Press Releases
A Letter to Prime Minister of Norway

The Honourable Prime Minister of Norway Mr Jens Stoltenberg,
The Office of the Prime Minister
P.O.Box 8001 Dep
N-0030 Oslo

Re: The military operation of Pakistan Army in Eastern Balochistan, Pakistan

Dear Prime Minister,

I am writing on behalf of the Balochistan People's Party (BPP) to present our deepest concern, regarding the military
operation of the Pakistan Army in eastern Balochistan, Pakistan, and would hereby like to bring the following matter to your
urgent attention.

The Pakistan Army has launched a massive and full-scale military operation in Marri, Bugti and Makkuran areas of East
Balochistan. The Pakistan Army is using helicopter gun ships and air strikes to bomb civilian areas (Look at the attachment).
It is ironic to observe that the same Army has been complaining to the UN and the international community about the
shortage of helicopters for recent earthquake relief in northern Pakistan. According to media reports this military operation
has claimed hundreds of innocent lives, thousands of Baloch women, children have been injured, and the Pakistan Army and
the Frontier Corps (FC) have demolished their houses.

The current army operation was triggered by unidentified elements firing rockets at a public meeting addressed by President
Pervez Musharraf at Kohlu during his visit to Balochistan in the middle of December 2005. Musharraf is exploiting this
incident to take revenge on the Baloch people in the same way Saddam Hussein did in the village of Dujail in Iraq in 1982.
The international community did not stop Saddam Hussein there and then for the killing of 148 Shi'as. He is now on trial for
the crimes he committed against humanity decades ago. In order to save its credibility and image of supporting democracy
and human rights all over the world, it is the international community's responsibility to act to stop General Musharaff's
atrocities against the Baloch people now.

Pakistan's military establishment and its civilian partners are not popular in Pakistan; they have been attacked in various
places. There has been an attack on Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz in Attock and there have been two attacks on the President
in his own cantonment, but none of these places were bombed in response, as collective punishment for the people in these

Balochistan is rich in natural resources including gold, oil and gas. Despite possessing vast economic resources,
Balochistan is the most backward province of Pakistan. Natural gas was discovered in 1952 in the Sui area of Balochistan
but was not available even in the provincial capital Quetta until 1982 when the Pakistan Army cantonment needed it, although
Sui gas had reached far-flung towns in Punjab and other non-Baloch areas. Balochistan gas meets more then 40 per cent of
Pakistan's needs yet only six per cent of Balochistan's 7 million people have access to it.

The exploitation of Balochistan's resources with little benefit to the local people is an ongoing course by the Pakistani military
establishment to pursue their chauvinistic policies; hence, Balochistan is one of the most backward areas in the region. The
Baloch in Pakistan are deprived of their national, cultural and economic rights, and are treated as second class citizens.

We ask the Norwegian Government, Parliament and other governments and international organisations to take notice of
Pakistan's military activities and operation in Balochistan; they are indications that Pakistan's military is planning even larger
military expeditions against the Baloch people. In a visit to Balochistan on January 4 2004 General Musharaff threatened
Baloch people with yet harsher treatments if they do not submit to his dictatorial rule. He took to the national airwaves and
delivered an apocalyptic threat to Baloch: "Don't push us. It is not the 1970s. This time you won't even know what hit you."  In
many circles this statement was interpreted as meaning the Pakistan military junta was ready to use weapons of mass
destruction or even its atomic power against the Baloch.  In the ongoing military operation the Pakistan military used its
helicopters, airplanes and napalm bombs against civilians (look at the attachment).

Balochistan People's Party kindly request the Norwegian Government to withdraw its invitation to General Musharaff to visit
Norway, instead we ask you to put pressure on Pakistan's military junta to:

•Stop its military operation in Balochistan, and withdraw its military from Balochistan and start negotiation with the Baloch
people's popular political representatives, to settle the situation through peaceful negotiations.
• Release all political prisoners who have been arrested by police or the intelligence services
• Compensate civilians who have suffered during military operations and who have lost family members, their possessions
and livelihoods

The unjust and harsh policies of the Pakistan Army and the establishment toward the Baloch people  as outlined above are
the root cause of Baloch grievances. The Baloch are only asking for their legitimate and natural rights on their ancestral land.
For these legitimate demands, they are facing gross human rights violations by Pakistan's police force and intelligence
agencies. Arrests, kidnappings, illegal detention of Baloch political leaders, party workers and students are routine in

It would be greatly appreciated if you would give due consideration to the appeal and request contained in this

Yours sincerely

Nasser Boladai

Spokesperson for Balochistan People's Party ( )

CC:    Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Jonas Gahr Støre Minister of Justice Mr Knut Storberget
Cc:    Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO)



Balach Baloch
Balochistan People's Party
P.O.Box 13022
103 01 Stockholm Sweden
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights