for their own interest against the Baloch people’s will until today.

Baloch nation’s rights and freedom are being deprived by Pakistan and Iran. Throughout history whenever Baloch people demanded their
legal, political, economical, social and linguistic rights within the constitution of Pakistan and Iran through many means such as dialogue,
negotiation, and peaceful demonstration they were subjected to illegal arrests, kidnappings, torture and executions.

Pakistan and Iran with their oppressive policies succeeded in suppressing the indigenous Baloch political struggle but Baloch are not ready
to give up their nation’s rights in their own ancestral land.

When Baloch want to practice their democratic rights to protest against such aggressions they are being treated as third class citizens in
Pakistan and Iran. Baloch people want economic developments but instead they are noticing the development of army bases throughout
Balochistan. Thirteen Baloch politicians; including members of Balochistan parliament and members of national assembly have signed a
letter and sent it to international human rights bodies and Amnesty international. The Baloch politicians have mentioned Balochistan’s army
bases where “there are 52 military cantonments, five navel bases, six air force bases, three nuclear testing sites and six missile testing
ranges in Balochistan”.

This is one reason Baloch nationalist leaders and majority of Baloch people do not want their freedom of movement being controlled by the
army in their own land. In May 1998, Pakistan carried out series of nuclear test in Chagahi Balochistan, which caused enormous human,
economic and environmental loss. Nuclear and radio active waste were dumped in Balochistan which is another big disaster for local
people. The Chief Minister of Balochistan, Baloch leaders, Sardar Akhtar Mengal, opposed the tests, (Islamabad) removed him from
premiere chair.

Baloch people have faced four army operations in Eastern Balochistan (Pakistan) in 1958, 1960, and 1968 and then reached a bloody civil
war in 1973 to 1977. During those brutal army operations where 70,000 Pakistani troops were involved against 55,000 Baloch, 5,000 Baloch
lost their lives and over 3,000 Pakistani troops as well. During that operation Shah of Iran supported late prime minister Mr. Zulfuqar Ali Butto
by sending his cobra gun-ship helicopters with Iranian pilot to genocide Baloch people.

The 5th brutal army operation started under the current president of Pakistan, Mr. General Pervez Musharraf who threatened the Baloch
leadership by saying “Don’t push us….It is not the 1970s when you can hit and run and hide in the mountains. This time you won’t even
know what has hit you”.

Remembers ladies and gentlemen these are the highly respected Baloch leaders whom are supported by majority of their people that the
president has threatened. Then on March 17th, 2005 70 people were killed including innocent women, children, and elderly in a single day
by the Pakistani army. During this operation indiscriminately many innocents have been died and schools were bombed.

A New York Times reporter Carlotta Gall visited the affected area in Balochistan who writes in her April 2, 2006 issue, “In remote Pakistan
Province, Civil War Festers” article “Indeed huge craters and fragments from American-designed MK-82 bombs lay beside a badly damaged
school in the village of Mararar, (Balochistan) the results of bombing raid the Baluch fighters said occurred at the beginning of the March.”

During month of April in 2006 the opposition leader of Balochistan assembly, Advocate Kachkol Ali Baloch, visited along with other members
of Balochistan parliament in the affected areas, than they presented their report to the provincial government including human rights
organizations. His report indicated that about 150,000 locals were displaced from Dera Bugti and Kohlu. (Bugti/Marri) Baloch tribes
(included: children, women, and elderly) are living out of open sky whom are left without their belongings for their safety concern since they
have no support from the state. He asked the Sattar Hedi foundation in Karachi to help these displaced Baloch people

According to Nawab Akbar Bugti June, 19th 2006 interview (five days ago) from mountain of Balochistan where he is he was forced to leave
his house by army of Pakistan and defending “Baloch self rule” (please note the natural gas of Balochistan which is being exploited by
Pakistan since 1953 belong to his region)

Nawab Akbar Bugti said to BBC in reference to discussions with the Pakistani authorities, “They are communicating with us through the use
of cannons, fighter jets, deep penetration bombs; these are such great dialogues that they are having loud discussions with us.”

Let me show you a Power point presentation and see the atrocities of both regimes of Pakistan and Iran against innocent Baloch. As a
precaution please note some pictures might be quite graphic.

In Pakistan, the Federal interior minister, Mr. Aftab Sherpao, himself said " we have arrested 4000 Baloch political activists”

Human rights violations are going on in Balochistan. I would like to present few facts here.

October 18th, 2001 Ali Asghar Bungulzahi was kidnapped by Internal Services Intelligence (ISI), his family was threatened by phone not to
approach court, his innocents kids and family are on hunger strikes. This has been going on for more than six months and still going on
today , instead of them attending school they are standing in front of the press club in Quetta. His innocents kids walked in their bare feet in
front of the governor’s house in Balochistan and asked for justice but have not received any.

November 15th, 2005 a young Doctor, Hanif Sharif, a leading Balochi poet and writer was kidnapped under gunpoint in city of Turbat. His
mother has been seen reciting the Quran in Islamic Republic of Pakistan in recent world forum in Karachi. She thought someone might hear
her cry as a mother who through her hard labour by seweing clothes had supported her child to become a doctor. He was the only bread
winner of the whole family, today he is in dark torture cells.

April 4th, 2006, Munir Mengal the Director of Baloch Voice TV who arrived from the middle east in Karachi Airport was arrested in middle of
the crowd by the Internal Serivice Intelligence (ISI). Till today his family doesn’t know about his whereabouts, they are demanding to bring
him in court.

April 22nd, 2006 a teacher, Gulam Serwar ,from city of Mastung in Balochistan was picked up by law enforcement agencies in front of a
crowd and the same day his family was phoned by Quetta police that their son was killed under the custody of police. They told the family to
go pick up his dead body from civil hospital in Quetta without any further explanation and investigation till today.
Human rights report of Pakistan says " Hundreds of political parties members, students, doctors and tribal leaders have been detained by
government security forces, many disappearing for months, even years, without trails in well doccumented cases. Some have been tortured
or have died in custody”.

In Western Balochistan (Iran) on May 15th, 2006 many innocent sunni Baloch were killed in an operation by Islamic Republic of Iran Army.

First week of June 2006, more than 10 Baloch were executed and hanged on the streets in Zahedan, city of western Balochistan, by Iranian

In Western Balochistan (Iran) while Shah was ruler he made the criminal offense of publishing, distributing, or even possessing Balochi
language books, magazines and newspapers. He intentionally ordered limiting access in education for Baloch children in their area.
Persians teachers told Baloch kids that Balochi is not a language, only a dialect.

Nasser Boladai, Spokesperson for Western Balochistan People's Party, Iran, member of UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples
Organization) said " For more than half a century political oppression, economical and social injustice against Baloch been institutionalized
in Iran. Baloch in Iran are continuously being harassed and suffering from clerical regime, where regime's brutal operations have always
aimed to punish Baloch people collectively."

Natural gas has been discovered at Sui, Eastern Balochistan, Pakistan in 1953 where today army operations are going on. Balochistan is
supplying gas throughout dominated province of Punjab since 1964. But Quetta, capital of Balochistan, received gas in 1986. Balochistan
produces more than 40 percent of Pakistan's primary energy (natural gas, coal, and electricity).

A French scholar, Frederic Grare, with Garnegie Endowment speaking on behalf of International Peace Based in Washington DC who
mentioned in his January 2006 paper title “Pakistan: the Resurgence of Baluch Nationalism” on his south Asia Project writes “Reports by
geological experts indicate the presence of 19 trillion cubic feet of gas and 6 trillion barrels of oil reserves in Baluchistan, but the Baluch are
determined to prevent further exploration and development without their consent.

Imagine if Balochistan had the potential to become Alberta (province rich in natural resources) of Pakistan. If the Canadian government
distributes the province's resources to the more powerful province of Ontario and not provide the generated revenues to Alberta then it will be
reasonable to predict that the province's economy will implode. That is the injustice which has been and is occurring against Balochistan
since 1953 .

This is one of many economic injustice Baloch people are facing. On the other hand, Ex- federal information Minister of Pakistan, Sheikh
Rashid Ahmed, never hesitated to accept the fact by saying, “Without Balochistan Pakistan is nothing." Ladies and Gentlemen, no doubt
their own former Air Force Chief Nur Khan recently said very rightly about Pakistani unjust polices against three provinces by saying
“Islamabad has made the people of these regions (Balochistan / FATA/ Native Interior Sindh) like aliens in their own country”. Furthermore,
he suggested that “Pakistan owe an apology“.

It is said when a child is raised with hostility, he grows to be hostile. When raised with anger and fear, they grow to be self-defensive and
angry. This is the irony with Baloch people they have been stripped of their political, economical, cultural, linguistic, and basic rights.

This is the ground reality of Balochistan and they are noticing since decades in their native land. Baloch people are not in arms to seek
revenge or engage in violence, they are simply preserving their identity, and national rights Baloch people are unfortunately forced by both
regimes to defend themselves until their legal and democratic rights are accepted. Baloch believe that is only possible through peaceful
dialogue and negotiations based on democratic principles by respecting human rights and international law.

Personal Note: At end of the conference I observed generalists and human rights and peace movements representatives from United States
who showed sympathy for Baloch peoples plights after my presentation. An Indian retired officer who worked for Indians consulate in Iran
told me he was a witness and has seen the ruthless oppression and injustices of Baloch people in Iran. A female Canadian generalist
approached me and suggested Baloch should writes in Canadian newspapers, particularly in The globe and Mail which is a leading
national newspaper in Canada. To my all fellow Canadian Baloch please write to the newspaper and be more active. To let the democratic
and civilized world know, such as the Canadian government and let the peace loving people of Canada know about the human rights
violations that are going on against Baloch and their plights.

Thank you.
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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.