Balochistan in ever economical crises.

By: Dr Jumma Khan Marri.

Balochistan is purposely drifted into debts by Pakistani régimes to show us that we can not live without them, we tell them give us our Natural resources and more
then 1.5 trillion rupees Pakistan must pay back to Balochistan ever since Balochistan was forcefully taken over into Pakistan. Baloch parliamentarians call these
amounts only 600 billion which is not true the actual amount is 1.5 trillion once they pay our debts we will give them their miserable 40 billion rupee back.The
foremost reason behind the slow business is seemed to be the economic crisis being faced by Balochistan for the past many years is that Islamabad refuses to pay
Balochistan’s rightful shares in Baloch National natural resources. There is no flow of money in Balochistan from Islamabad or anywhere else Balochistan is made
hostage which has resulted in stopping development activities in the Balochistan.

“Balochistan’s development and other activities depend on the money flow from Islamabad which it is not receiving,” every economist understands that. “When
development activities will be halted, people will be affected as they will not receive money,” it as simple as that. The Pakis purposely delay in announcing the
National Finance Commission award is also a factor that has deprived Balochistan of its due share and has worsened the economic situation in the Balochistan.
The provincial government in this situation has no option but to obtain overdraft from the State Bank. The puppet government of Balochistan has so far borrowed
around Rs10 billion from the State Bank to meet its day-to-day expenditures.

Mega projects, including the Gwadar deep seaport, Mirani Dam and the Coastal Highway, have failed to improve the economic condition of the common man as all
these projects are being completed by foreign contractors or construction companies. These projects have so far not benefited the working class and other people
and the lack of resources has badly affected the purchasing power of the common man. The price-hike has affected the purchasing power of not only the common
man but also of the salaried class. Due to the rise in prices of essential commodities, the household can only buy food items after paying utility bills, house rents
and children’s school fees. The increasing petroleum prices have also led to the price-hike, adding to miseries of the poor class.

Baloch must fight to free themselves from Paki clutches other wise these artificial debts will grow every coming year interesting thing in Saindak cooper plant
estimated revenues are 150 millions US dollars per year Balochistan gets only 500000 thousand US dollars the rest 75% goes to china and 25 % is taken by
Islamabad we must thank China and Islamabad for their Mega projects and developments same will be the case in Gwadar, Baloch are being fooled and the fruits
goes to Pakis and narrow eye friends of Pakistan.
Already in Gwadar all labour force is brought from China and Punjab and Karachi Urdu speaking population no Baloch given any job in that Balochi port city what
Baloch got so far is that only those few ignorant Baloch who sold their lands to these wealth hungry beasts so far is few coins from their lands nothing more.
Baloch must stand up and say no to Pakistani and Chinese sponsored development we are not so idiots to be cheated in such large scale our weakness is our
tribal disunity which will soon be over combed by our sincere efforts. Balochistan will be librated from these Mosquitoes sooner or later but those who sell their lands
to enemies must also be kicked out along with them no mercy.
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights