US watching Balochistan crisis, BLA
cannot be called a ‘terrorist’ outfit.
Richard Boucher.
Thank you Sir. We are grateful of your comments. ( Dell Gosh )
Nawaz, Benazir’s return an internal issue, says Boucher
* US wants a free, democratic Pakistan
* Boucher says US watching Balochistan crisis, implies BLA
cannot be called a ‘terrorist’ outfit
ISLAMABAD: US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central
Asia Richard Boucher said on Thursday that the allowing of Nawaz
Sharif and Benzair Bhutto to return to Pakistan to contest the 2007
general elections was of mutual concern to the country’s political
parties and the government.

In an interview with a private Pakistani television channel, Boucher linked their return to politics with the US vision
of a free, modern and democratic Pakistan. He also confirmed having met the country’s chief election
commissioner to assess the extent of Pakistan’s democratic process.
Balochistan: Boucher said that the US was closely watching the unfolding situation in Balochistan, adding that
much evidence was needed before the Bloch Liberation Army could be termed a terrorist organisation.
AQ Khan: The US envoy said that although Pakistan had cooperated with Washington on the black market nuclear
proliferation ring run by a scientist, he hoped that Islamabad would share more information on Dr Qadeer Khan
with the US.
Cartoons: Boucher stressed that international institutions did not exist to enact legislation to prevent the
publication of sacrilegious cartoons. However, he said, while the US supported freedom of __expression, it
remained essential that all faiths be respected.
War on terror: He reiterated that no other county had arrested as many terrorists as Pakistan. He said Qaeda and
other terrorist outfits wanted to destabilise Pakistan. He described the war on terror as “Pakistan’s own war”,
adding that the US was helping Islamabad against extremism. He denied that US forces were operating on
Pakistani territory, saying that the US military was active only in Afghanistan.
He said that US action in Kunar had yielded no information about Osama Bin Laden or other leading terrorist
figures. However, he said, the war on terror would not be won with the capture of a single individual. Boucher
waved off criticisms that the US was waging a military war against the Muslim world, saying that such intervention
had been “aimed at improving the quality of people’s lives”. He stressed the US had helped Muslims in Kuwait
and Bosnia. He noted the US had provided $13 million for Pakistan’s earthquake victims.
US-India nuclear deal: Boucher dismissed claims that the recent US-India civilian would disturb South Asia’s
regional balance of power, repeating that the deal was civilian- not military-based.
Kashmir: He said that the US welcomed the progress undertaken by both Pakistan and India in resolving the
dispute in accordance with the Composite Dialogue process. He stressed that the US role remained that of an
“interested friend rather than participant”. Online
We welcome Richard Boucher's statement on Balochistan. >> Nawab Akabar Khan Bugti
- BSO-NA welcome Boucher's Statement.
- This is the first sign of Balochistan's liberation.
Dear All,
Let's write our thank you letters to US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Richard Boucher for his great
recent comments on Balochistan. I request all baloch brothers to please send letter to Richard Boucher thanking him for his
commnets. We welcome his comments. This is the first sign of Liberation of Balochistan, a great positive shift in US policy
towards Balochistan. The credit goes to Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, our Baloch brothers in USA and to Sana Jan Baloch and all
others Baloch friends who have been working tirelessly to bring the Pakistani atrocities and human right violations in
Balochistan into the attention of US law makers and the world community. Nawab Bugti deserve the most credit for taking up
the mountains for Baloch cause. We salute him and We salute all those who are with him fighting for the Baloch freedom.
Let's send our Letters and gratitude to Ricahrd and say "Thank you Sir". Regrads, >>" TARGET="_blank">>>>>>" TARGET="
>>" TARGET="_blank">>>> >>http://www." TARGET="_blank">
- Balochi_culture group welcome Mr. Richard Boucher's realistic statement on Balochistan crisis and BLA.
Dear friends:
We in balochi_culture group welcome Mr Richard boucher's realistic statement on Balochistan crisis and BLA. America
accepts that BLA is America accepts that BLA is not a terrorist organization but its struggle is only for the oppressed and
deprived Baloch nation. Baloch have never ever committed any crime like ISI trained and supported religious terrorist outfits
killing in cold blood innocent Shia, Christian and other religious minorities' women and children in their places of worship.
Now that America knows the ground realities in Balochistan and Baloch struggle we request America kindly invite Senator
Sanaullah Baloch and Senator Agha Shahid Bugti to present Baloch case before US lawmakers and enlighten American
people about the grievances of Baloch nation. If America extends the hand of friendship to Baloch it will find them their best
friends like their Kurd brothers in Iraq.
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan) and exploitations of
our resources by Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in
Balochistan into the world’s Notice.