Press Releases
9/11: Profit Motives Help Bin Laden
Pakistan Signs Peace with Taliba’an on Eve of Tragedy

By Ahmar Mustikhan

WASHINGTON DC -- Tears fill eyes just to think about what happened that day.
The 9/11 attacks were the most horrendous attacks in history on U.S. soil, deadlier than Pearl Harbor . Five years
after the deadly 9/11 attacks, terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden is still hiding in Pakistan, though President
Bush had declared at that time, “Wanted Dead or Alive.”

A news item on Fox Television network Thursday was asking “ Pakistan : Friend or Foe?”
The fact that bin Laden is successfully eluding American justice clearly shows that with friends like Pakistan , the
U.S. does not need any enemies. Bin Laden is not a western terrorist hiding in a dirty, obscure hotel room in
Rome like one sees in the movies. At any given time, if he is in the remote tribal areas, which Pakistan coup
leader General Pervez Musharraf says is out of bounds for his army, bin Laden is surrounded by a couple of
hundred loyal guards. Pakistan army’s lie was exposed when they raided and killed a pro-U.S. secular tribal
leader and popular former head of a state government, Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, in an even more remote tribal
area on August 26.

Bin Laden is well entrenched in Pakistan ’s power orbit, spending millions in the county’s politics. The reason
Pakistan is not handing him over dead or live is, once that is done, Musharraf fears the U.S. will loose interest in
his army-controlled regime.

At the time of 9/11 attacks, President Bush declared he considered countries who harbor terrorists as enemies of
the U.S. Subsequently the U.S. forces removed the despicable Taliba’an regime in Kabul . The point that was lost
to the U.S. public was the Taliba’an were nothing, but show boys of Pakistan ’s intelligence service, named the
Inter Services Intelligence, more infamous by its acronym I.S.I.

Before the U.S. launched its Afghanistan offensive, the Pakistanis were allowed to take planeloads of their spooks
out of Afghanistan . No questions were ever asked of them. Two months later in spite of a U.S. dragnet, Bin Laden
and top Al Qaeda leadership managed to flee Afghanistan into Pakistan amid heavy U.S. bombardment.
Five months after the 9/11, Wall Street Journal’s investigative journalist Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and his
killers later released videotapes showing his throat being slit. His executioner was a Briton of Pakistani origin,
Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh.  Sheikh was the same man who bankrolled the monies to the 9/11 terrorists in the U.
S. As a search was launched, the killer was staying as a guest of a top security official.
Musharraf came on record to blame Pearl for his death. He said the slain journalist invited his death by being

One man, whose name has surfaced both in the 9/11 attacks and Pearl ’s subsequent execution, got covered up
was the then chief of Pakistan ’s I.S.I., General Mehmud Ahmed. Pearl was actually trying to expose his role in the
9/11 attacks. Interestingly, the monies for the 9/11 terrorists were reportedly bankrolled to the terrorists from
Pakistan under the General Ahmed’s instructions. General Ahmed was in the U.S. on September 11, 2001!
General Ahmed was among a handful of generals who catapulted Musharraf into power.
When President Bush only wanted the Taliba’an to surrender bin Laden , Pakistan army sent a team of Muslim
clerics  to ask them to surrender bin Laden. Under General Ahmed’s instruction, they were asking the Taliba’an to
fight to the finish instead. The U.S. was furious to learn about this double-faced policy and Musharraf was forced to
fire his mentor, General Ahmed.

It’s not only a question of bin Laden. An equally dangerous man is the father of the Islamic Bomb, Dr Abdul
Qadeer Khan. Pakistan is the world’s only Islamic nuclear power. Dr Khan is sought by the U.S. for questioning in
supplying nuclear technology to Iran and North Korea . The army generals have refused to hand him over to the U.
S. fearing he would spill the beans on the percentage they got in kick-backs when he supplied the nuclear
technology to Iran and North Korea .

Strangely enough General Musharraf gave a gift to the U.S. on the eve of the fifth anniversary by signing a ceasefire
agreement with the Taliba’an and Al Qaeda forces in a remote tribal territory North Waziristan, bordering
Afghanistan. This happened when the U.S. stepped up pressure on the Al Qaeda across the border inside
Afghanistan . But in Kabul , General Musharraf declared he will resolutely fight the Al Qaeda. Clearly, the words
and deeds of the General contradict each another.

Pakistan is today the Al Qaeda headquarters. From time to time the army-run government there throws out one or
two of the terrorists at the U.S. and Pakistan ’s army generals’ lies find President Bush’s willing ear.
In spite of all these dangers, arms sales and supplies to Pakistan continues, bringing a windfall of profit to the
defense manufacturers. The question the U.S. administration might want to ask itself on the fifth anniversary of the
9/11 attacks is whether the profit interests of companies like Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics and Bell
Helicopters Textron, are more important than the security interests of the U.S.?
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