Press Releases
A Letter to President George W. Bush

December 20th, 2005

Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of Baloch Society Of North America (BSO-NA) USA, I would like to bring your urgent attention to the deteriorating
situation and gross human rights violations in Balochistan where Pakistani dictators have started the 5th military operation
against the innocent Baloch people, using US gunship helicopters and F-16 jets, to crush their peaceful struggle against
the occupation of their land and exploitation of their resources by Pakistan for the past 58 years.

According to the news media reports more than 60 people have died and 200 have been injured, including women and
children in the past 24 hours of bombing by Pakistani military. The total numbers of casualties yet to be confirmed, as all
roads leading to Kholu and Dera Bugti (Balochistan) are blocked by the army and no media men are allowed to enter.
There were reports of exchange of fire at different locations between Baloch freedom fighters and Pakistani military.
According to official sources, military jets and gunship helicopters are being used in the operation.  A large number of
troops equipped with heavy weapons including tanks have reached in Sui (Balochistan), bringing to the number of troops
to 37, 000 stationed in the area. The Military troops (FC) have dug up trenches and laid complete siege of Dera Bugti.  The
situation is very tense and an all out war in eminent.

Pakistan’s crimes against Baloch people are not new.  Pakistan’s forceful occupation and illegal annexing of Balochistan
and exploitation of Baloch resource are the root causes of Baloch insurgencies. Baloch people have fought and are still
fighting against the illegal occupation of their land and exploitation of their resources (gas, oil and gold), which Pakistan
has been looting for the past 58 years, leaving for Baloch people nothing but backwardness, torture, execution, military
operation and genocide. Here are some of the examples of Pakistan’s crime and human right violations against Baloch

•        April 15th, 1948, Pakistan invaded the sovereign state of Balochistan, dissolved its elected Baloch parliament (Dar-ul
Awaam), killed thousand Baloch people and arrested the Baloch Ruler of the time ‘khan of Kalat’ and forced him to sign the
fake document of merger with Pakistan.

•        May 16th, 1948, Prince Karim, the younger brother of Khan of Kalat resisted the occupation and illegal annexing of
Balochistan and started the first Baloch National Resistance movement. He was later arrested with his 142 followers and
was sent to prison along with his followers.

•        1968, Nawab Nowroz Khan, led the 2nd Baloch National resistance. He was arrested when he came to negotiation
with Pakistani generals, who assured him on the holy Quran that he will not be harmed and that the Baloch grievances will
be addressed, but when he came down, he and his followers were arrested and later executed (hanged) in Hyderabad jail
along with his sons and nephews.

•        1970-1975, Pakistani prime minister Zulfuqar Ali Bhutto dissolved the elected Baloch Nationalist Government of
Ghous Bux Bizenjo, Sardar Attaullah Mengal, Khair Bux Marri and Nawab Akbar khan Bugti in Balochistan and launched the
longest brutal massive military operation in Balochistan, which lasted for 5 years, in which Iranian gun ships helicopters
and Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jets were used to bomb the Baloch towns and villages that resulted deaths of thousand
Baloch people including women and children with destruction of thousands of homes and villages.  The water wells were
polluted with chemicals to poisoned Baloch people and the captive Baloch women and children were sold in Lahore
Punjab like goats and sheep.

•        1975-2005, Pakistan continues its anti-Baloch genocidal plans. On March 17th, 2005, more than 70 innocent Baloch
mostly women and children were killed and 200 hundred were injured by gunship helicopters and military jet in Dera Bugti
and the Baloch veteran leader Nawab Akbar khan Bugti ‘s house was targeted in a attempt to assassinate him. More than
6000 Baloch people have been arrested since then and many of them are missing and are being tortured.

•        Pakistan is determined to build three more military cantonments in Balochistan to suppress the Baloch voice and to
continue exploitation of Baloch resources.  More than 600 military check post are established in allover Balochistan to
control the lives, activities and movements of Baloch people in their own homeland. There are 60 thousand troops
stationed in Balochistan and more troops are on the way. Balochistan have been turned into a military occupied war zone.
Baloch people are living in fear and in hopelessness.

•        The Gwadar port being built with the help of China, despite the strong Baloch opposition, to bring millions of non-
Baloch Punjabi to change Baloch demography and to turn the Baloch people into minority in their own homeland, a typical
mindset of a colonial attitude. The Baloch people’s resistance against Pakistani anti-Baloch plans is natural. They are
demanding that Baloch resources should be used for Baloch people and that the military cantonments should be stopped
and Pakistani Punjabi military should be withdrawn from Balochistan and be replaced by Baloch people.

Mr. President,

As you said in your famous historic speech at the State of Union on Jan 2005,

The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in
our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world. All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know that the United
States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you,"
President Bush, Jan 20th, 2005

The Baloch people are asking," How long Baloch people have to suffer more? How long more we have to be tortured in the
hands of Pakistani military dictators?  When the military operation and human right violations against Baloch people will
end?  When will the we have our freedom back and when the Pakistani tyranny against our people will end?"

Mr. President,

As you have liberated Afghans and Iraqi people from terrorists and tyrants, their freedom will not be complete without the
freedom of Balochistan, as we all know that a free secular and democratic United Balochistan is in everyone’s interest,
including USA, Iraq, Afghanistan, India, Great Britain and Russia. Baloch people are looking to you and to the world
community for their rescue against the tyranny of Pakistani dictators. PLEASE hear the cry of 16 millions Oppressed Baloch
people of the world.

Mr. President,

Your urgent attention and immediate intervention can save thousands Baloch lives in Balochistan and will be highly
appreciated by the people of Balochistan and the Baloch Diaspora of allover the world. Please use your influence to ask
the Pakistani dictators to stop the military operation and genocide of Baloch Nation and end their anti-Baloch policies. We
highly appreciate your kind attention and intervention in this urgent matter.  

Thank you Mr. President.


Dr. Wahid Baloch, President of
Baloch Society of North America (BSO-NA), USA.

Related links:

Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)

BSO-NA is a non-profit Organization, working to unite and organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the Pakistani and
Irani Occupation of our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their human rights violations in Balochistan to the world's
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights