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Balochistan no longer wants to remain part of
Pakistan: Mengal

ISLAMABAD: Baloch nationalist leader and former Chief Minister of Balochistan, Sardar
Ataullah Mengal has said that the situation in the province has deteriorated to such an
extent that people no longer want to remain a part of the Pakistani federation.

He said though the situation in the province has fluctuated after every decade or so, this
was the first time the crisis had become so profound and threatening. It had become a
point of no return for the Baloch people as well as the federal government and now not
even a tiny flicker of light was visible, he said.
“Things have gone to a point-of-no-return. People have sensed the issue on their own instincts and extreme
hatred has developed in their minds about the rulers. I have never witnessed such extreme hatred ever. I have
also perceived that they do not wish to be allied to the Federation any more,” Online News quoted him in an
exclusive interview as saying.

He further said that the sacrifices made by the Balochis would not go in vain and they would emerge victorious in
this battle of might.

"Thousands of Balochis are laying down their precious lives for the defence of their ‘homeland and culture’, pitted
against an incomprehensible and powerful adversary like government but I am sure that Balochi people will
emerge victorious amongst this battle of might and enemy".

He said the federal government has tried every trick in the book to quell the popular uprising against its unjust
policies and in this regard given a free hand to the agencies to carry on their dirty work of abduction, murder and
terrorism. Worse still, these agencies have not been made answerable for their actions.

“The ‘agencies’, have been given unlimited and free choice to abduct, murder or terrorize anybody at their free will,
almost like an "imperial agency", not even answerable to courts of law or Allah himself. As a result thousands of
persons in the Province have been abducted, murdered or terrorized with impunity. This is even worse than British
Raj days, and a close comparison would reveal that those were still the days of freedom of expression, while
today we have slipped back to days of serfdom,” he said.

He said these acts had created so much hatred among the masses towards the government, that the very concept
of Pakistan had become alien to them, now.

“The government has created a sense of hatred among masses far beyond just the government itself; to (the very
concept of) Pakistan itself! This would simply mean that Pakistan and Balochistan would never be able to co-
exist,” he added.

"President General Pervez Musharraf and his "agencies" are responsible for pinning the final nail into the "coffin of
Federation. There are no more solutions left,” he further said.

>> Asian News International (ANI)
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