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Declaration of Human Rights
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Liberate Balochistan: US Should
Target Pakistan, Talk to Iran

by John Stanton

March 31, 2007

Since 1947,  the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Land of the Pure), a military dictatorship, has been a fragile entity
perpetually on the brink of internal civil war, and constantly at loggerheads with India over contested Kashmir. It is
a destabilizing factor on the Asian continent. The recent sacking of Pakistan's Supreme Court Justice by President
Pervez Musharraf in March of 2007 is just another one of many straws weighing on the central government's back
in Islamabad, a portent of what more is to come.

The Sunni dominant country is a nation-state in name only being held together by the force of its military and with
the Machiavellian support of the USA. It is a powder keg of conflict pitting Pakistan's ruthless military against tribal
factions in the North along Afghanistan's border and, in particular, against the Baloch in the South whose
homeland is resource rich Balochistan.

In many respects, Musharaf's Pakistan resembles the US puppet regime of Hamid Karzai in Kabul, Afghanistan.
There, the central government has little influence beyond its seat of government in the capital city and any authority
it does have comes from the barrel of a gun or the bomb rack of an American made military aircraft. And, in rather
depressing respects, Islamabad's handling of the Baloch and their homeland is seems a mirror image of the US
treatment of local Iraqis in the ongoing US misadventure in Iraq. But, one must have hope that the USA will learn.

PAK has NUKE: Anyone Care?

The CIA Factbook 2007 paints an even grimmer picture of the Land of the Pure. It garners a “high risk” mark for
food and waterborne diseases such as  bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A and E, and typhoid fever. It suffers from
water pollution from raw sewage, industrial wastes, and agricultural runoff. Pakistan has limited natural fresh
water resources and a majority of the population does not have access to potable water. It's a transit country for
opium. Yet, this military dictatorship overseen by Musharaff maintains a nuclear arsenal and each year, in the face
of its internal strife, manages to find the funds to purchase weaponry from an assortment of international military
contractors -- among them the USA. But the hard reality for the USA is that Pakistan, or whatever may become of it,
will remain a chess piece for the geopolitical machinations of the USA, China, India and Russia.  

If the National Security Policy of the USA makes any sense at all, then it's Pakistan that the USA should be looking
to target with UN sanctions or economic/military pressure, perhaps in conjunction with India and in consultation
with China and Russia. After all, Pakistan is a failing state that already has nuclear weapons.  And it is worth
stating again that the country is a military dictatorship whose intelligence service -- the ISI -- is known to have a lot
of animosity towards the USA, and has continually lent support to the Taliban -- if not Al Qaeda. Moreover, US oil
and natural gas concerns own 30% of the finds in Balochistan. It would be in the USA's best interest to court the
local Baloch rather than sit by and watch the government in Islamabad crush the Baloch. Lessons-learned in Iraq
should have taught the leaders in Washington, DC something (anything?) about how not to make enemies out of
local populations.

Strategic Interests Served

Balochistan is in the southwest portion of Pakistan and borders Iran, Afghanistan, and India. The province is rich
in oil and natural gas and its mostly 800 miles of underdeveloped coastline is flush with an abundance of ocean
resources. A portion of Balochistan resides in Iran and is known as “Sistan and Balochestan”, an Iranian province
bordering on the Sea of Oman and Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is Iran's poorest province and is home to roughly
400,000 people. Could the The US and Iran  find some common ground for an independent Balochistan? Why not
link the issue to current US and Iranian grievances with each other? Perhaps Iran cedes some territory for US
concessions and economic aid. Once the troublesome Pakistani military is out of Balochistan on the Pakistan
side, and the Baloch become independent and negotiate fair treatment for their people, and worthy prices for their
land and resources, the Baloch might agree to stop attacking commercial interests.  

The Baloch view themselves as an occupied territory and have done so since March 27, 1948 when the Pakistanis
invaded Balochistan. Quoting Dr. Wahid Baloch, “Balochistan was a free sovereign independent state with its own
parliament, the Dar-ul Awaam, the House of Commons, and Dar-ul Umraa, House of Lords. Soon after the
creation of Pakistan, Pakistan invaded Balochistan and forcefully annexed it into Pakistan. From 1977-2005,
Pakistan continued its crime against the  Baloch people.  Thousands of Baloch political activists and students
have been arrested and are being tortured in secret jails. Many are missing, including Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch,
Goher Baloch and Akther Nadeem Baloch. Pakistani military, paramilitary and security forces are given the task to
arrest, kidnap or kill any Baloch who talks or thinks about freedom. More than 600 military check [points] have been
established all over Balochistan to control the activities and movements of the Baloch people.

There are 60,000 Pakistani troops stationed in Balochistan and more are on the way. Balochistan has been
turned into a military occupied war zone. Baloch people are living in fear and in hopelessness. They are
desperately looking to the world community... for their help and rescue against the tyranny of Pakistani and Iranian

Just so.  

According to a recent report by Forum-Asia; Asian Legal Resource Centre, INFID; and Pax Romana; in Pakistan's
Balochistan province, more than 4000 people have reportedly disappeared as the result of military operations
between 2001 and late 2005. They have not been produced before a  court by the military intelligence agencies --
such as the notorious ISI -- and their whereabouts remain unknown.   

