Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation and Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments against Baloch people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Aug 12th, 2005
Friends and Fellow Sindhis Worldwide,
Saaeen, I strongly support the protest of Sindhis and Balochs in Washington, D.C., against the savage
policies of Military Junta in Pakistan. Congratulations to WSI for organising this timely event, because it is
on this day, the 14th August 1947, that India was so brutally carved into two, which later became three, and
millions lost thei lives and homes. The trauma of that dark day in the history of the sub-continent, still being
felt by millions who were separated from their homeland and
kith and kin and is still fresh in the hearts, minds and soul of those who became homeless. Friends, bodily
and physically, i may not be there, but in spirit and soul, I will be marching with you to tell the world the
dastardly and brutal things that the cruel and mean rulers in Pakistan have been doing to peace-loving,
secular-minded, God-fearin people of Sindh and Balochistan and the Seraiki land. March on, Oh valiant
fighters, march on for the rights of the tortured, the tormented and the terrorised! March on - for right ahead
is a New Day, a New Dawn, a New Destiny, a New Dream, a New Deliverance for your destitute, dejected,
downtrodden people!. May Love and Peace prevail.
Dr. Mehrab Solangi, Leicester, UK
Mehrab Solangi <>