Press Releases
Declaration of Human Rights
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
A Letter to President George W. Bush

Feb 5, 2007

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC

Subject: Atrocities of Pakistani Army against Baloch and Sindhi people

Dear Mr. President:

Members of Baloch and Sindhi communities in United Kingdom would like to draw your attention to the heinous
crimes of the Pakistan’s military regime against Baloch and Sindhi people and in this regard we would like to
seek your urgent intervention.  

A brutal army operation is being carried out by Pakistani State establishment in Balochistan and Sindh for the last
many years. The army operation resulted in the loss of more than 1000 innocent Baloch lives including women
and children. According to UN figures more than 80 thousands have been displaced in only one district in
Balochistan. Pakistani army has been carrying out systematic gross violations of human rights. During the last
four years more than 400 hundred educated youth, social activists and tribal elders have been kidnapped and kept
in arbitrary custody and torture cells by intelligence agencies. The whereabouts of many kidnapped persons are
still unknown, and we believe that their lives are in serious danger. By all accounts the acts of terror on the part of
Pakistani army establishment tantamount to acts of genocide against Baloch and Sindhi people.

It should be noted that the people of Balochistan have been voicing, by political means, their resentment against
the manners in which they have been treated by Pakistani state since its occupation in 1948. It should be noted
that the state establishment in response to socio-economic and political demands of Baloch people, always
resorted to ruthless use of military power.

Pakistan’s present military leader, General Musharaf, on scores of occasions has unambiguously affirmed to
physically eliminate Baloch national leaders. Last year, one of the Baloch nationalist leaders Nawab Akbar Bugti
was killed and his dead body was humiliated by Pakistani army. Recently another popular Baloch nationalist
leader and former Chief Minister of Balochistan, Sardar Akhtar Mengal, has been arrested and been put into
solitary confinement. Mr. Mengal is not being allowed to meet his relatives and lawyers. His trial is being
conducted inside a jail. He is being maltreated and reportedly being administered harmful materials in his food.
Two other prominent Baloch and Sindhi leaders, Ghulam Mohamad and Dr. Safdar Sarki, have been picked up by
Pakistani military personnel and their whereabouts are unknown.  

There is an immense sense of insecurity among Baloch and Sindhi people as Pakistani army and other the law
enforcement agencies stationed in Balochistan and Sindh are involved in illegal manipulations and patronization
of miscreants, religious fundamentalists, anti-social elements and international drug traffickers. Baloch and
Sindhis are worried about the safety of their national leaders.

The  tactics adopted by the armed forces, para-military forces, civilian administration and state security agencies
of Pakistan are the violation of international conventions regarding human rights and all recognized human values.
In the absence of any meaningful international pressure, Pakistani armed forces and security agencies are
perpetrating all kinds of brutality and human rights violations with impunity. Ironically, the recent atrocities which
are tantamount to genocide of Baloch people are being carried out by a military regime which is supposed to be
the ally of United States in the war against terrorism.

Mr. President, now it is an open secret that Pakistani establishment has been playing a very dangerous double
game. It pretends to fight against terrorism but reality is that this is only a ploy to extort money from United States
and other Western Nations to strengthen its military, nuclear and support capabilities to enhance religious
fundamentalism, and international terrorism all over the world. Pakistani establishment has been exploiting the
support of Western world for the terrorization and suppression of voices of smaller nationalities in Pakistan. The
weapons that you supplied to fight against international terrorism are being used to kill innocent Baloch and
Sindhi people.

The Baloch and Sindhis in UK, therefore, request your immediate intervention.

•        We appeal for immediate United States intervention in order to stop the killing of innocent Baloch and Sindhi
people by the rogue Pakistani Army. We request that immediate actions may kindly be taken in order to force
Pakistani military regime to stop the ongoing military operation in Balochistan and respect the human rights as
per their obligations to international law and UN declaration of human rights.
•        We appeal for immediate pressure on Pakistani President to release Sardar Akhtar Mengal and other Baloch
and Sindhi national leaders.
•        We will be grateful if an international commission may be set up to investigate the Pakistani army’s crimes
against humanity committed in Balochistan.
•        We will welcome any kind of United State’s mediation or arbitration between Baloch and Pakistani state for a
just settlement of Baloch national question.

It is imperative that the situation in Balochistan should be treated as an emergency. We request that this petition
should be taken as an urgent humanitarian appeal. Immediate intervention by your can save not only a lot of
innocent lives but it can stop the present situation to change into a total genocide of defenceless Baloch people by
Pakistani army, the like of which was witnessed by the world in East Pakistan during 1971.

Thanking you in anticipation,