Press Releases
Balochistan:  " We are not overlooking it ."
Richard Boucher

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian
Affairs Richard Boucher, replying to question on Balochistan,  
said  that," we are not overlooking it . We are keeping a strict
watch on the situation there. We understand that the matter
should be settled."

Replying to another question about treating Bloch militants as
terrorists he said," we consider those involved in bomb blasts
and killings of innocent people as terrorists. It needs a long
process to enlist Bloch Liberation Army in the catalogue of
terrorist.  A good deal of investigation is needed in this regard.
Evidence is required. And we have not initiated this process so
ISLAMABAD, Apr 06 (Online):US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Richard
Boucher has said that US wants democratic government in Pakistan and 2007 elections will be a vital link in
this process.

Mr Boucher was talking with ARD chairman Makhdoom Amin Fahim and PML-N chairman Raja Zafar ul Haq
during a breakfast meeting here on Thursday.

US ambassador Ryan C Crocker were also present in the meeting. It may be noted that Mr Crocker invited
ARD leadership a week ago for meeting with Richard Boucher at his residence here.

During one-hour meeting, ARD leadership informed the US official about overall political situation in the
country, present government’s acts against opposition and their apprehension regarding the rigging in 2007
elections by the government.

Matters related to Benazir Bhutto’s and Nawaz Sharif’s exile, formation of independent Election Commission
and the establishment of neutral caretaker government before upcoming elections also came under
discussion during the meeting.

During the meeting, Makhdoom Amin Fahim and Raja Zaffar ul Haq told Mr Boucher that present government
aimed at holding unfair general elections by not allowing Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif to return country.

They said that government also founded the rigging in 2007 elections by not establishing independent
Election Commission.

ARD leaders went on to say that rigging-free elections was not possible in Pakistan because of President
Musharraf’s presence.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Boucher assured ARD leadership that US aspires that upcoming elections in
Pakistan should be free, fair and transparent and all political and democratic parties should be provided an
opportunity to participate in the polls.

Later talking to media men, Raja Zaffar ul Haq said opposition may boycott 2007 elections if their leadership
will not be allowed to return Pakistan.

About ARD leadership meeting with Richard Boucher, Raja Zaffar ul Haq said that they told him that opposition
wants the return of its exiled leadership and their participation in next general elections for the transparency in

He said that they informed US official that if their leadership would not allowed to contest 2007 elections, then
it would be considered pre-poll rigging.

PML-N chairman said in the meeting, Mr Boucher was informed that Election Commission do not have its role
in Pakistani politics but government machinery used here and opposition is pressurized which result in

He observed that there is no possibility of transparent elections in the presence of President Musharraf.

US can not dictate President Musharraf on the uniform issue and Pakistan, being the 7th nuclear Power of the
world, is capable of making its own decisions and Richard Boucher’s visit was only intended for informational

These views were expressed by Central Secretary PML(Q) and Minister of state for Information, Tariq Azeem
Khan while talking to the Media persons in PML House here on Thursday.

He said that Richard Boucher’s visit to Pakistan is not a part of US government’s plan of reshaping Pakistan’s
strategies and it is only meant as a goodwill gesture.

Expressing his views on America’s inclination towards India’s Civil Atomic Technology, he said that Pakistan
too has the support of China, France and Canada as alternates.

He said that our nuclear resources are a far cheaper way of generating power and we will opt for it to fulfill our
power needs.

Answering a question, he said that there is no possibility of Governor Rule in NWFP and any such matter
would not be tolerated by the Capital.

Richard Boucher further has said US wants a free, modern and democratic society in Pakistan adding
allowing Nawaz Sharif and Benazir to return home and participate in elections is mutual concern of political
parties and government of Pakistan.

He said this in his extensive interview with a private TV channel here Thursday

Richard Boucher told it was his first visit to Pakistan following assumption of his new office. " I have met
President General Pervez Musharraf, foreign minister, other top functionaries and political parties. " We want
Pakistan economy to grow and a modern society and democratic government is put in place here.

About his meeting with chief election commissioner he said the role of chief election commissioner is very
vital in a democratic process. An independent election commission is essential for holding free and fair
elections. " The meeting was aimed to see how the democratic process was going on Pakistan.

He noted that election commission of Pakistan is independent and an independent role for the commission is
laid down in the constitution.

To a question on the prevailing political system of Pakistan he said that it depends on Pakistan what political
system they want. However US want a free modern and democratic system in Pakistan, he added.

Replying to another question on Balochistan, Richard Boucher said " we are not
overlooking it . We are keeping a strict watch on the situation there. We understand that
the matter should be settled.

To a question about treating Bloch militants as terrorists he said we consider those
involved in bomb blasts and killings of innocent people as terrorists. It needs a long
process to enlist Bloch Liberation Army in the catalogue of terrorist A good deal of
investigation is needed in this regard. Evidence is required. And we have not initiated
this process so far.

About investigation in respect of Dr Qadeer Khan he said Pakistan has extended a lot of cooperation in this
connection. " We hope the cooperation will continue. He hoped more information will come about Dr Qadeer

To a question on publication of sacrilegious sketches he said international institutions don’t exist to enact
legislation to prevent publication of blasphemous cartoon. UN is responsible to ensure peace and stability.
We are all supportive of freedom of expression. It is however essential that all faiths should be respected.
Sentiments of any one should not be hurt.

Regarding US efforts about arrest of terrorists, Richard Boucher said Pakistani forces are doing this job in
Pakistan. We have repeatedly said that no other county has arrested as many terrorists as Pakistan has
arrested. President Bush during his recent visit to Pakistan has talked at length with President Musharraf on
this matter. Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups want to drive Pakistan to destabilization. This is Pakistan own
war and we are providing help in it, he added.

Responding to a question about US forces active engagement on Pakistani territory he said US troops are
active only Afghanistan. However both the countries are launching joint struggle against the terrorists.

About US forces operation in Kunar he said no information was received about Osama bin Laden and other
key leaders during the operation. On non-capturing of Osama bin Laden so far he said all know it well that
there is rugged and impassable area here. Success in war on terror is not linked to arrest of an individual. We
want to arrest Mulla Omar besides Osama. We want to stop Al-Qaeda and Taliban so that peace is
maintained in the entire world besides the region.

Richard Boucher said We have shared objectives and problems. We want to explore their solution. There is
need to work together.

He held that relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan are growing normally and bilateral cooperation
between the two countries is gaining momentum in many areas. Both the countries should resolve their
problems on their own.

Responding to a question about civil nuclear deal between US and India Richard Boucher said he has learnt
a lot about disturbance in balance of power in the region. This plea is being advanced in US Congress, US
media and other circles. " Our analysis is different in this respect. " We understand that India atomic reactors
will come under global safeguards. This safeguard will increase from 65 percent to 90 percent. This will
decrease the number of atomic reactors to be left with India to develop weapons. About US role on Kashmir
issue he said US welcomes composite dialogue process between Pakistan and India.

Richard Boucher said " we have used military force in some areas. It was however aimed to improve quality of
life of people. We helped Muslims in Kuwait. We helped Muslims in Bosnia. Assistance is being provided to
Afghan people and Iraqis. We have provided $13 million for earthquake victims in Pakistan.
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our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
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