Baloch Society Of North America (BSO-NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO-NA) is working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America and to
expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan) and exploitations of our resources by Pakistani and Iranian
Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.

Why Balochistan Matters
Mon, 25 Dec 2006
London: When Pakistan is nearing what think tanks forecast as the inevitable denouement, its incorrigible military establishment has
closed its eyes to the writing on the wall. And since it is condemned by history to repeat its previous mistakes, it has this time chosen
what it feels a favorable terrain—Balochistan—(unlike East Pakistan ’s swampy land that its men were not used to fight in)—to establish
the Praetorian writ of terror.
It is regrettable that in the typical military mindset, it is the GHQ’s considered view that since there is no 1000 miles of hostile Indian
territory in between, Balochistan is contiguous with rest of the country and thus militarily manageable to the extent of eliminating the
dissenters whatever their number. Obviously this sort of Nazi-like attitude brings one to the conclusion that the battle to save Pakistan
shall have to be fought—sooner or later—in the rugged terrain of Balochistan.
It is feared by experts that the Pakistan’s Praetorian establishment has cast its die when its spokesman General Musharraf had come on
record that the Baloch dissenters would not know what hit them followed by literal translation into action of his threat in the cold-bloodied
murder of Nawab Akbar Bugti followed by invasion of the province by Pakistan army. The GHQ also believes that since it is the key ally in
the war against terrorism, its domestic conflict will be overlooked and ignored by Washington as was done by the American State
Department under Dr Henry Kissinger in 1971 when a reign of rape and genocide was let loose on the Muslim Bengalis who had
spearheaded the struggle for the creation of Pakistan when Punjabi political elite were playing toddy to the British Raj and were opposed
to the creation of Pakistan.
Notwithstanding GHQ’s role in war on terrorism, Islamabad must remember that this is 2006 and not 1971 when geo-political interests
were different and Pakistan then was a facilitator and a bridge between the Americans and the Chinese and not part of the problem of
terrorism that it is today. Presently it is the epicenter of global terrorism. Footsteps of every Jihadi terrorist lead to ISI or its sponsored
terrorist groups. More than five years of General Musharraf’s running with the American hare and hunting with the Mullah hounds, has
made the West see through his game of blackmail. Although they keep lip-servicing him and praise his role as their Knight Templar,
within the corridors of their policy planners they are actively considering alternate options to deal with an overly centralized Islamabad .
Since West’s larger objective is to democratize and secularize the Muslim Middle East, they are definitely embarrassed to deal with tin pot
military dictators and unrepresentative Muslim rulers. In case of Pakistan , they are actively considering two options: either to see
Pakistan become a true democracy re-erected on the firm foundations of genuine federalism or to create four independent states on
lingual basis.
According to them these are only two options that could eliminate Pakistan ’s role as epicenter of Jihadi terrorism. In the first option, only
a strong democratic government implementing true federalism will be in a position to reduce the military and dismantle ISI. However, if
the first option fails, then the second one would naturally bring to end the present Pakistan army since the lingual independent states
would have their own ethnic armies and its present monolithic existence would be buried for all times.
This brings me briefly to numerous studies by the American and Western think tanks that have either supported restoration of genuine
democracy and true federalism or are suggesting its balkanization as the only possible way of eliminating Jihadi terrorism since,
according to them, Pakistan army (ISI included) and Jihadi terrorists are like Siamese twins. Latest of such discussions held at the
British House of Commons in London (December 4)—has been the second under the aegis of the British Foreign Policy Centre in the
recent past besides the series of other similar discussions held at prestigious Chatham House or the IISS over a short period of time.
Readers please note, the British Foreign Policy Forum is a leading European think tank established under the direct patronage of the
British Prime Minister Tony Blair to develop a vision of a fair and rule-based world order. Its primary objective is to promote debate about
some of the world’s lesser known conflicts and the situation in Balochistan is one such example.
How sensitive Pakistan ’s GHQ is to such deliberations can be judged from the fact that Pakistan ’s London-based electronic media was
issued specific instructions to black out its proceedings and not to mention a word about it in their bulletins. All those Paki journalists
who were keen to interview the renowned authority on Pakistan and South Asia —Selig Harrison—were commandeered not to go near
him what to talk of seeking an interview of him. The invitation introducing Balochistan described it as the “Kurdistan of Central Asia” and
said Balochistan was a crucial element to Britain ’s relations with Pakistan and the Pakistani community in the UK . Does this have a
message in it?
It was understandable. None of the speakers except Pakistan ’s Minister of State for Information had kind words for the military rulers. For
obvious reasons--the military is quite a good pay master. Baloch leaders, academics and US regional expert Selig Harrison recounted
what they called the ‘atrocities’ committed by the military establishment against the people of Balochistan—much on the pattern of its
genocide in erstwhile East Pakistan..
The subject of the seminar on “Why Balochistan Matters -- insurgency and the politics of military rule in Pakistan ” was self-explanatory.
Pakistani Minister tried to counter the criticism of the army by presenting the institution’s side of the story on Balochistan but ended up
provoking the audience. Since he was using the same language, arguments and formulations as being used by General Pervez
Musharraf over the last couple of years while defending his Balochistan policies, the majority of the audience was justified in losing
patience with the “minister’s harangue.” His remark that Selig Harrison had become outdated was dismissed with contempt since the
Minister’s claim to intelligence has never been a known virtue.
Selig Harrison liberally used the East Pakistan example and predicted that Balochistan too would one day demand independence,
though at the moment, he said Balochis are only fighting for their legitimate rights as enshrined in the 1973 Constitution. In his opinion,
the only way Pakistan can save Balochistan from going the way East Pakistan went was to ensure fair and free elections in 2007 with
both Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif allowed to participate followed by transfer of power from the army to the elected parliament.
It is time—especially in Punjab —to lend ears to scholarly authorities like Selig Harrison. He was absolutely right in his observation that
separation of Balochistan would have serious implications for the existence of Pakistan . He said that for any negotiated solution the first
pre-condition is that the ongoing genocide of Baloch people should stop immediately. He said that the root cause of the conflict is the
Islamabad ’s control on all the affairs of Balochistan. He said that for Baloch nationalists Pakistan is synonymous to ‘ Punjab ’. He
mentioned about the excessive use of cobra gunship to bombard the civilian enclaves killing thousands, including women and children.
He said the tactics of Pakistani army have resulted in deep-rooted hatred among Balochis. He said Pakistan is not declaring how many
of its forces are involved in the current operation in Balochistan however the USA intelligence services are suggesting that 6 army
brigades are carrying out the operation. He said that many credible sources including HRCP have clearly mentioned the indiscriminate
bombing of Baloch civilians. He said no local or international journalist is allowed to go in the areas under military operation; therefore,
the situation is not clear.
However, unlike 1971 Baloch fighters are better equipped. He said that the Pakistan army has tried to divide Baloch people and
leadership but without much success. He said that currently there are no signs of support of India , though Pakistan has made repeated
claims, however India might get attracted if Baloch and Sindhi nationalist forces join hands. He said the possibilities of a conflict
resolution would only arise if general Musharraf goes, military leaves Balochistan, a democratic government is in place and the talks are
made with the genuine leadership of Baloch people.
Accusing Pakistan of supporting Taliban, he said we are the only secular people in the region and international presence in the region
could see Pakistan is supporting religious groups and fanatics in the region. Now all the reputable international organisations such as
Amnesty International, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, International Crises Group, and Human Rights Watch are saying what we
have been saying all along. He said solution of Balochistan lies in self-determination, which according to the principles of the United
Nations, is our basic right. He said if the international community cannot support us at least they should stop supporting rogue Pakistani
army, which is continually violating the all-international Human Rights laws. He also thanked all the speakers and the participants of
Pakistani federal minister Tariq Azim said repeating the same old typical lies of the Pakistani establishment that Baloch Sardars are the
hurdle in the way of development and India was behind Baloch insurgency. He said 27 points of parliamentary committee
recommendations have been discussed but they are yet to be implemented.
Soon after his speech, the Pakistani minister was hackled by the questions and comments of the audience. Smita purushottam, Minister
(political) at Indian High commission, disputed the claims of Tariq Azim saying that Indian diplomatic presence was in Afghanistan
because of security concerns. “We have nothing to do with interfering in the affairs of any other country. We are involved in the development
projects in Afghanistan. The pakistani minister’s claims have no shade of reality”.
When the Pakistani minister was asked Question regarding the military operation in Baluchistan, disappearance of political activists and
killing of civilians in Baluchistan. Some members of audience raise the slogans of shame, shame while he tried to speak. About missing
brother of Senator Sana Baloch, and other thousands Baloch missing people he refused to comment and did not answer the questions.
