Press Releases
An Open Letter to His Highness Mir Suleman
Dawood Khan

To His Highness
Mir Suleman Dawood Khan
Khan of Kalat
Kalat, Balochistan

Your Royal Highness,

Groups of Baloch patriots from around the world have established The Government of Balochistan (GOB) in Exile on April 18,
2006, and have nominated Your Highness as the
King of Balochistan. But, it is your right to turn down this nomination. You
may decide to issue a public disclaimer that you have nothing to do with the GOB (Exile). We will honor Your Excellency’s
wishes and will not jeopardize your position in society. But, we will continue with our mission to liberate Balochistan.

The GOB (Exile) is a
democratic, liberal and secular entity. Our goal is to use the power of the Internet to internationalize the
Baloch cause, and to liberate the Baloch nation from Iran and Pakistan. With the consent of the Baloch people, we are going to
structure our Government to emulate other sovereign nations. Once we are recognized by the member states of the United
Nations as a bona fide government in exile representing the oppressed people of Balochistan, we will launch a major
offensive to liberate our motherland.

Balochistan has the potential of generating over $58 billion dollars per year in revenue from natural resources, transit fees,
trade, etc. We have conducted a thorough research of Balochistan’s economic potential and believe that once we gain our
independence, we will be one of the richest countries in the region in a very short period of time.

However, as you know very well that we are an oppressed and a destitute nation. Both Iran and Pakistan have occupied Baloch
areas and treat it as a colony and look at the Baloch with suspicion. They have intentionally neglected Balochistan, and control
our territory to extract our natural resources and use our strategic location to benefit their own people and governments.

History is witness to the fact that Balochistan was illegally and forcibly invaded and annexed by Pakistan in 1948 from your
grandfather, His Highness Mir Ahmad Yar Khan Baloch (may His soul rest in peace). Ever since the occupation of Balochistan,
the Pakistani authorities have committed numerous crimes against our people, and now their crimes have surpassed all
limits of human decency.

The Baloch nation is suffering the worse in the hand of Pakistani armed forces. To date, thousands of Baloch have died, and
more the 6,000 are currently behind bars for voicing their concerns for Balochistan. The Pakistani military dictatorship has
turned Balochistan into a military occupied zone, and they are conducting aerial bombardment, artillery, tanks and infantry
attacks to kill innocent non-combatant Baloch nationals.

Balochistan is calling Your Highness, and every true-blooded Baloch son and daughter to rise and defend our motherland. We
must stop these colonizers, thugs, and killers whose evil intentions are only to destroy our identity as a nation, and to weaken
us to the point so that we cannot raise our head ever again, and be enslaved for ever to serve our oppressors. Our enemies
are conducting “Ethnic Cleansing” of the Baloch people and forcing us out of Balochistan. Their plans are already taking
shape in the port city of Gwadar.

Baloch patriots from around the world and GOB (Exile) are pleading with you that during this critical moment in our history, you
should accept our nomination to be the King of Balochistan. You can play a very important and effective role by uniting the
Baloch tribes to defend Balochistan. This is our motherland, and every honorable Baloch must set aside their personal
differences and join hands to protect our land, our coastline, our resources, our women, and our children. We ask you to join
us and save Balochistan before it is too late.

The Baloch people are proud to have a leader like Prince Abdul Karim Khan Baloch (may His soul rest in peace) who fought
bravely to defend Balochistan. The Ahmadzai family’s name along with your name will be engraved in Baloch history forever if
you show the courage to rise today and defend Balochistan. Our nation is more important than anything else. You can make a
difference today for the Baloch people. It is your time to shine and make history.

GOB (Exile) will assist you in going to the International Court of Justice (judicial organ of the United Nations) to declare the
invasion and annexation of Balochistan by Pakistan “null and void”. Since you are the heir apparent of the Khan of Kalat, Mir
Ahmad Yar Khan Baloch (may His soul rest in peace), who signed documents under duress to allow Pakistan to colonize
Balochistan, you are in a position to file a case against Pakistan. Your grandfather left a very important confession in his book,

“Inside Baluchistan: A political autobiography of His Highness Baiglar Baigi, Khan-e-Azam-XIII Mir Ahmad Yar Khan Baluch,
Khan-e-Baluch, ex-ruler of Kalat State”.
We can use the book as evidence in the International Court of Justice to legally
declare Pakistani occupation of Balochistan illegal.

Please let us know of your decision at your earliest convenience. Time is of the essence as Baloch commanders have
launched “guerilla military actions” against the Pakistani forces. Also, the American forces are collaborating with the Baloch
fighters to destabilize the Iranian government. This is our chance to make a difference for the people of Balochistan by
liberating them once and for all.
Viva Balochistan!

Your humble and obedient servant,

Mir Azaad Khan Baloch
General Secretary
Government of Balochistan in Exile
Related Links:
Declaration of Human Rights
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in
North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of our resources by  Pakistani
and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.