Press Releases
SANA Approaches Congressman for Release of Dr Safdar Sarki

Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) is deeply concerned at the arrests/abductions and reported torture of
political and human rights activists by security agencies in Sindh and Balochistan. We strongly condemn such
barbaric acts of the military regime and demand the immediate release of all the arrested/abducted activists.

We had raised the issue with Canadian MPs during our Convention in Toronto, Canada earlier this month. They
assured us that they would take up the issue in the Canadian Parliament. Later SANA also approached a US
Congressman in Washington, DC to seek his help for the release of Dr Safdar Sarki, a North American Sindhi
community member arrested/kidnapped by security agencies in Karachi in February this year.

SANA Washington, DC Chapter office bearer Hanif Sangi in his email has said that SANA "arranged a meeting on
13 July 2006 at city hall Fairfax Virginia with Congressman Tom Davis of 11th District. Meeting was about the US
Citizen Dr. Safdar Sarki, who has been missing in Pakistan. SANA gave details to the Congressman about Dr.
Sarki's abduction by Pakistani agencies and demanded immediate pressure by US Government.

"Congressman assured SANA that He will contact US Ambassador in Islamabad and will discuss the issue with
the State department. He also directed his District Director Mr. Dave Foreman to keep us informed about the case.

I call upon SANA members and our community members living anywhere in North America to approach their
Congressmen, MPs to inform them about the atrocities of the military regime in Pakistan and call upon them to
use their influence to seek the release of Dr Sarki and other political and human rights activists
arrested/kidnapped by terrorist outfits called 'security agencies'.


Aziz Narejo
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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.