Turkey to Pakistan: Treat Baloch Like Kurds! Investors Don't Care

China, through Islamabad, has already gotten a piece of the action in Balochistan. China's Harbour Engineering
Company recently helped Pakistan complete Phase II of the mammoth deep sea Port at Gwadar and it is open for
business for all, it seems, except Baloch locals. Associated with that development effort are dozens of
opportunities that are destined to cut-out the local population: resorts, casinos, and the letting of commercial
fishing rights are among those listed by the Pakistan Board of Investment that are, worldwide, normally associated
with corruption. The PAKBOI showed its contempt for the Baloch when it indicated on its website website that “...
Balochistan can provide land on easy terms.”   

In 2003, the South Asian Analysis Group ( noted the many ways in which the Musharaff government has
exploited the Baloch.  

Military authorities have bought most of the prime land at throw-away prices. Large-scale influx of Pashtuns from
the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan and Afghanistan, officially encouraged by the Pakistan Army, and re-
settlement of Punjabi ex-servicemen  in order to reduce the Balochs to a minority in their homeland.
Non-payment of adequate royalty to the people of Balochistan for the gas found in their territory, which has
contributed to the economic development of Punjab, without any economic benefits for the Balochs; the
displacement of a large number of poor Balochs by the construction of the Gwadar port and town with Chinese
assistance without adequate compensation; the re-settlement of a large number of Punjabi and Pashtun ex-
servicemen in Balochistan to work in the Gwadar port and Mekran coastal highway projects, in violation of the
Government assurances that preference would be given to the sons of the soil for work in the projects; violation of
the labour rights of the people employed by the Chinese construction company which is building the port; and the
setting-up of three new cantonments by the army in Balochistan.

The anger over the non-payment of adequate royalty for the gas being supplied to Punjab and Sindh has led to a
number of incidents of sabotage of the gas pipelines and  attacks involving the use of explosives and landmines
directed against the staff employed for the protection of the pipelines.

The construction of the Gwadar Port and the Mekran coastal highway has resulted in the displacement of
thousands of Balochs from their ancestral land and the forcible acquisition of their land by the Government without
paying them adequate compensation and without giving them suitable land in return. Moreover, fearing Indian
attempts to sabotage the projects, the Government has forcibly removed the Hindus and many of the Balochs,
whose loyalty was suspected, from the area, which has been declared a sensitive defence zone. Balochs, who are
suspected of being sympathetic to India, have been removed far away from the site of the Gwadar port. A large
number of Punjabi and Pashtun ex-servicemen, whose loyalty to Islamabad is beyond doubt, have been re-settled
in the Mekran coastal area to work in sea port projects.

Washington, DC! Hello! Listen to This!

According to Shaukat Baloch, here's what would happen if the Baloch got their shot at nationhood. “If a referendum
under the supervision of UN is held in Balochistan and the people are asked to answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question
'whether Balochistan should be declared to be an independent country, 'it is certain that this question would
answered in the affirmative by a large majority of people. If the international community seriously puts its pressure
on Pakistani generals -- who are the de facto rulers even during civilian governments -- they would agree to it. Gas
and minerals would be sold to Pakistan and India on rates fixed by Balochistan. In this regard no artificial
problems would be created for the people of remaining Pakistan. Pakistan would be treated as a friendly country.
Foreign companies would be invited to invest on further research of oil, gas and minerals.

Balochistan would be a secular, democratic country with freedom of faith, religion, thought and expression in a
peaceful manner. There would be complete freedom of worship for all. No person would be allowed to preach
hatred. Under the constitution, slogans based on religion, sects, etc. would be excluded from election campaigns.
There would be a parliamentary system of government accompanied with an independent judiciary and a free
press. Religious extremists would be asked not to meddle in politics. However they may keep their views with
themselves. Unlike today, religious extremists will not receive funds in millions of dollars from ISI and other

Consequently they would remain peaceful. A Nation of Baloch of about 7 million will run and flourish in a way
similar to Switzerland and Scandinavian countries. Professors, scientists and experts in other fields from the West
would be invited to work in the universities and labs of Balochistan.” The Baloch Nation wants Independence not
just because they are being persecuted and cheated by both Iran and Pakistan with regards to their natural
resources,  said Shabir Ahmed. The primary reason is that they want to be free to govern themselves. Whatever
the reasons for the creation of Pakistan , the illegal annexation of Balochistan by Pakistan is a bitter pill to swallow.
According to Ahmed, “Simply put the Baloch Nation will never accept Pakistani or Iranian rule. It is inhuman and
cruel to expect people of different races and languages to become 3rd class citizens in their own land , and to be
governed by aliens. With regards to what shape a future Baloch Government should take , the best role model in
that respect is the British political model we have today. The House of Commons and the House of Lords. This
particular system was up and running in 1947, and then brought to an abrupt end by the illegal annexation of
Balochistan by Pakistan. The Baloch are very different from their more fanatical immediate neighbors. Baloch
society is  naturally  secular  and very tolerant of other religions and races. However it must be noted that history
shows us that the Baloch love their freedom and will never tolerate interference from outsiders, or alien rule. There
are many a Widows sons who will fight to the bitter end to bring about an Independent Baloch State.”

An independent Balochistan is inevitable (as is an independent Kurdistan) and essential to peace on the Asian
continent. The sheer will and tenacity of Baloch freedom fighters makes this outcome certain. As anonymous
said, “Dear Baloch friends. 90% of Balochistan is controlled by real sons of soil -- meaning Baloch Liberation
fighters. Pakis and their cronies control few cities and towns in Balochistan. Bravo! Baloch Fighters. Victory
belongs to Baloch warriors!”

John Stanton is a Virginia based writer specializing in political and national security matters. He can be reached

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