Press Releases
The Cold Blooded Murder
Of Nawab Akbar Khan

By Shabir Ahmed Baloch
Balochistan Freedom Foundation

There are no words which can express the feeling of sorrow and anger being felt by the Baloch Nation at the cold
blooded murder of their great leader Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti , at the hands of the Pakistan Army .
The 79 year old Nawab was the most prominent of the Baloch Nationalist leaders . He was also the leader of the
Jamhoori Watan Party . Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti had played a significant and controversial role in Pakistani
politics , since the creation of the state in 1947.

The Government of Pakistan was never sincere in meeting the simple demand’s made by the Nawab , along with
other Baloch Nationalist leaders for greater autonomy for Balochistan , and a greater share of the revenue
generated by Balochistan. The Government of Pakistan led by General Musharraf and his fellow miscreants
twisted and turned on every issue , and finally provoked the whole situation by increasing the military presence in
Balochistan .

Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti was blamed for creating an insurgency in Balochistan against the Government of
Pakistan . The Pakistani media had gone into overdrive portraying the Nawab as some sort of medieval ogre , an
evil and ruthless tyrant who would stop at nothing . The character assassination of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti was
not complete , until he was further accused of colluding with foreign powers in trying to destabilise Pakistan .
On March 17 2005 the Pakistani Army launched a military operation in Dera Bugti , in which the Nawab was
personally targeted , his ancestral home was fired upon by TOW missiles . This attack prompted the Nawab to
leave for the mountains for his personal safety , and to continue his campaign for Baloch rights from a safe
distance. A second unsuccessful attempt to kill the Nawab was made early in July 2006.

when his new location became known , SSG commando's were sent in by helicopter to kill him . Having survived
these two attempts to kill him the Nawab then relocated to the kohlu area , the traditional area of the Marri tribe.
The Pakistani authorities tried to pin point the Nawabs new location , but were unsuccessful , until the Chinese
stepped into help . The Chinese had made a massive investment In Balochistan in the shape of Gwadar Port ,
and were clearly frustrated at the lack of progress in opening Gwadar Port. The Chinese also wanted revenge for
the murder of Chinese engineers by alleged Baloch Nationalists on 3 May 2004. The Chinese deemed Pakistan
unable to deal with the currant insurgency in Balochistan , and therefore decided to help Pakistan using
sophisticated technology in locating the whereabouts of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti . The Nawab was held directly
responsible for impeding the progress of the Gawadar Port project , and was mistakenly viewed as the head of
the BLA , the Baloch Liberation Army . The Pakistani Army with the aid and assistance of Chinese intelligence ,
monitored the flow of cell phone calls in the Kohlu region . By using sophisticated Satellite technology only
available to the Chinese , a series of calls were pin pointed to a desolate and barren location .Given the remote
location from where the calls were being made and received , the Pakistani Army was confidant that they had
discovered Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti's whereabouts .

There are already a variety of accounts with regards to the events which transpired between 24 August to 26
August 2006 , subsequently ending in the cold blooded murder of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti . According to
Pakistani officials it had been discovered that the Nawab and his men were using a cave as a base . A tribesman
from the Bugti clan was helping the law enforcement agencies , this gentleman had entered the cave , and later
confirmed the presence of people inside the cave , along with confirmation that Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti was
also present in the cave .The law enforcement agents having had confirmation that the Nawab was in the cave ,
went directly into the cave to negotiate his surrender . Once they had entered the cave there was a huge explosion
, and everyone within the cave was killed . No Pakistani official was clear as to how this explosion occurred. The
official Government of Pakistan line is that , who ever may have had knowledge on what really happened was
dead beneath the rubble of the cave .

Another version states that after the Pakistani military had tracked the Nawab down to a remote cave in the
mountains. They called in air strikes and sent a huge force of commandos on the ground. At least 21
commandos, including six officers, and 37of the Nawab's men , were believed to have died in the fighting it
appeared that the cave collapsed due to deliberate air strikes .The third version which is being given plenty of
credence , is the most plausible . The Pakistani military did not attempt to enter into negotiations with the Nawab
or his men. Once the Pakistani military had confirmation that the Nawab was present in the cave , they tried
unsuccessfully to storm the cave . Not all of the Nawabs men were in the cave at the time , and the Pakistani
military were caught in the crossfire , leading to substantial losses for the Pakistani military . The Pakistani
military responded by firing chemical weapons into the cave , which was the real reason for the deaths inside of
the cave. They then called for air strikes directly above the cave , and cluster bombs were used around the
surrounding area in a mopping up exercise to remove any lingering threat from tribesmen in the area. The cave
itself was reduced to rubble . A cover story was released to the public that the Pakistani army had no intention of
killing Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti , and that an mysterious explosion within the cave had led to his demise .
As mentioned already the last version is the most plausible . The Pakistani authorities spent several days sifting
through the rubble , they found 100 million rupees , and $96,000 , and a substantial cache of arms , which
mysteriously survived the explosion , but they couldn't locate Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti's body.
When it was finally announced by the Pakistani authorities that Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti's body had been found ,
they then refused to hand the body over to the Nawab's family . No member of the Nawab's family were even
allowed to see the body to identify it .

