Press Releases
Time to Demand demilitarization and self governance of Balochistan

By Sunaina Baloch, PhD.

Musharraf in his latest statement on Kashmir proposed a FINAL RESOLUTION , he said "I have proposed
demilitarization as a final resolution. Demilitarize Kashmir, give self-governance to the people of Kashmir with a
joint management arrangement on top." . There are many interesting points that Baloch leadership should pick up
from the statement , that can be used as talking points with Islamabad's Punjabi elite . We have to demand 2 things
from Muahsrraf 1.De-Millitarise Baloch 2. Self Governance of our resources .

Mastermind of flopped Kargil war is licking wounds and now testing his instincts on Balochis . His arrogant
statements on Baloch made him less of a leader and more of a street thug and Grand old man of Baloch Mr.Akbar
Bugti is having fun by paying commando in his own coin . Bugti outsmarted all Pakistani Millitary maneuvers to
eliminate him, using rugged mountains to his advantage and waging a skilled guerilla war against Punjabi forces .
Musharraf is perplexed this time , don't know what has hit him and why this time baloch is different from 1970's ,
may be he is sulking in the corner with his friend Mushaid Hussain a Punjabi Jihadi .

He frequently describe terrorist attacks on women and children in Kashmir as a freedom struggle , a contrast where
our Balochis attack only Frontier corps , and all other attacks on innocent civilians are orchistrated by ISI and blame
Baloch . It is making every effort to make Baloch fight Baloch , rifts between tribes , but failed in their mission .

Is it not the right time for Baloch leadership to serve a memorandum and demand for a formal demilitarization
and self governance of Balochistan ?


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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.