Press Releases
Balochistan at crossroads: Seminar about
Balochistan’s current situations in UK

June 27th, 2006

London: (Balochwarna correspontent) A seminar titled ‘Baluchistan at the
Crossroads’ was organised by The Foreign policy Centre in collaboration with
Baluchistan Rights Movement on 27th June in the House of Commons of
British Parliament. The main objective of the seminar was to gather political analysts, academics, politicians,
journalists and others to examine the Baluch issue and to produce, if possible, a policy framework for western
governments to engage Pakistan on this issue of critical importance.

The seminar was held to cover issues of vital importance such as tense relationship between the Baluch people
and military run central government, gross violations of human rights, the use of natural resources, issues of
security and terrorism, and the military operation in Baluchistan.

The seminar was chaired by Hugh Barnes, Director of Democracy and Conflict, Foreign Policy Centre and the panel
of speakers comprised Mehran Baloch, Frederic Grare, Senator Sana Baloch, Ryszard Czarnecki, Naseer Dashti
and Lakhu Luhana. The Chair, Mr. Hugh Barnes, described the objective of the seminar and introduced the panel
and invited them to speak.

Dr. Naseer Dashti, a Baluch intellectual and political analyst, provided the background information of Baluch conflict
and shed light on historical, economic, social and cultural context of the problem. He said that after the demise of
colonial rule in Asia and Africa many new states were borne with multi-national character where dominant nations
persuaded their policies of subjugation of smaller nations. He said Pakistan is one of such states where the
dominating nation of Punjabis has followed a policy of ruthless oppression and suppression to colonise other
nations in Pakistan. He described the historical facts of the forcible annexation of Baluchistan in Pakistan against
the wishes of people of Baluchistan. He said since the inception of Pakistan it has been ruled by the wasted
interests of Punjabis and muhjir immigrants. He said that Pakistan is an artificial state perusing the policy of an
artificial Pakistani nation based on religious fundamentalism which is against the secular norms of Baluch nation.
He said the only viable solution for the Baluch issue is allowing them to use their right to self determination.

Senator Sana Baluch, a parliamentarian and politician from Baluchistan, in his enlightening speech gave the figures
of the ruthless economic exploitation of Baluch people and the strength of the Pakistani military in the area to keep
their yoke intact. He said the Baluchistan has enormous natural wealth which is looted by the centre in collaboration
with China while the most of the Baluch people live below poverty line devoid of any basic facilities. He said that
Pakistani army has 69 Para-military cantonments, 6 very big arm cantonments, 6 naval bases and three nuclear,
biological and chemical weapons testing facilities in Baluchistan. He said that we have tried very hard to engage in
dialogue with the Pakistani rulers but they want to keep us as third class citizens and the Baluch nation is not ready
for this. He said that Pakistani army run media spreads the miss-information that only few sardars are responsible
for this problem and they want to keep Baluch people backward. He said that the all the sardars having the worst
records of human rights violations are sitting with the current government and those sardars that Pakistani army
blame are the patriotic leaders of the Baluch nation who have strived hard and have given personal sacrifices for the
progress of Baluch people. He said that the current army presence is about 150 thousands who are conducting a
ruthless operation against Baluch people and the international community should strive to stop it.

Mr. Mehran Baluch of Baluchistan Rights Movement said that the fundamental basis of the problem is that
Balochistan was never a part of Pakistan but was merged with Pakistan at gunpoint. We still consider Balochistan
as an occupied country and Baluch people have suffered worst subjugation, oppression, and occupation in the past
and are still suffering by the hand of Pakistan’s Punjabi army and establishment.

Mr Baloch questioned Pakistani that what kind of Islamic army is this? Who killed millions of Bengalis all of whom
were Muslims, Pakistani army raped more then 40000 thousand women in Bangladesh they were Muslims too.
Pakistan army more Palestinian Muslims then Israel did. Now they are killing Baloch people in Balochistan are
Baloch not Muslim?

