Press Releases
To Honorable Members of the U.S. Congress and U.S. House of

Please forgive me for taking this liberty to write an open letter and sending this to you as an e-mail. I am a dissident journalist
from Pakistan, "a brother in pen of Daniel Pearl," if you may, and am now a political refugee in the United States. Each single
drop of blood in my body is dedicated to the glory of the Star-Spangled Banner.

I work as a journalist in southern Maryland, St. Mary's County to be exact, and try my level best to serve the local communities
through my writings. I am writing this to you as this matter concerns basic human rights and safety of American citizens.
Pakistan's rogue army, one of the main protectors of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, has launched a military
operation to quell secular Baluch nationalist forces and pave the way for Taliba'anization of the area-wise largest Balochistan
province. I trace my ethnic roots to Balochistan.
More than 100 of my ethnic Baloch people, who belong to Marri and Bugti
tribes, have fallen victims to the Pakistan army jet bombardments and chopper firing in the last few days. Even women and
children have not been spared.

As honorable members of the U.S. Congress and House of Representatives, you know that Pakistan is the second most
populous Islamic nation and is armed with nuclear weapons. Pakistan Army, the seventh largest in the world, is indoctrinated
with the concept of jihad. On the whole it's totally anti-US, anti-Semitic and anti-human.

In 1971, Pakistan Army committed the genocide of more than three million Bengali people and shamelessly raped hundreds
of thousands of Bengali women. I must bring to your attention the fact that the day Pakistan tested its nuclear arms on my
ancestral Baluchistan province, pro-Al Qaeda Islamists took to the streets of Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. They carried
replicas of atom bombs with United States inscribed on them, meaning they would target this nation.

It is a well-known fact that Pakistan has amassed weapons of mass destruction and poses one of the worst threats to
international peace and security. Pakistan has refused to cooperate with the international community to handover one of the
most dangerous persons on earth, creator of the Islamic Bomb Abdul Qadeer Khan. You may also know the circumstances
under which Daniel Pearl was killed while doing a story for the Wall Street Journal on Islamic terrorists. His main killer was
staying at the home of Brig. Ijaz Shah, a high official of the dreaded Inter Services Intelligence, infamous by its acronym ISI,
who was at the time a home secretary of Punjab province.

It's a grand hoax that Pakistan's deadly Inter Services Intelligence has no knowledge or power to arrest bin Laden. This is a
white lie. This is a cruel joke with the American people, the state and the administration. I urge you not to lionize coup leader
Gen Pervez Musharraf. Pakistan army has not only always maintained a close working relationship with militant international
Islamist outfits, including Al Qaeda, but has been one of their main sponsors. Small wonder Pakistan is the Al Qaeda
headquarters today.

I urge you please do not be misled by Musharraf, leader of the rogue Pakistan army, as bin Laden is in the protection of
Pakistan's intelligence services. Musharraf's charade of being an ally of the U.S. in its war on terror, trying to establish
diplomatic ties with Israel, or having peace with India were all a ploy of the intelligence services to protect Pakistan's nuclear
weapons program.

I urge you the sooner Pakistan is rid of its nuclear weapons, the safer the world would be. I must also point out the original
homeland of my ancestors Balochistan, because of its strategic location, is of great value in checking the rise of global
Islamic terrorism. Please help NOW as Baloch people are dying there because they adhere to secular values and oppose
Pakistan's Islamic fundamentalist bogey.
Please note, Balochistan never wanted to become a part of Pakistan, which literally means the land of Islamic puritans!
Balochistan was illegally annexed by Pakistan after Britain granted it independence much before the partition of India in
August 1947.
Both Pakistan and Iran are equally guilty of enslaving the people there. I urge you, honorable members of the U.S. Congress
and the U.S. House of Representatives to write to Musharraf to express your concerns on the situation in Balochistan.
I myself and other ethnic Baloch people, now living in the U.S. would also highly appreciate your presence at a rally that is
being organized in front of the Pakistan embassy in January. The date would be announced shortly.

If you may have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 318-366-8873 or please e-mail me at:

I keenly await your response.

I remain,

Yours sincerely

Ahmar Mustikhan
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights