Press Releases
Declaration of Human Rights
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
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Balochs Ask Kabul to Join
Case at the Hague

Press Release

Dec. 15, 2006
Friends of Balochistan (AFOB) met with the ambassador of Afghanistan to the United
States to Offer Help aimed at aiding Afghan Security Situation.

WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 15 -- The leadership of the newly formed American Friends of Balochistan (AFB) met
with the ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States yesterday and urged Kabul to take the unsettled
Afghan-Pakistani border issue to the International Court of Justice to achieve lasting peace in the region.

AFB President Robert Selle, who was accompanied by the group's secretary Ahmar Mustikhan, and board
member Nabi Baloch, told Ambassador Said T. Jawad that there is a connection between human rights atrocities
committed in Balochistan and the mounting incidence of terror attacks in Afghanistan.

The Afghan ambassador expressed concern that Quetta, the capital of Balochistan, has emerged as the epicenter
of terror attacks on Afghanistan.

Since last fall, coupled with the killing of [prominent Baloch leader] Nawab Bugti, the attacks on Afghan forces and
allied NATO and U.S. forces have increased inside Afghanistan, and we believe there is a strong nexus between
the assassination and the attacks, in that Pakistan Military Intelligence and Inter Services Intelligence agencies
are behind both, the AFB said in its letter to Jawad, a copy of which has been sent to U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice.

Jawad promised to immediately convey the AFB concerns and request to Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
No doubt, the Baloch and Afghan peoples are tied with one another not only by historic but also blood ties, AFB
told Jawad.

Pakistan's Heavy Hand

Selle said he wanted to bring to the attention of the Afghan government Balochistan's long trail of blood and tears,
which has worsened since the August 26 assassination of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, former governor and chief
minister of Balochistan.

After the assassination of Nawab Bugti, the Baloch, as a people, have lost trust in Pakistan, though they never in
their hearts accepted the forceful annexation of their homeland by Pakistan in March 1948, seven months after
Pakistan was carved out of India by the British, the AFB letter to the Aghan government said.

The AFB said it was of the considered view that Pakistan had never been a natural geopolitical entity, as was
evidenced by the creation of Bangladesh in December 1971.

The U.S-Baloch group said many of the geostrategic challenges that face the Afghan nation and people today
stem from the artificially drawn Durand Line currently dividing Afghanistan and Pakistan that, according to many
authorities, lapsed in 1993 after 100 years. The Pashtun territories in Pakistan, the AFB said, then should have
reverted to Afghanistan.

But Pakistan, according to some analysts, propped up the Taliban regime in Kabul to thwart returning Pashtun
territories to Afghanistan. Mustikhan pointed out that, under the Taliban, the Pakistan army establishment called
Afghanistan its fifth province, and would not reconcile with the idea of a democratic and stable Afghanistan.
Reunification of Afghanistan, Self-Determination for Balochistan.

The AFB told the Afghan ambassador the Baloch as a people and sovereign nation would support the Afghan
government in every way possible to have all Pashtun territories returned to it as an integral part of Afghanistan.
We believe that redemarcation of the international boundaries offers a comprehensive and lasting solution to
Pakistan-sponsored bloodshed inside Afghanistan, the AFB team told Jawad.

The AFB requested the Afghan government under President Karzai to approach the International Court of Justice at
The Hague to have the issues settled. The Baloch would stand on the side of the Afghan people, in return for the
creation of an independent, democratic and secular Balochistan, the AFB letter said.

The AFB also conveyed to President Karzai and the Afghan government and people a message of peace and
friendship on behalf of His Highness, the Khan of Kalat, Mir Suleman Daud Ahmadzai, the popular, traditional and
de jure ruler of occupied Balochistan.

A Baloch loya jirga (tribal convocation) under the Khan of Kalat has already decided to take up the issue of
Pakistan's violating its agreement to the ICJ at The Hague.