We are trying our best to uphold the lantern of hope and emancipation for Baluch people. He said that Punjabi
military dominated Pakistan has never made a serious move to develop Balochistan and to understand and rectify
the sufferings and root problems of Baluch nation on the contrary they have strengthened their military yoke to further
suppress Baloch people. Pakistani army has conducted four offensive military operations in Balochistan and is
conducting the fifth right this moment where advanced weaponry including fighter planes, gunship helicopter, latest
lethal weapon are being used to bombard the innocent Baluch people. The F16s provided by the America and
Maaraj planes provided by France for the so called war on Global terrorism are all being used against Balochistan’s
innocent civilians. Mehran said that Punjabi military is deliberately trying to support and patronise religious
fundamentalism in Baluchistan so that they can use this force for their jehadi purposes around the world and to
quell the progressive, secular national struggle of Baluch people. He mentioned that it is 21st century and Pakistani
army is finding it difficult to keep their atrocities secret, now the whole world knows about the human rights violation
in Baluchistan. He said that the only amicable solution of this problem is the right of Baluch people to self
determination. He urged the western countries in general and USA and UK in particular stop providing weapons and
fighter planes to Pakistani army unless the Balochistan issue is resolved. Otherwise the supports which Pakistan
gets form international community in the name of War against terrorism is being used to kill Baluch civilian
population and to distory Baloch villages.

He strongly condemned the on going military operation and gross Human Rights Violation in Balochistan by the
Pakistani army. He said the Army operation which started in Balochistan on 17th of December 2005, has never
stopped infect its progressing day by day. Mehran said as recently as last weak Pakistani Army bombed many areas
of Kohlu, Kahan and Dera Bugti killing several innocent people. Today no Baloch man, women, children and elderly
people are safe from the Pakistani Army and ISI. They can enter any house and pick up anyone whenever they want.
He said worst kind of torture is taking palace in Pakistani Army’s private dungeons. Mehran said Pakistan is violating
all international Human Rights Laws, but I’m surprised why the international community is still not taking any action
against the Pakistani army atrocities in Balochistan.

Finally he once again urged the international community to stop providing weapon to Pakistan and urge Pakistan to
stop the military operation in Balochistan. He said international community must take action against Pakistan before
it’s too late, because we don’t want to see another Rwanda.

Frederic Grare, a political analyst and academic from Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, summarised his
paper that why the Baluchistan matters. He said that the struggle of the Baluch people have implications at the level
of Pakistan and international level. He mentioned the changing stance of Pakistani army on BLA. He said
Baluchistan is critically important for Pakistan due to its natural sources and due to its strategic location which
Pakistan wants to use to increase its strategic depth. He said that the international importance of Baluchistan
involves factors such as US military operations, operations of Taliban from Quetta, the strategic importance of Marri
and Gwadar ports. He said that 20 countries, including west, china and India, need to use Gwadar facilities. He said
that the presence of China has also given an additional dimension to the problem. He said that Pakistani army and
their controlled media is consisting writing about the foreign intervention with supporting theories from USA, India
and Iran in the Baluch issue, however, none of these have yet been proven. He reiterated that the main root cause of
the problem is the military presence and operation in Baluchistan.

Dr Lakhu Luhana, secretary general of World Sindh Congress, said that Sindhi and Baluch people have historical
ties and both the nations are suffering same colonial suppression and oppression in Pakistan. He mentioned that
the all the natural resources of Sindh have been looted ruthlessly and hundreds of political activists who raised voice
against this have been kidnapped. He said over 70% of the Pakistani budget goes to military expenses and about
3% goes to health and education as a result the social progress has been minimal. He said that Pakistan is
responsible for killing of millions of Bengalis, Baloch and Sindhis and it is a menace for the nations in Pakistan and
for regional and global stability. He said that the nation’s right of self determination is a basic human right and the
only solution is to resort to it to achieve stability and peace in the region.

Ryszard Czarnecki, a member of European Parliament from Poland, said that Pakistan came into existence through
restrictive voting and is being ruled by Punjabi army. He said that Pakistani army is pursuing a policy of Baluch
genocide as described in the reports of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Pakistan army should stop this
operation and stop building the military cantonments in Baluchistan for the purpose of subjugating Baluch people.
He said that currently gross violations of human rights are taking place in Baluchistan under the hands of Pakistan
military. He gave an example of army attack on Dera Bugti where 85% killed were women and children. He said the
international community condemn these human rights violations and demand from Pakistan to stop these

After the contributions from the panel speakers an answer and questions session followed that ensued a lively and
vigorous debate on various aspects of Baluch conflict. Finally the chair, Mr. Hugh Barnes, thanked all the participants
and said there were excellent presentations from the panel and contributions from the audience which produced a
very useful debate on a very important problem of regional and global dimensions. He reiterated that the Foreign
Policy Centre will continue with similar debates to inform the western policy.
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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
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