Baloch Society Of North America (BSO-NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO-NA) is working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America and to
expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan) and exploitations of our resources by Pakistani and Iranian
Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.

DC Rally agianst the Killing of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti
WASHINGTON DC --- In the first-ever speech in Balochi in the U.S. capital, a representative of the World Baloch Jewish Alliance called for international
and U.N. intervention in Pakistan's rebel province of Balochistan to end the genocide of the Baloch people.
Mohammed Ali Baloch, former president of Pakistan People's Party in the city of Panjgur and executive council member of Balochistan provincial PPP,
said the silence of the international community to the ethnic cleansing of the Baloch people is unacceptable.
At a rally at the Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. , on Friday afternoon, in an emotionally charged Balochi speech, Baloch said the military atrocities began
right after Balochistan' s forced annexation with Pakistan in April 1948. The rally was addressed by prominent Baloch and Sindhi human rights leaders
based in the U.S.
Baloch said Nawab Akbar Khan Bugit, former governor and chief minister of Balochistan, was killed in August 26 in the newest military operation under
coup leader general Pervez Musharraf direct instructions. "The barbarity is unparalleled in world history as even his body was not returned to the next of
kin," he said.
Baloch thought the killing may not be the last, amid reports the Pakistan army has intensified its operation against Baloch tribes after Bugti's
assassination. The Baloch people are protesting Islamabad 's building of army cantonments and handing over their territory to the Chinese.
Baloch narrated Balochistan' s blood-written history. "The Kalat State National Party leaders and activists were arrested en masse soon after Pakistan’
s creation," he said, adding the national ordeal of the Baloch people began six month's after Pakistan was carved out of India by the British.
A prominent activist from Mekran, Baloch who had in the past worked closely with the legendary Father of Balochistan Mir Ghous Bakhsh Bizenjo, said,
"The question arises why is an army operation carried out in Balochistan every now and then? The answer is that Balochistan was coerced into
annexation with Pakistan and never mentally accepted it."
Baloch recalled that the thousands of Baloch people were killed and tens of thousands were arrested during a previous army operation. "Son of
another prominent Baloch leader Sardar Ataullah Mengal was abducted and where is body disappeared is still a mystery."
Baloch blamed the "Butcher of Balochistan" General Tikka Khan for the army operation in Balochistan 1973-77.
The WBJA representative recalled the attack on the Baloch sovereign Khan of Kalat Mir Ahmedyar Khan at the time of the first martial law in Pakistan in
1958. The sons of Nawab Nauroze Khan, the chief of Jhalawan, were hanged after a ceasefire agreement under oath of the Holy Quran, he said.
Nauroze Khan later died in prison in 1964 and the army operation continued until 1967.
Meanwhile, WBJA convener Ahmar Mustikhan and Board Member Mir Maqbool Aliani have congratulated the Baloch and Sindhi human rights activists
for the successful rally.
The WBJA is an alliance grouping Baloch and Jewish individuals and organizations. It's aim is to replace hate with love and mistrust with
understanding. It is committed to fighting anti-semitism in all its forms and forming everlasting bonds between the Baloch and Jewish people of the
This was the first rally in which two prominent politicians from Balochistan, now living in exile in the United States, former state goivernment minister Dr
Tara Chand and former speaker of Balochistan assembly Abdul Waheed Baloch also addressed the gathering.
A World Sindhi Press Institute press release said scores of tourists and Washingtonians witnessed a display of unity, enthusiasm and organization at
the Capitol Hill. The World Sindhi Institute in Washington , DC organized a peaceful demonstration in coordination with organizations/ individuals
dedicated for the cause of human rights and democracy based in DC and other parts of the U.S. The objective of this historical rally was to condemn
the brutal military operation in Balochistan, whereby bombardment during a military attack resulted in assassination of Nawab Bugti, along with some
family and party members.
Participants of the rally included men, women and few children. Many clad in typical traditional Sindhi scarves Ajrak and some ladies wearing Balochi
embroidered outfits visually portrayed that the group had assembled for the cause of Balochistan and Sindh. There were representatives of some non-
profit organizations as well as business and political persons from Sindh and Balochistan. Some people from other parts of Pakistan as well as a few
Baloch from Iran were also present. Their passion and enthusiasm was by far the most interesting aspect of the rally, which drew the attention of on-
lookers, passers-by and media equally. Press and media, both local and international took keen interest in taking photographs of the colorful posters,
interviewing individual participants and covering the whole event for newspapers, television and radio.
Participants held visually illustrative banners & posters, and chanted slogans amidst traffic flow, passing pedestrians and spectators on the main
Independence Avenue . The slogans were loud, zealous and contained messages against military rule and oppression in Pakistan , military operation
in Balochistan, killing of Nawab Bugti, demands for peace and democracy in Sindh & Balochistan and appeal to International Community to stop
supporting military dictatorship in Pakistan . Slogans such as Stop Military Operation in Balochistan, Down with Military Rule and Down with Musharraf
caught the attention of even those driving on the street. The eye-catching banners compared Musharraf with Saddam and Usama. A little Baloch girl
from Iran held a banner showing extremely poor Baloch kids, captioned, "I have a dream.”
Dr. Tara Chand, Central Secretary General of Baloch International League (for Peace and Freedom) and former provincial minister of Balochistan
condemning the murder of Nawab Bugti and thousands of other Baloch people by Pakistan military, stressed on the basic issue of the attitude of
Federal Government, which conveys to the Baloch people through acts and words that they do not have a right to demand any thing for themselves.
Thus a feeling is developed among them that Pakistan is not their own country. “Now, after this unfortunate incidence,” he said, “we definitely know that
Pakistan is really no more our country. We will struggle for our rights and the freedom of our mother land. We also ask the rest of the world to raise their
voice with us for our right to self determination.
Mr. Tara Chand expressed concern over the present situation where America is supporting the military regime in Pakistan by providing them with all
required weapons, arms and highly sensitive intelligence equipments, but does not stop them from using these weapons against their own elected
and tribal leaders, instead of capturing the Alqaeda leadership, which was the actual purpose of these equipments. On the other hand, General Pervez
Musharraf, the military dictator of Pakistan , is cheating the U.S. administration by pretending to look for terrorists and obtaining huge sums of money
and perks instead. “The basic issue,’ he said, “is a dilemma of American Foreign Policy. By losing focus from the primary commitment to stabilize
Afghanistan , there have been better grounds available for Alqaeda to grow stronger. They enjoy discreet protection and support from Pakistani Military
and M.Q.M. (Muttahida Qaumi Mahaz) political party in Pakistan . All the nationalist parties and two major political parties are all united now against this
alliance, which the U.S. should be aware of. It is in the national interest of the U.S. to stop supporting military regime in Pakistan .
Dr. Wahid Baloch, President of Baloch Society Of North America (BSO-NA) condemned the shameful act of Pakistani State Terrorism and appealed to
the international community to investigate the cases of Pakistani crimes against Baloch people. These targeted crimes have been going on Baloch of
both sides of border by the governments of two religious fundamentalist states, Iran and Pakistan . In last one year only, thousands of Baloch have
died, thousands are behind bars and numerous are forced to evacuate out of home in harsh conditions of that rugged terrain. “Balochistan has been
turned into a mega-prison and the Baloch Nation calls for international intervention,” he said.
Dr. Amjad Riar of Pakistan Peoples Party, Washington DC said that the killing of Chief of Jamhoori Watan Party, Nawab Bugti at the hands of the law
enforcing agencies is a blow to the unity and integrity of the Federation. His killing would further alienate the people of Balochistan from the Center.
Today Pakistan faces a crisis of governance, with a politicized military, an undermined judiciary. Army intervention in Pakistan ’s politics has created the
unfortunate situation where Pakistan ’s army is responsible for killing more Pakistanis blaming them as enemies, than it has eliminated foreign troops
during wars.
