Press Releases

Washington , DC , September 22, 2006: Out of numerous rallies organized by ‘The World Sindhi Institute’,
this was the first occasion for a WSI demonstration to be held at ‘The White House’. The occasion was meeting
of General Pervez Musharraf, dictator ruler of Pakistan with President of the U.S. , George W. Bush. Large
number of activists and individuals gathered in front of the White House, chanting anti-Musharraf slogans and
displaying posters with signs against Military Rule and oppression on provinces of Sindh and Balochistan. Other
participants of the demonstration included Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz group, Pakistan People’s Party,
World Baloch Jewish Alliance, TASSC and Think Tank of Self Determination.

International and Pakistani press were present for coverage and conducted interviews with the members of
Rally, who expounded their views on Musharraf’s military regime, including human rights violations and lack of
democracy in Pakistan . Their slogans clearly disseminated messages, such as:

These posters were apparently held in front of the gate way of The White House and were clearly visible to
General Musharraf’s car procession. Hundreds of on-lookers and passer-by crowd were handed over flyers
explaining General Musharraf’s double game of taking U.S. support as an Ally on ‘War Against Terror’ and on the
other hand technically equipping the fundamentalist Islamic factions in Pakistan to become “Techno-Jehadis”
and a huge threat to the future world. Moreover, he is using the same U.S. support to kill the politically aware and
human rights activists of Pakistan , instead of the fundamental jehadis of Alqaeda. Torture, disappearances and
killing of journalists, political activists and democracy lovers in Sindh and Balochistan was also exposed through
flyers. WSI sent a letter to President George Bush, bringing the factual situation of democracy and human rights
in Pakistan under the present military regime to his attention.

The World Sindhi Institute (WSI) is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. WSI was founded in
March of 1997 to bring to the attention of the international community, the grave situation in Sindh & Balochistan,
the southern provinces of Pakistan. WSI strives to achieve human rights and security for Sindhis and Baloch in a
stable Pakistan.

For more information, contact Munawar Laghari, Executive Director World Sindhi Institute at:

, 202-223-1777 (w), 202-378-0333 (c), or visit

Join Demonstration Rally against Military Rule in Pakistan Come to THE WHITE HOUSE Washington , DC ,
September 22, 2006

Each One Reach One!

Military Ruler of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf will visit the U.S. President George Bush on September 22,
2006 . The World Sindhi Institute is organizing a peaceful demonstration in front of the White House, at the Side
Walk between East and West Executive Avenues on the south side of Pennsylvania Avenue on Friday September
22, 2006 for two hours. (Time to be communicated later).

General Musharraf’s regime in Pakistan is playing not the devil’s advocate, but the devil’s partner. U.S. support
for fighting the fundamental Jehadis is used to equip them with scientific tools and knowledge; thus creating
“TECHNO-JEHADIS” – Monsters for the future world..!

Musharraf’s double game is so obvious……..
Why can’t the U.S. Leadership open their eyes?
What is the difference between the role of Saddam in the last decade and that of Musharraf now?

Mr. Musharraf:
“You can fool Some of the people All of the time
And All of the people, Some of the time..
But you can NOT fool ALL THE PEOPLE, ALL THE TIME…!!!”

The World Sindhi Institute appeals to the conscience of all responsible, peace-loving, pro-democracy and
human rights believing citizens of the world to wake up and join hands in exposing Musharraf by raising voice
against the atrocities committed by his Military regime in Pakistan, while inside The White House, he will be
staging the same old drama of collecting more funds in the name of ‘Alliance in War Against Terror”.

We Demand:
End the Plunder of Country!!!

Democracy Delayed is Democracy Denied!!!

The World Sindhi Institute (WSI) is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. WSI was founded in
March of 1997 to bring to the attention of the international community, the grave situation in Sindh & Balochistan,
the southern provinces of Pakistan. WSI strives to achieve human rights and security for Sindhis and Baloch in a
stable Pakistan .

For more information, contact Munawar Laghari, Executive Director World Sindhi Institute at: wsihq@worldsindhi.
org, 202-223-1777 (w), 202-378-0333 (c), or see our website,
Declaration of Human Rights
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.