The alleged remains of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti's body was taken to his home town of Dera Bugti for burial at 10
am on 1st September 2006 , under very tight security . No member of the Nawab's family was present . The only
two people who had seen the body were Maulana Maluk Bugti and the Dera Bugti District Co ordination officer (
DCO ) Abdul Samad Lasi . When the press insisted that they wanted to see Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti's face , the
DCO refused saying that '' it is illegal to show his face '' . The coffin itself was sealed , and had two padlocks
placed on it . Only around 20 people were allowed to attend the funeral , and they were all opponents of the late
Nawab.In an amazing twist , on the 2 September the Imam of the Dera Bugti mosque , Maulana Maluk Bugti ,
stated that he was not sure that the person for whom he recited funeral prayers , and helped to bury was actually
the slain Baloch leader Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti .Following that statement , on 3 September Maulana Maluk
Bugti was found dead , he was believed to have been murdered by Pakistani Government agents.
The Government of Pakistan has made a complete hash of the entire episode from start to finish . The Pakistani
Army unable to capture Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti and his brave fighters , resorted to the use of chemical weapons
. There is no other reason for the secrecy surrounding the late Nawab's body . The Pakistani Governments
refusal to hand the Nawab's body over to his family , the hastily prepared burial , where no one was allowed to
glimpse the Nawab's body . All this followed by the murder of Maulana Maluk Bugti , after he claimed that in reality
he didn't know who he helped to bury , shows that the Pakistani Government has plenty to hide . How Nawab
Akbar Khan Bugti died we may never know until his remains are analysed , however we do know that he was
murdered in cold blood , and murdered at the behest of the Government of Pakistan .

As Pakistan continues its transition from a failed state , to a failed vassal state for the Chinese , one has to
wonder who will be next ? As the Chinese become more hungry for energy , who will Pakistan readily dispatch for
them , will it be un compromising Arab Sheik's , Indian , Afghan , European , American politicians ? Where will it
all stop ?

George Bush's war on terrorism is loosing all credibility , while he continues to appease the biggest terrorist of
them all '' The Government of Pakistan '' .The cold blooded murder of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti has rejuvenated
the Baloch Nationalist' s . The Nawab is now held in even higher esteem by the Baloch Nation , and is regarded
as martyr . Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti's sacrifice for his beloved Baloch Nation will now produce a myriad of Baloch
leaders , especially from the Baloch youth .Two valuable lessons that the Baloch youth will have learnt from the
on going war are firstly , that if you are going to be murdered for demanding your rights , you may as well fight for
the total independence of your country . Secondly to defeat the Pakistani army you must first bring the Pakistani
economy to a complete halt .


Brother Shabir Baloch

Thanks for writing such an in-depth article about Shaheedi-i- Azum (Balochistan) Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti.

The military government of Pakistan with his evil intention for a long time wanted to eliminate "Tiger of
Balochistan" because he did not bow down. He was seen as man of principle therefore Islamabad does not want
such leaders. They want a "yes man" which Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti refused to be because throughout his
political career he was known as a tough negotiator for Baloch rights.

So the military regime's message is clear to the rest of Baloch nationalist leadership, that whoever wants to
follow Shaheedi -i-Azum Nawab Akbar bugti's path his fate will be same.

I hope the great Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti's exit will not leave leadership vacuum among Baloch, as Nawab Khair
Baksh Marri states the Baloch political struggle will not die due to Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti's death. He reminds
the Baloch enemy that they have killed Nawab Nowroz Khan and Prince Agha Abdul Karim in the past.

All in the end we hope all honourable Baloch nationalist leaders will come forward and work together to be united
and lead the Baloch nation to victory.

Aziz Baloch   
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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
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our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
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