Press Releases
Balochis no longer want to be allied with the
federation: Mengal
Things have gone to a point-of-no-return:

ISLAMABAD: Former Chief Minister Balochistan and PONM Central leader Sardar
Ataullah Mengal said that the situation in Balochistan has reached to no point of return
and the people of Balochistan no longer want to be allied with the federation and the
Balochi people will emerge victorious amongst this battle of might and enemy.

In an exclusive interview with Online and Weekly Pulse Sardar Ataullah Mengal, who
has been dubbed as one of the Sardars responsible for the deteriorating situation in
Balochistan, said the situation of Balochistan always deteriorates, in every decade orso, but the current crisis
sound more profound. It seems as if both the adversaries have reached a point-of-no-return, with not even a tiny
flick of ray of hope being visible."Thousands of Balochis are laying down their precious lives for the defense of
their "homeland and culture", pitted against an incomprehensible and powerful adversary like government but I
am sure that Balochi people will emerge victorious amongst this battle of might and enemy", he said.

He said the government his time it has created a sense of hatred among masses far beyond just the government
itself; to (the very concept of) Pakistan itself! This would simply mean that Pakistan and Balochistan would never
be able to co-exist.

He said that mostly every government that comes into power tries to impress the fact upon us that Balochis are
merely a third rate nation, and that difference has been sustained.

The "agencies", have been given unlimited and free choice to abduct, murder or terrorize anybody at their free will,
almost like an "imperial agency", not even answerable to courts of law or Allah himself. As a result thousands of
persons in the Province have been abducted, murdered or terrorized with impunity. This is even worse than British
Raj days, and a close comparison would reveal that those were still the days of freedom of expression, while
today we have slipped back to days of serfdom, Sardar Mengal said.

"President General Pervez Musharraf and his "agencies" are responsible for pinning the final nail into the "coffin of

In response to a query he said that it is common practice to blame the Balochistan crisis on " Foreign hand".

"It is very easy to levy an allegation. Even I can allege that if Musharraf can be a foreign agent (toady), I reserve the
right to be one as well! If foreign hands are involved than why didn’t Pakistan lodge strong protests against that
country or elements? These are all but baseless allegations", Mengal retorted..

In response to a question Sardar Mengal said there are no more solutions left. Things have gone to a point-of-
. People have sensed the issue on their own instincts and extreme hatred has developed in their
minds about the rulers. I have never witnessed such extreme hatred ever. I have also perceived that they do
not wish to be allied to the Federation any more. Even the best available democratic government has failed to
deliver justice for the Baloch masses. So unless the Baloch faith is restored they would never compromise. It
is only a matter of time before a verdict is reached, regardless of its acceptance or rejection."

Talking about PONM and some "nationalist" parties demand of a new constitution Mengal said, " We feel that the
new constitution could easily accommodate all the factors and demands desired by provinces and specifically the
grievances of oppressed nationalities. Should any one try to amend even a single word, a 2/3rd majority, usually
hard to find, would be required. But since Punjab enjoys a 58% representative, it would never want a new change.
Hence we feel that a new constitution based on equality (under any circumstances) should be legislated."

He said Punjab can rule the roost per force as long as it wishes, but a time would definitely come when it would
loose the federation of other provinces. Pakistan survived after losing Bengal, but should it loose one other
province the entire Federation would crumble like a sand house.

He said PONM has decided that if the forthcoming General Elections of 2007 are ever held under the auspices of
President General Pervez Musharraf it would not contest them. We demand that these General Elections should
be held under the auspices of impartial judiciary, who have not taken any oath under the PCO (Provisional
Constitutional Order). We simply do not trust President Pervez Musharraf, after the way he has maligned the
mullah. Anything can be expected of him.

Talking about the Charter of Democracy he said For us, any "charter" is incomplete as long as it contains full
provisions for the autonomy of smaller provinces "in accordance with their vision", restoring their confidence and
trust. Both the parties are promoting " Punjab’s domination", the only difference today is that "that dominance" is
being perpetuated with use of force. We would never struggle for removal of an unconstitutional regime, only to be
replaced by a new exploitation system. We also don’t approve of any democracy, which would deny us our rights
and rather tend to suffocate us, taking cover under the democratic regulations and norms for doing so.
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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
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