Press Releases
Director of Baluchi-language TV station goes
missing in Karachi

Reporters Without Borders voiced concern today about Munir Mengal, the head of Baloch Voice, a
Baluchi-language TV station based in the United Arab Emirates, who has been missing since he arrived in the
southern city of Karachi on a flight from Bahrain on 7 April. His family thinks Pakistani military intelligence officers
arrested him at the airport.

The press freedom organisation called on the federal and Sindh province authorities to use all necessary
means to obtain Mengal's release and said it would be regrettable if it turned out to be true that the intelligence
agencies were again involved in the kidnapping of journalists."It cannot in itself be considered a crime to launch
a TV station for the 10 million Baluchis in Pakistan and other parts of the world," Reporters Without Borders said.
"We call for Mengal's release and an end to the harassment of those in charge of Baloch Voice."

The world's first Baluchi-language TV station, Baloch Voice is due to begin broadcasting by satellite in July. As
well as news, it plans to carry films, sport and entertainment programmes in Baluchi, Brahui, English and Arabic.

Mengal's sister, who lives in Pakistan, said that he was arrested by intelligence agents inside Karachi
international airport and that he was being subjected to considerable pressure. "He has no links with any
political parties," she stressed. Karachi is the largest city in Sindh province and the business capital of
Pakistan.Karachi-based journalists said they thought the military intelligenceagencies were trying to discover the
origin of Baloch Voice's funding. "In view of the extreme tension prevailing in Baluchistan,the army is wary about
the launch of this new station and must suspect foreign financing," a journalist with a national daily said
on condition of anonymity.

Dear Forum ,
       The  kidnaping of Munir Mengal  is aspected ,we know that  brutal acts are heritabe of oppresser ,they cannot
tolrate us ,they suppress our voice crash the truth with the help of so called intelligence services and dewal power,
Oh Pak ISI ! listen with open hear we ll continue the journey of truth ,the cup of poison can kill the Socrate but failed to
suppress his voice and truth.
Your such brutal acts give us energy and power to continue our mission.
There is many channels of Sindhi ,punjabi ,pashtoon and Urdu speaking why cant Baloch have. -----  Yes you are right
Baloch Channel expose u , your acts, your artifical status ....
The Baloch mouth cannot be shut by your torture we cannot afraight by dark cells .Pick up our youth this ll' expose u
more and and patroled the fire of hatred ...

Durfishan Baloch

Dear Brothers

The kidnaping of Munir Mengal is a act  commited by the lowest of the low . We urge the Baloch living in Pakistan to do
the best to find his where abouts , and to get him released , by any means possible . The present situation is totaly
unacceptable , we can not have our people abducted from here there and everywhere .


Shabir Ahmed

Dear friends: Since the inception of Pakistan the establishment have been engaged in strangulation of Baloch voice
and assimilation of Balochi language andculture. Balochi language programs fromKarachi tv have been closed down.
Bolan TV of Quetta is being used for anti Baloch propaganda. There was a ray of hope that a private tv channel will start
functioning under the directorship of Wj Munir Mengal from Dubai (UAE). But with theillegal arrest of Wj Mengal by the
Pakistan secret police and keeping him in an undisclosed detention center with the danger of loss of life under torture all
these hopes for Baloch voice have been dashed. Baloch must raise their voice against Pakistan's violation of huma
rights especially illegal arrest, detention and torture of political activists like Dr Hanif Sharif and his friends and a social
worker for the advancement of Balochi culture like Munir Mengal whose only crime is that that he wanted to launch a
Balochi TV from an Arab country on commercial lines.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Friends,
Chief executive of Baloch Voice channel waja Munir Mengal was arrested and till today nobody knows where he is. It is
surprising that Mr. Mengal during his visits to Balochistan and Karachi always stayed with certain people of a particular
party known for their pro-government and pro-ISI links. By meeting and having discussions with these elements perhaps
Munir Mengal wanted to be over smart and dodge the ISI. He was very mistaken. Waja Munir was betrayed by these
agents. People working for Baloch cause should be aware of internal fifth columnists.

Shakeel Baloch

Salam Brothers

Yesterday the terrorist agencies of Pakistan Have abducted/kidnapped Munir Mengal from Karachi airport, His
whereabouts are still unknown. strongly condemn this cowardly act of the State machinaries and demand the immediate release of
Munir Mengal, and we also request human rights activitists and organisations and Amnesty international to force
pakistan to release the political activist as soon as possible.

Regards team

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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.