Baloch activists in the hall were very furious at minister for not responding to their questions.
The seminar was finally addressed by the chair, Mr. Philip Fisk, who said that it was a very good seminar and live discussion on an issue
that have serious regional implications and The Foreign Policy centre would continue to organise debate on this and similar issues.
Related Links:
Speakers include:
Ms Asma Jehangir, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Commission on Human Rights (tbc)
Mr Jaromir Kohlicek MEP, Vice-Chair, SAARC Delegation
Senator Tariq Azeem, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Government of Pakistan
Mr Selig Harrison, Centre for International Policy, Washington DC
Mr Javed Mengal, Former Senator, Balochistan National Party
Philip Fiske, Foreign Policy Centre (Chair)
Why does Balochistan matter? Balochistan crosses the states of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran and in some ways is the 'Kurdistan of Central
Asia'. Balochistan is a crucial element to Britain's relations with Pakistan and the Pakistani community in the UK. Quetta, the capital of
Balochistan in Pakistan is a known hideout for Al-Qaeda and Taleban fighters.
The Balochi people believe they have been oppressed in many ways by the Pakistani government. Feudal systems of government, corruption and
incompetence have lead to socio-economic backwardness and extreme poverty. NGOs have raised concerns of political incarceration and torture
of Balochi political activists such as Rasheed Azam.
In addition, Balochistan's gas resources have received much attention from both Iran and China, keen to get a foothold in the province. These
facts make a compelling case that Balochistan should be on the radar of the international community.
If you wish to attend, please RSVP to Alex Bigham by emailing or calling 020 7729 7566.
"Why Balochistan Matters"
Date: Monday 4 December 2006, 11.30am to 1.30pm
Venue: Committee Room 12,(PLEASE NOTE ROOM CHANGE) House of Commons
This event on Balochistan, a volatile region of Pakistan is part of a series of events the Foreign Policy Centre is
organising in Parliament on conflicts that receive little attention in the media or elsewhere.

A number of very distinguished speakers deliberated on various aspects of the Baluchistan conflict and the ongoing military operation by Pakistan
military. The speakers were included Mr Selig Harrison, Mehran Baluch, Dr Naseer Dasht, Dr Lakhu Luhana, Ayesha Siddiqa, MEP Ryszard
Czarnecki, MEP Marek Czarnecki, MEP Paula Casaca and federal Minister for information &Broadcasting Senator Tariq Azim addressed the
seminar. However, the representative of (BPP) Balochistan People party Mr Raheem Baloch, representative of (GBNC) Greater Balochistan Nation
Congress Mr Ghulam Hussain Baloch, Leader of Raj-e-Zrombish Mr Ismail Amiri and Abdullah Seyahoi Baloch, Abdul Samad Baloch of Balochistan
Action committee and Dr Abdul and Dr Hussain bhur were also present at the seminar.
Dr Naseer Dashti in his speech presents the historical background of Baloch conflict. He retreated that Balochistan was
forcefully annexed without genuine consent and will of Baloch people. He said in the wake of British withdrawal form south
Asia, Baloch declared their independence on August 13, 1947 and Immediately elections were held for a bicameral
parliament, beginning a new democratic political system in Baloch land.
To Read Dr. Naseer Dashti's full speech, please click here >> Dr.Naseer's Speech

Dr. Lakhu Luhana, secretary general of World Sindhi Congress said that root causes of the problem are the domination
of Punjabi army who want to subjugate Baluch and Sindhi people ruthlessly in order to loot all their resources and
colonise their lands. He said Pakistan’s Punjabi army has been given a freehand by the Punjabi establishment to kill,
capture and torture any Baloch and Sindhi activist who raise his or her voice against the Pakistani occupation, atrocities
of Pakistani military and Human Rights violation in Sindh and Balochistan. He mentioned that Pakistan’s military
establishment is not only killing Baluch and Sindhi people but is a serious threat to regional and global security.
Polish MEP Mr Ryszard Czarnecki Pakistan army is responsible for the assassination of Baloch Nationalist leader
Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti. He said the brutal killing of Nawab Bugti by Pakistani army is gross violation of Human
Rights but the death of Nawab Bugti will bring more strength to Baloch Liberation Movement. He said Baloch people
regard Nawab Bugti as their National hero and a Martyr of Baloch National struggle. He said international community
and EU parliament must take action against such brutal killings of National leaders of any Nation.