On behalf of Pakistan Peoples Party, he then called for a bi-partisan parliamentary inquiry into the operation which culminated in the death of Nawab
Bugti, restoration of the Constitution as it existed before the 1999 military coup, release of protestors expressing grief over the incident, handing over of
the dead body of Nawab Bugti to his family for burial in accordance with their traditions, an end to military operations in Balochistan, a political solution
to the alienation of the Baloch people in particular and people of Pakistan in general and fair elections, political process and return of military back to
the barracks. He conculded, “The consequences of Nawab Bugti`s assassination are likely to be monumental. Pakistan is in calamitous need of
Democracy and political process today then ever before.”.
Mr. Walter Lendry, Chairman Think-tank for National Self-determination, Inc. (TNS) urged the U.S. Government to support through acts and speeches,
the right to self determination for all people in the world, including the Baloch and Sindhi. He gave a background of the UN Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, which the U.S. ratified in 1992. He tried to enunciate the principle that after ratifying the covenant, it is an obligation of the U.S.
Government to have a foreign relations policy based on supporting self determination of all. This incidence of a Baloch leader's murder should compel
USA to make sure that support to Pakistan Government in form of arms is not directed towards her own people, who are struggling for a just cause and
a right that is legally and morally acknowledged by all signatories of the United Nations
Covenant on Right to Self Determination.
Mr. Waheed Baloch, Chairman of Baloch International League for Peace and Freedom and former Speaker of Balochistan Provincial Assembly spoke
about the nature of the Baloch struggle against attempts of Pakistan Military to forcefully curb their identity, their national spirit and control their
resources for building the country without due compensation. This mal treatment and the repeated incidences of military operations in the province has
resulted in an absolute loss of trust on Pakistan government. Nawab Bugti’s assassination, according to him is a part of the same series of killings,
where by most Baloch leaders have been either killed or have disappeared.
Ms. Tasleem Mazhar from Hyderabad , Sindh assured the participants of support on behalf of all Sindhi people, as she said the Baloch and Sindhi
cause are not much different from each other. We have to unite against the atrocities and struggle against any and every military regime in Pakistan ,
because this is absolutely against the principles of Democracy, which we aspire for our region.
Razia Rabb, Chairperson Women’s Wing, Jamhoori Watan Party also sent a message in absentia to the Demonstrators, in which she said, "Nawab
Bugti's death is such a huge loss for the whole region that we can not acknowledge its magnitude now. Only 'time' will tell how much we have lost and
how much we all will lose by not having Nawab Bugti's brave & strong support at our back. It is after years that the world will realize who was 'good' and
who was 'evil' in this war between Pakistan Military and the Baloch people".
Mr. Munawar Laghari, Executive Director of World Sindhi Institute, expressing solidarity with Baloch human rights movement, thanked all the
participants for their heart-felt support and expressed a sense of unity with all marginalized and oppressed groups of Pakistan who have to face
atrocities and human rights violations, including torture, disappearances and killings on daily basis at the hands of a military dictatorship. He urged all
oppressed Baloch, Sindhi, Saraiki, Pashtun, and Punjabi people not to lose nerves and hopes in their just and legal demand for peace and democracy
in Pakistan .
Many international Baloch want an organization patterned on the lines of the World Sindhi Institute and World Sindhi Congress to focus on Balochistan
issues and relieve Dr Laghari of undue workload.
The W.S.I. sent formal Memorandum to Honorable Henry J. Hyde, Chairman International Relations Committee of U.S. Congress and Honorable
Richard G. Lugar, Chairman Foreign Relations Committee of U.S. Senate. Congressman Tom Tancredo sent a message through his staff to
encourage the rally by expressing that, “I oppose authoritarian regimes, wherever they might be. I am gravely concerned about the persecution of
political dissidents in Pakistan I am even more troubled that this administration has not brought sufficient pressure to bear on the government there to
stop these practices.” He further wrote, “It is true that the United States needs Pakistan’s cooperation in the war against terrorism" but that does not
mean we should stand by and condone the government of Pakistan’s campaign to intimidate or kill opposition leaders like Nawab Bugti " who was at
one time democratically elected and still dedicated to free and fair elections.” He also expressed that, “I believe that your fight for democracy and
equality in a region rocked by turmoil and terrorism is a just one.” His message concluded by these words, “I wish you luck in your cause and assure
you that as a staunch supporter of human rights and democracy, I will continue to do what I can to assist you.”