Press Releases
Feb. 13, 2006. Baloch, Sindhi and Pashtune are protesting in front of Pakistani Consulate General in Chicago, USA against
the Military Operation in Balochistan and the Construction of Mega Dams on Indus River. Photo: Afzal Bugti
STOP the Military Operation and Genocide in Balochistan. Afzal Bugti

Feb 13, 2006.

A joint protest Rally was held in Chicago in front of the Pakistani consulate at 333 Michigan Avenue by Baloch
Society of North America (BSO-NA), Baloch International Human Rights, Pashtun Institute for Peace and
Democracy, World Sindhi Congress (WSC), Sindhi Association of North America (SANA), World Sindhi
Institute (WSI), and Friends of South Asia to denounce the ongoing military operation in Balochistan and the
construction of Mega Dams on Indus River.

The rally was well covered by local as well as international media representatives. In freezing temperatures
participants turned out to protest on Lincoln Day. Raising slogans against the military and in favor of
democracy the rally participants held up placards condemning the current military operation and occupation of
Balochistan and the planned mega dams on the river Indus. The military  dictatorship of  general Musharraf  
came under special attack as the participants raised  emotional  and angry slogans demanding the
restoration of democracy and an end to military rule.

The first speaker was Mr. Rasool Bux Palijo who flew in especially from Sindh to attend the rallies at the
invitation of the WSI. “This is not the Pakistan of Mohammed Ali Jinnah or the Pakistan envisaged by the
constituent units of the federation. We joined Pakistan to live in a democracy where we could have control over
our own resources and enjoy our own cultural heritage without fear or hindrance. Today Sindh and
Balochistan are under military occupation and our most fertile lands have been given as grants to military
officers as reward for their service in rendering Sindh and Balochistan to subjugation.”

Speaking at the rally, BSO-NA Chief Organizer and central committee member of Jamoori Watan Party in
Chicago, Illinois Mr. Ali Afzal Bugti said," Pakistan have started the 5th military operation against the innocent
people of Balochistan and we ask United Nation, Human Right Organizations and all the civilized and
democratic worlds to please intervene and stop the killing of innocent Baloch people immediately. He said the
Baloch people have been deprived of their resources for the past 58 years and  have been kept backward due
to wrong and discriminatory policies of Punjbai establishment and military dictators in Pakistan.  He thanks
the leader of Awami Tehrek Mr. Rasool Bux Palejo and other participants applaud the Baloch-Sindhi Unity.

Malek Towghi of Baloch Human Rights International thanked the World Sindhi Institute and said that the
Baloch and Sindhi stand united in their quest for democracy.

Ishaq Tunio of  FOTRI  recited a sindhi nationalist song the gist of  which evoked a remembrance of the  sweet
soil of Sindh which has been rendered dry by the dams. All those present were very touched by the song
which was sung with a beautiful melody.

Iqbal Tareen Sindhi human rights activist from Texas said that Sindh was the the first province that joined
Pakistan and can therefore rightfully claim status as the mother of Pakistan. “Today sindhis stand accused of
being separatists. How can a mother want to leave her own child?”  he said. “We sindhis are being pushed
out and accused of disloyalty whereas it is the military -civilian bureaucracy- mullah nexus of Pakistan that is
condemning our very existence. We believe in the original federation that Pakistan was supposed to be and
that respected the legitimate rights of its federating units. We are going to remain within Pakistan and fight for
the rights guaranteed to us under the 1940 resolution”

Humaira Rahman director of WSI Canada said that since 1947 the military has controlled and hijacked the
political economy of Pakistan. “All the peoples of Pakistan the sindhi , baloch , pushtun , seraiki and poor
punjabis are all very very tired of the military  that has impoverished the indigenous peoples  and denied them  
basic freedoms. Today women in Pakistan are subjected to archaic laws that encourage rape and violence
against women. These laws were brought in by a military dictator who usurped power”

Munawar Laghari speaking in Sindhi thanked all the speakers and participants and concluded by saying “Jeay
Sindh”  and Long live Sindhi Balochi unity.
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights
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