Another Polish MEP Mr Marek Czarnecki said that Pakistani army is killing innocent Baloch civilian including children,
women and elderly people. He strongly condemned the on going military operation in Balochistan. He said the
European parliament is watching very closely, what Pakistani military regime is doing in Balochistan. “We have
received reports about missing of thousands people, inhuman tortures and extra judicial killing by the pakistan law
enforcement agencies in Balochistan", He said international community have to act immediately to stop the genocide
of Baloch Nation.
Speaking on the occasion Mr. Selig Harrison of Centre for International Policy, Washington DC, who is recognised
internationally as an authority on Afghanistan and Baluchistan, in his deliberation, said that the separation of
Baluchistan would have serious implications for the existence of Pakistan. He said that for any negotiated solution
the first pre-condition is that the ongoing genocide of Baluch people under the hands of Pakistani army should stop
He said that the root cause of the conflict is the Islamabad’s control on all the affairs of Baluchistan. He said that for Baluch nationalists
Pakistan is synonymous to ‘Punjab’. He provided the details of last major insurgency in Baluchistan, in 70’s, in which 80000 Pakistani troops
and 35000 Baluch fighters were involved. He said that Pakistan committed heinous crimes against Baluch people in that war. Pakistani forces
used cobra gunship to bombard the civilian enclaves killing 15000 civilians, including women and children, to derive Baluch fighters out of
their mountain hideouts. He said the tactics of Pakistani army have resulted in deep-rooted hatred among Baluch people against Pakistan
army. He said Pakistan is not declaring how many of its forces are involved in the current operation in Baluchistan however the USA
intelligence services are suggesting that 6 army brigades are carrying out the operation. He said that many credible sources including HRCP
have clearly mentioned the indiscriminate bombing of Baluch civilians. He said no local or international journalist is allowed to go in the areas
under military operation; therefore, the situation is not clear. However, unlike 1971 Baluch fighters are better equipped. He said that the
Pakistan army has tried to divide Baluch people and leadership but without much success. He said that currently there are no signs of support
of India, though Pakistan has made repeated claims, however India might get attracted if Baluch and Sindhi nationalist forces join hands. He
said the possibilities of a conflict resolution would only arise if general Musharaf goes, military leaves Baluchistan, a democratic government
is in place and the talks are made with the genuine leadership of Baluch people.

MEP Paulo Casaca said that it was the duty of International community to take notice violation being perpetrated by
the state of Pakistan. He said instead of resolving the Balochistan issue, Pakistan has bombed Baloch people, their
home and belongs. He said he has been reading reports that hundreds of civilians have been killed by
indiscriminate air strikes on their villages.
Dr Ayesha Siddiqa said that Pakistani army was trying to divide Baloch leaders by pitting one Baloch tribe against
another. For this purpose, they brought Masuri and Kalper against Bugti and interestingly all of them are wanted
criminals. They have been armed and supplied money by the state of Pakistan.She said the media Pakistan was not
able to cover incidents in Baluchistan. In August 2006 within the days of Nawab Bugti, murder media found it very
difficult to talk about Baluchistan. She said I admit that government has launched billions of rupees development
works but then the Baluchistan government is facing a budget deficit of Rs17 billion.The government is following a
top down economic development, which is not going to work in Baluchistan.
They did the same thing in past for instance they set up the Hub industrial area where around 90 percent workers employees are from
Karachi. No machinery or other thing is in Balochistan. In so-called mega, projects out of 600 only 100 are Baloch.
Mehran Baloch in his speech said that Nawab Bugti is still alive for us the Baloch people because no one
including the family member has been shown his body it is a cruel and criminal act on part of Pakistani
army. He said the government buried a locked wooden box no one has seen if there was a body inside the
box or not. Talking about thousands disappeared Baloch political activists in Balochistan Mehran Baloch
said that their only fault is they raise their voice against Pakistani occupying force, now for that they are
being severely tortured in the army dungeons in kulli camps. He said the military and ISI is kidnapping
Baloch poets, students and writers who have nothing to do with politics. He said the army operation is
going on against Baloch people since 1948 but in recent years the level of severity has changed and we
also know that the government is planning the worst ever attacks against the people of Balochistan in the
coming months. About talks with the government, Mr Mehran said the Baloch did try all options but the
government did not responded. “They don’t believe in talks”. He said last time Sana Baloch spoke about the
issue of Balochistan then Pakistani agencies kidnapped two of his brothers.