Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation and Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments against Baloch people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.

PAKISTAN : Baloch Diaspora condemn torture of BSO members
Baloch community in US and Europe has expressed shock and anger over the reports of torture and
harassment of BSO ( Baloch Students Organisation) members by Pakistani authorities . The reports indicate
that, " three young men were among even members of the BSO taken into custody in Karachi in March. Four
of them who were released in May reported torture, degrading treatment and detention in isolation for
periods extending to a month. Pakistani police and security forces picked them up after they had joined a
protest in March against the military operation in Balochistan, in which 70 Baloch died and more than 200
were injured. The families have reported that all three men were tortured using electric shocks. Among these
three, the Condition Of Dr. Allah Nazar (Above) is said to be especially grave, who is partially paralyzed and
reportedly unable to speak or recognize anyone as result of being tortured. His family has expressed
concern that his injuries may result in complete paralysis unless he receives immediate medical treatment
in hospital. However, the authorities have reportedly denied the men access to medical treatment."
Three men Ali Nawaz, Akhter Nadeem and Dr. Allah Nazar are reportedly being held in a police station in the
village of Chandar Maa which is about 25km from the city of Sadiq Abad, Punjab province. They have
reportedly been tortured and require medical treatment.
Baloch Society Of North America Condemn in it's statement said that " these are Crimes against our people
and ask the United Nation, International Community and the International court of Justice to investigate these
Crimes and Tortures and those responsible must to be brought to justice. " Dr. Wahid Baloch, head of BSO-
NA said they will contact UN and other Human Rights organization to bring bring these human rights
violations to their notice .
Refering to Pakistani Army's atrocities committed in Bangladesh, Dr.Homi Wadia said " Old habits never die.
Today, they are continuing their brutal campaigns against the civilized and peace-loving people of two other
Provinces - Sindh and Balochistan. They are savagely usurping the rights of Sindhis and Balochs, arresting
those who speak the truth and fight for their human rights, stuffing them in dungeon-like prisons, without trial,
without justice, and systematically torture them, till they die. Those who do not die become become either
insane or vegetables. "
Another member of BSONA criticized Pakistan and equated to Nazi’s treatment to Jews in dealing with
Balochs " Pakistan claims to be a Muslim state but she has broken the record of Nazis with her treatment of
prisoners whose only crime is to demand their human rights. These students who are near death because
of beastly treatment and torture need urgent medical treatment but still are denied arrogantly by the
agencies. What Pakistani army has done with Bangali Muslims in 1971 now repeating the same cruelty with
Baloch and Sindhis. "
In a letter to Pakistani President , a prominent Sindhi activist Mr.Gul Agha of Champaign, Illinois, USA said
"Dr. Allah Nazar who is partially paralyzed and reportedly unable to speak or recognize anyone as result of
being tortured " requested authorities to grant immediate access to any medical treatment they may require
and sought assurances that they will not be subjected to further torture or ill-treatment . He also called for an
impartial investigation into the alleged torture and ill-treatment of all three men, and into the failure of the
Pakistan authorities to disclose where these men were detained following their arrest on 25 March 2005,
with the results of the investigation to be made public and those found to be responsible to be brought to
One of the unique feature of Pakistani Army and police in dealing with Balochi nationalists is arresting and
taking them to prisons of Punjab province . "Countless Sindhis and Balochs have been arrested by the
Police and Army." , said a balochi