Press Releases
A new army operation in Balochistan

By Badal Khan

Dear friends,

Yesterday I had an occasion to talk to a few friends in differents parts of Balochistan and Pakistan on the phone. Most
of them told me that the govt is preparing a new massive army operation in Balochistan and is preparing the ground to
justify it (making an excuse of the involvement of three Baloch parties in Karachi blasts; making an excuse of the Wadd
situation; disturbances in Makran and so on). I was told by reliable persons that those arrested in Karachi are
common Baloch and have nothing to do with any political activity or struggle. They are simple Baloch, arrested by
security agencies, got statements issued through them or in their names, and sometime released after massive
media coverage, other times kept in custody and released in silence the media attention is diverted to another
issue. I was told that in Karachi the police has briefed the media that those arrested have mentioned names of private
body guards of Nawab Akbar Bugti in the Karachi blasts. This way they can make directly responsible Nawab Bugti
and take any action against him and his people in the Dera Bugti area. Pakistani agencies are issuing statements to
the world media that those arrested have confessed that three Baloch political parties, BNM, JWP and Haq Tawar of
Nawab Khair Bakhsh Mari, are behind these blasts while we know that none of the Baloch political party will ever target
an American multinational restaurant and that this could either be an action of Islamic fundamentalist groups or of the
agencies who want to tarnish the name of the Baloch resistence movement. I was equally told that in the Talar area in
Dasht Makran the agencies have arrested poor cameleers (oshteri), issued statements in their names how the
Baloch Liberation Army/Front has got money and arms from foreign countries and so on and distributed arms and
money among the local people to disturb this or that foreign company. Such persons are often released after some
time. This is all done to fool the world media and unfortunately the world media is publicising the issue as highlighted
by Pakistani agencies. I was told about one of such arrests that a simple Baloch was arrested by the agencies and
tortured asking him to tell them abour the bomb blast. The poor, aged Baloch from Dasht had kept saying that he had
sat beside the bomb but had not buried it (man bambay chera nishtagon bali bamb man kall na kutag). "The bomb
was already buried there when I reached at the road waiting for the local (pick up)", he had kept explaining under
inhuman physical tortures. At last the poor man had got himself understood that he had been talking about a telegraph
pole, which in Balochi is also called bamb, and not about an explosive. However, by the time his Punjabi
persecutors had got the thing on their heavy heads the poor man had all his bones broken and unconscious. He was
then released and some one had taken him to the local hospital (I was told this by some doctor friends while I
was in Makran last September).  These are only a few cases when people talk about such brutalities because
they are so ridiculous that they become talk of the street. I wish the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan's Makran
branch collects all such information and make them public so that the world opinion gets the facts about the other side
of the story also. I don't know what contributions we can make from outside but know that the situation is getting terribly
critical in Balochistan and the Musharaf regime is preparing a massive army operation there with devastating
consequences for the future of the Baloch. Once the operation is started the army will be stationed in massive
numbers there and any Baloch aspiration in the future will be crushed brutally.

Aqilaan sassaa kan it,

From: "" <>   
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 04:54:50 -0500
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights