New York Rally.
March 6th, 2006. A joint protest Rally was held
on the side walk at the intersection of 5th avenue
and 65th Street on the east side of Central Park,
Manhattan, New York City, within a block of the
Pakistani consulate by Baloch Society of North
America (BSO-NA), World Sindhi Congress
(WSC), World Sindhi Institute (WSI), Bangla
Deshi supporters, Sindhi Association of North
America (SANA) and Friends of South Asia, to
denounce the ongoing military operation,
Human right Violations in Balochistan, and the
construction of Mega Dams on Indus River in
sindh. The protesters raised angry slogans
against the military dictators in Pakistan with the
demands to end the military operation and
human right violations in Balochistan and to
stop the Anti-Baloch so-called Mega projects
and constructions of military contonments in
Balochistan and the Mega dams on sindh river.
Baloch, Sindhi and Bagladeshi Supporters are protesting Against the Military Operation in Balochistan
and construction of Mega Bag Dam on Sindh River. Photo by Dr. Wahid Baloch -->>
Humaira Rahman, Director of the World Sindhi Institute of Canada Chapter, said that the military regime was continuing with their atrocities
against Baloch and Sindh people including many ethnic minorities.
“This is the fifth military operation being carried out in Balochistan. Villagers are being bombed, people are being arrested without charge.
This is not the first time that the military government is carrying out operations against its own citizens and previous military governments
have done the same. The current military regime of Musharraf is doing this under the guise of war against terror, the support he is getting
from western governments in terms of economic and military aid and weapons are actually being used against Pakistani citizens,” said
Humaira Rehman.
The World Sindhi Institute urged the US and UK, whose key ally is Pakistan in the war against terrorism, to link any aid to the impoverished
nation to adherence of political and social righteousness.Munawar Laghari, Executive Director of the World Sindhi Institute, urged the
international community to intervene for restoration of democracy at the earliest in Pakistan.
“We want ideally our rights, our equal rights, our basic fundamental rights, human right, our basic political rights. There are no rights in
Pakistan, no rights in Sindh and Baluchistan; the only ruling is the military. We want to stop the military rule in Pakistan, that's very important
otherwise it is a failed country. So, it is a need to tell the world that Musharraf is one dictator who is ruling the country. We must stop support
to Musharraf,” said Laghari.
Whilst innocent civilians including women and children are killed in Balochistan, general Musharaff’s successful advertisement campaign
of “enlightened moderation” has bewitched the hearts and minds of western governments. In spite of over whelming evidence that
extremist militants, supported by the Inter Services Intelligence (a military institution that actually rules over all governments in Pakistan)
continue to terrorize ordinary citizens in all the provinces of Pakistan. However north American citizens can collectively bring about
considerable weight to bear through petitioning their congressmen and women or members of parliament. This was the underlying
message of all speakers at this rally and the previous four at Washington D.C., Chicago, Houston and Los Angeles.
Speaking to the Rally, Dr. Wahid Baloch, president of Baloch Society of North America (BSO-NA), said, the Military operation, arrest and
torture of innocent Baloch and Sindhi people and all human right violation in Balochistan and Sindh must stop immediately. He appealed
the democracy, peace and freedom loving people and the world community to come to the rescue of people of Balochistan from the
Pakistani military killings and genocide. He said, Pakistani Military killing the innocent Baloch civilians using military gunship helicopters
and fighter jets and using phosphorus bombs and other chemical weapons. As result of indiscriminate bombing thousand people have
fled their homes and many have been dislocated. According to the recent report by Human Right Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) and the
Amnesty International USA, more than 85% population of Dera Bugti and Kohlu Districts have fled their home and are living under harsh
conditions without help. He asked United Nation, President Bush, the Champion of Democray and freedom, the world community and the
human right organization to immediately intervene and stop the killing and genocide of innocent Baloch people. He Said, more than 60
thousand Pakistani troops are Stationed in Balochistan and more are on the way. According to Pakistani government officials, more than six
thousand innocent Baloch have been arrested and are behind bars in unknown military Gitmo torture Camps. He asked their immediate
unconditional release. " We were a free State before the creation of Pakistan and our Land (Balochistan) was annexed illegally by force into
Pakistan. We had never joined Pakistan. We been living under the Pakistani and Iranian occupation for more than 58 years. It is time the
occupation of our landend. it time that the looting of our resources and suffering of our people end now. The Imaginary Berlin Wall between
Eastern and Western Balochistan must be dismantled and our people must be united into one Nation, the one Baloch Nation . The world
community must stand up by their words to the commitment of peace, justice and freedom all people", He Said.

Dr. Wahid Baloch also draw the attention of the US
Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, to the illegal
arrest and detention of Dr. Safdar Sarki, a US citizen,
being held in a unknown location by Pakistani ISI and
Security forces without any charge. It is the responsibility
of US Department of State to protect its US citizen all
over the world from the Terrorist and kidnappers. "We
ask the Sate Department to ensure Dr. Sarki's safety
and immediate release from Pakistani custody", Dr.
Wahid Said.
Bangla Deshi supporters who spoke at the event
recalled how 160,000 Bengali women were raped by the
Pakistan military in 1971. “ Had we insisted on trying
the Pakistan military for war crimes, perhaps our Sindhi,
Baloch and Pushtun brothers and sisters would not be
suffering as much today” said Saleem Samad.
Speakers also included Farhan Soomro from World Sindhi Congress, Wahid Baloch from Baloch Society of North America, director
Humaira Rahman WSI Canada and executive director WSI Munawar Laghari.
The people of the province have long felt a sense of deprivation and alienation from Islamabad, and have repeatedly demanded greater
power to determine their own affairs. Balochs are also demanding greater control over rich natural resources of the province. These
include vast fields of natural gas at Sui, in Dera Bugti.
Sindhis are opposed to the proposed Kalabagh dam and Greater Thal canal projects in their province as they allege that the two irrigation
projects would benefit the Punjab province and spell doom for Sindh. They believe the projects would divert water from the Indus River to
irrigate Punjab, making their province fallow. The Sindh Assembly had even moved resolutions against both the projects, which were
ignored by Islamabad.
Sindhis constitute less than 10 per cent of Pakistan's 140 million populations and occupy nearly one-fifth of the country's total area.
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation and Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments against Baloch people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.