Press Releases
A Letter to Baluchistan supporter Congressman Tom Tancredo


Hon'ble Congressman Tom Tancredo:

I request you to please allow me to share this letter with the Baluch diaspora, in advance.

This is a letter of thanks, but we expect more from you. Honestly.

As a journalist of Baloch ethnic origin, I sincerely thank you for writing to the Hon'ble Madam Secretary Condoleezza
Rice about the ongoing army operation in Baluchistan. At least two hundred people have perished so far, many of them
women and children.

Your name would be recorded in the history of Baluch people's struggle for being treated as equal humans on their
motherland. A saying in baluchi goes if someone gives you a glass of water.

We are confident you would continue to push for raising awareness about Baluchistan, a stateless land divided
between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, in the U.S. Congress. The Baluchistan area promises to be a bulwark against
global Islamic terrorism.

Unfortunately your letter failed to address some key issues that are vital to Baluchistan, the land and the people.
Without cognizance of these facts, the story of Baluchistan would be only half told, at the best.

The most important of those facts is that Balochistan was illegally and forcibly annexed in 1948. In fact Baluchistan was
granted independence status before  Pakistan was carved out of India by the British. This is neither day dreaming nor
nationalist propaganda. This is a fact of history. Baluchistan ample proofs to submit before the U.S. Congress and the
world at large to prove our sovereign status before Pakistan's illegal annexation.

Unfortunately, the world was just too occupied with end of fascism in Europe to take note of signifcant events
elsewhere. That includes the illegal aennexation of Baluchistan.

This is at least the fourth major army operation. Thousands of Baluch have sacrificed their lives against I spoke to a
senior Baluchi writer in Quetta and he said "They are killing us."

I sincerely don't understand why it is continuously being said Musharraf is a US ally. The main generals who brought
him into power  were visitng the Taliba'an on a regular basis and telling them to fight against America. It is also a fact
that in Pakistan Army, Islamist former ISI chief Hamid Gul is Musharraf's hero. If you closely look at the links to the 9/11
attacks on this country, all the clues will lead to one place: Islamabad.

Returning to the issue of Baluchistan, the land half century after its forcible occupation was used against the wishes of
its people to test the so-called Islamic Bomb on May 28, 1998. When the chief executive of the province Sardar Akhtar
Mengal protested, his government was removed through manipulation of army-controlled spooks, notably the Inter
Services Intelligence. (I have absolutely no doubt in my mind this agency remains the most powerful supporter of
terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden even to this day.)

Baluchistan leaders have come on record to complain of the use of poison gas.

Hon'ble Congressman, once again thanks for bringing the issue of Baluchistan to the notice of Hon'ble Madam Rice.

If at all your office may help take the case of Baluchistan to the International Court of Justice, I am pretty sure the people
of Baluchistan would be indebted to you and the United States.

God bless tyou.

God bless the United States.

Ahmar Mustikhan
22580 Upper Kells Lane
Great Mills
Maryland 20634
Tel: 318-366-8873
Related Link:
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights