Press Releases
Message to Indians : Help Liberate Balochistan and live with peace in
South Asia

By Sunaina Baloch, PhD

Balochis strongly condemn dastard killing of innocent people in Mumbai ,India in the train blast by terrorists .
There is no doubt that these terrorists are instigated, inspired and supported by Pakistan without which they
cannot act with such devastating effects. We mourn with the families of the near and dear and pledge to shine the
light of justice on the face of perpetrators . We Balochis regret that our Indian brothers have fallen in the trap of
false assurances delivered by Pakistan .

Government of Pakistan is just a name sake visage ,a rubber stamp , the real power is in the hands of ISI , ISI is
a state within a state with full control of every aspect of governance in the country . Any assurances given by the
Pakistani Government are just words written on sand , and the highest level of decision making entity is ISI . The
acts of terrorism are controlled and monitored by ISI, it is exceedingly difficult for Indian People and government to
carry forward what may be called as normalization and peace process . We are certain that our Indian brothers
and sisters have realized that engaging and hoping for Peace with Pakistan is like chasing chimera .

Pakistani Punjabis hates economic progress and prosperity of India ,they are using jihadis to affect India's
economic progress , it is time for Indian brothers and sisters to join hands and build a national will against Jihadi
terrorism sponsored by the state of Pakistan. By carrying out such attacks, Pakistani ISI want to create communal
tension in India and to destroy the country's secular fabric .

We Balochis admire and bow to the spirit shown by Indians during this grave crisis and moving forward .Life can
never be the same for those who have lost their near and dear ones , Indians must recognize Pakistani ISI is
using every tool to spread their tentacles of terror across the country .

There are two options to Indians , either to continue suffer Pakistani Jihadi attacks or to teach a lesson once and
for all by dismembering Pakistan by liberating Balochistan . We appeal to Indian brothers and sisters to support
Baloch freedom struggle and liberate us from the Punjabi Pakistan , the sole war mongering evil of sub continent

Please help us liberate from Pakistani Punjabis for peace and prosperity for our children and future generation
and for whole sub continent.

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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.