Press Releases
“1971-like situation developing in Balochistan”
Sardar Attaullah Mengal

Karachi: A prominent Baloch leader has said that a “serious situation” was emerging in Balochistan whereby
innocent people were being kidnapped and subjected to inhuman treatment, and that it might lead to a 1971-
like situation which resulted in the formation of Bangladesh (out of East Pakistan).

Founder of the Balochistan National Party (BNP), Sardar Attaullah Khan Mengal said that in case the military
operation was continued and the national rights of the Baloch people were not recognized, a Bengal-like
situation could develop in the province.

“We are heading towards a very serious situation and presently no solution is in sight,” he said and blamed the
Pakistan rulers for it because of their “lust for power and wealth”.

Accusing the Pakistani rulers for the inhuman and degrading treatment being meted out to the Baloch people,
he reminded that initially there had been a democratic movement in the former East Pakistan, but “due to Army
action and atrocities, the Bengalis were ultimately forced to demand a separate homeland for themselves”.

Ruling out the possibility of any negotiations with the Pakistan government in the near future keeping in view the
current situation of the province, he said: “the rulers have never been serious about finding a lasting solution to
the Balochistan issue because of their sinister designs. Had they been serious about dialogue, the situation
would have been different today and we would have not reached this stage.”

“Talk of dialogue was nothing but nonsense……….it was directed towards a particular lobby and was just
carried out to sell the idea that they were keenly desirous of solving the issue,” The Dawn quoted Sardar Mengal
as saying on Saturday.

Arguing that the ground realities (in Balochistan) were quite different, he said, “the question is, who will hold
talks with whom, notwithstanding the fact that a credibility gap also exists.

He said that there was a conflict of interests between the rulers representing the Punjab and the Baloch people,
saying that while the former wanted to exploit the resources of Balochistan, the latter being the rightful owners
were totally against it.

He urged the country’s political parties and human rights organizations to force the government to stop its
atrocities in the troubled province, which, according to him, “had crossed all limits”.
Declaration of Human Rights
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.