Press Releases
The Government of Balochistan in Exile
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

BSO-NA recently learned that  The Government of Balochistan (GOB)
in Exile have been formed  and on its
website the first post reads as
"Today is an important day for the entire Baloch (Baluch) nation as we embark on establishing a secular entity,
The Government of Balochistan in Exile. Our goal is to use the power of the Internet to liberate the Baloch
nation. To achieve sovereignty, we are going to structure our Government to emulate other sovereign nations.

Respected Balochi noblemen have unanimously agreed to nominate the Khan of Kalat, His Highness Mir
Suleman Dawood Khan, as the King of Balochistan. They have also selected the red, blue, green flag with a
white glowing sun as the Flag of Balochistan (as shown above).

Our War of Independence has begun. Baloch warriors have launched a low-level guerrilla-style insurgency in
the Iranian province of Sistan O Baluchistan and the Pakistani province of Balochistan. Military forces of both
Iran and Pakistan are battling with us on many fronts. Sadly, the Iranians and the Pakistanis are playing dirty
by conducting extra judicial arrests and murder of noncombatant, innocent Baloch citizens.

Representative of our Government have contacted political leaders of numerous countries and presented
them with evidence of systematic human rights violations committed by the ruthless Iranian and Pakistani
government forces on Baloch citizens. We have initiated the process of forming cordial relations with the
governments of Afghanistan, India, Israel, Russia and USA.

In these columns, we will also try to respond to all the state sponsored propaganda against the Baloch by the
Iranian and Pakistani governments.

The territory of Balochistan (Baluchistan) is presently occupied by Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. On April 18,
2006, the noblemen of Balochistan decided to establish The Government of Balochistan in Exile and
nominate His Highness Mir Suleman Dawood Khan as the King of Balochistan. The current headquarters of
the Balochi government is temporarily established in the holy city of Jerusalem, Israel with the blessings of
our Jewish Baloch brothers.
Marginalized Baloch of Pakistani (a.k.a. Punjabi)
Occupied Balochistan

The total population of Balochistan is 6.5 million, of which 3.25 million
are Baloch, 2.75 million are Pashtuns and 0.5 million are other races.

The Pakistani government has systematically marginalized the local
Baloch population. Below is a list of institutionalized injustices directed
specifically at the Baloch:
The 33,000 strong Balochistan Constabulary has only 900 serving Baloch;
The 12,000 strong Coast Guard has only 90 Baloch on its rolls;
The famous Baluch Regiment of Pakistan Army does not recruit Baloch officers/soldiers among its ranks;
Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL), a semi-government company that is responsible for the extraction and
distribution of natural gas from Balochistan does not give jobs to Baloch youth as a matter of policy (a few
hundred Bugti tribesmen, a major tribe of Baloch, are on the its roll of daily wagers just to appease the local

There are no senior level Baloch bureaucrats;
And, the list of injustices goes on.
No wonder why the Baloch suffer from a sense of neglect, injustice and deprivation. Poverty in Balochistan is
twice as high as in other provinces of Pakistan.

Natural resources of Balochistan are being exploited and looted by the Pakistanis for the benefit of non-
Baloch. Army troops, weaponry, helicopters, jets, etc. are being used in Balochistan against the Baloch.

The Pakistanis are conducting a systematic “ethnic cleansing” in Balochistan and pushing the Baloch out of
their ancestral land.

There are more Baloch now living in other parts of Pakistan than in Balochistan. There is a sizeable Baloch
population in Sind, especially in Karachi. Dera Ghazi Khan district, Muzaffargah district, and Rahim Yar Khan
district of Punjab are heavily populated by ethnic Baloch. And, in NWFP, Dera Ismail Khan district has a large
population of displaced Baloch.

Dialogue with the Pakistanis over the last 58 years has produced no positive results for the Baloch. Therefore,
the only way to end this blatant injustice is to secede from Pakistan.
Nation-building Role

The post-World War II nation-building of Germany and Japan and the
current challenging prospects faced by the United States in
Afghanistan and Iraq proves that nation-building requires an
extensive commitment of financial, military, and political resources
for a long time.
The Baloch Freedom Struggle is based on our conviction that if we persist, then one day we will be free
from being slaves of the Persians and the Punjabis. We understand that our freedom will require us to
shed sweat and blood. Even though we have meager financial and military resources, we are hopeful for a
bright and beautiful future for Balochistan.

The Government of Balochistan (GOB) in Exile is not affiliated with any political party. We are a loose group
of Baloch nationalists around the world who have decided to structure a skeleton of a sovereign
Balochistan state (later to be filled and controlled by Baloch political groups) to emulate other sovereign
nations to gain legitimacy among the member states of the United Nations. We believe that this is a very
important step if we are to deal and negotiate with other countries.

To achieve this goal, we have the following agenda on our list of things to do:

Please provide us with your constructive suggestions on how to end the slavery of the Baloch people.

Day of Reckoning!

Today is an important day for the entire Baloch (Baluch) nation as we embark on establishing a secular
entity, The Government of Balochistan in Exile. Our goal is to use the power of the Internet to liberate the
Baloch nation. To achieve sovereignty, we are going to structure our Government to emulate other
sovereign nations.

Respected Balochi noblemen have unanimously agreed to nominate the Khan of Kalat, His Highness Mir
Suleman Dawood Khan, as the King of Balochistan. They have also selected the red, blue, green flag with a
white glowing sun as the Flag of Balochistan (as shown above).

Our War of Independence has begun. Baloch warriors have launched a low-level guerrilla-style insurgency
in the Iranian province of Sistan O Baluchistan and the Pakistani province of Balochistan. Military forces of
both Iran and Pakistan are battling with us on many fronts. Sadly, the Iranians and the Pakistanis are
playing dirty by conducting extra judicial arrests and murder of noncombatant, innocent Baloch citizens.

Representative of our Government have contacted political leaders of numerous countries and presented
them with evidence of systematic human rights violations committed by the ruthless Iranian and Pakistani
government forces on Baloch citizens. We have initiated the process of forming cordial relations with the
governments of Afghanistan, India, Israel, Russia and USA.

In these columns, we will also try to respond to all the state sponsored propaganda against the Baloch by
the Iranian and Pakistani governments.

Mir Azaad Khan Baloch
General Secretary

Desk of The Government of Balochistan in Exile
The Jerusalem Post Building
PO Box 81
Jerusalem, 91000

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Declaration of Human Rights
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.