Press Releases
Rt Hon Tony Blair Prime Minister,
10 Downing Street                                                        
London SW1 2AA

21st May 2006

Air-bombardment of innocent & defenceless Baloch people by Iranian

Dear Prime Minister,

Five days ago the Iranian regime carried out an indiscriminate and devastating air-bombardment with giant
helicopter gun ships on Baloch villages around the city of Bam (earth-quack stricken area) and Nusratabad. Sadly
in the air-raid 18 totally innocent Baloch were killed, as reported by the governor of Bam. The exact total number
according to the officials may rise. Several villages were destroyed and Baloch inhabitants were displaced.

The regime has designated Balochistan and Baloch areas in other parts such as Kerman as an ‘especial security
zone’. For the last several months Balochistan has experienced some excessive and harsh approach under the
pretext of security and fight against narcotics. The Iranian regime has stationed a brutal ‘rapid action force’ called
‘MORSAAD’ – a force not accountable to anyone except to the spiritual leader of the regime- in Baloch inhabitant
areas of Kerman and Balochistan to bring Baloch people to submission. The Baloch have no voice in Iran, let
alone independent and meaningful representation. In Balochistan there is no means available to seek justice or
address their issue and demands. As a reaction to such heavy handed and oppressive approaches, there
unfortunately occurred some incidents and killing by frustrated Baloch groups. It is evident that conflicts between
Baloch and regime would escalate with still further militarization of Balochistan as there is no trust among Baloch
people on the regime and its governance.
The regime reported to have despatched & deployed six battalions to Balochistan, in addition to 35,000 existing
security forces which in reality makes Balochistan under an un-declared marshal-law.

The vast majority of Baloch people live below poverty-line even by Iranian standard let alone international ones.
The victimized Baloch villagers had no link or collaboration with those who were being chased by the Iranian
security forces. The regime is vigorously pursuing the policy of harassment and fear in the entire Balochistan. The
governor of Bam in a press conference claimed that the Baloch villagers had association with the chased group
without substantiating it. Allegations- of all sorts on Baloch people by the regime are attempts to demonise Baloch

It is to be noted that it is not the only time that Baloch villages are being bombed and razed to ground, as ‘Gornaag -
a village near Iranshahr’ incident is a clear witness to the testimony. All inhabitants of Gornaag fled and displaced
by bombardment a few years ago- when late Robin Cook was the Foreign Secretary. Baloch people were
dismayed when Robin Cook sent special night-googles to the Iranian regime, albeit under the understanding of
fight against narcotics. Nearly two months ago three very young innocent Baloch were shot at blank-point range
and killed by security forces of the regime in Zahidan-capital city of Balochistan while they were fallen over from
their bikes on the ground. Last week a known clergy -prayer caller of Maki mosque in Zahidan was shot at, but
fortunately was not hit. Three prominent religious Sunni Baloch scholars were found dead in a mysterious road
accident between Bam and Zahidan. There are constant reports of extra-judicial kidnapping, detentions and
killings by the forces of regime in all over Balochistan. Two young students were killed in Raask city when the
security forces of the regime fired at a motor-bike. Only last week another Baloch was shot-dead when he was
involved in a pity argument with a Non-Baloch farmer in Baaho-Chahbar. Such oppressive acts are daily
occurrence in Balochistan which makes Baloch people under siege.

In Iran Baloch are victim of discrimination by state. Hence Baloch identity, culture, language and religion are under
constant threat by the Iranian regime and its policies. For this reason and express of dismay to the Iranian regime’
s bombardment of Baloch people and villages around Bam and Nusratabad, today Balochistan Action Committee
along all Baloch human rights organisations & political parties called to gather here opposite 10, Downing Street
in solidarity with them..  

Balochistan Action Committee-UK hereby files this petition on behalf of Baloch people to appeal to the British
Prime-minister to express his concern on the plight of people of Balochistan, and exert pressure on Iran for its
indiscriminate acts on Baloch and, the dire human rights situation in Balochistan. Undoubtedly, as people of
Balochistan feel, the intervention by the British Government is vital to their defence against the Iranian regime’s
atrocities and to their rights. Therefore it is appealed to you to assist the oppressed people of Balochistan on their
quest for justice, their democratic rights and protection of their lives.   

We look forward to your kind and humanitarian concern on Balochistan, and if deemed necessary, meet foreign
office officials to provide evidence & further information.

Yours sincerely,

For the Balochistan Action Committee (UK)

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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.