Press Releases
Urgent Appeal to USA President George W Bush

Dear President George W Bush,

Pakistani Army sadly as feared by most Baloch people launched a devastating operation in Kohlo area in Balochistan
against innocent people. It is reported by BBC that 50 innocent people, among them children, women and elderly people
were killed by helicopter-gunship and jets on Sunday 17th December 2005.

Balochistan Rights Watch appealed to you directly on April 14th 2005 for your humanitarian intervention on problem of
Balochistan (a copy attached).

The Pakistani Army has made the already deteriorating situation of Balochistan worse by refusing to deal with the Baloch
question and the democratic rights of Baloch nation in Pakistan!

The Army has been deploying a disproportionate number of troops in Balochistan under the pretext of security, whereas
political parties of Balochistan have been trying to resolve the continuing impasse by a negotiated settlement. All other
political parties in Pakistan with the exception of ruling party (even some senior member of ruling party of Muslim-Q) have
openly been opposed to any militaristic approach to the problem of Balochistan. Even after this onslaught on Balochistan,
Alliance for Restoration of Democracy and Pakistan Peoples Party made protests and demanded an immediate halt on
military operation and withdrawal of troops and paramilitaries from Balochistan.

Only days ago the Interior Minister of Pakistan denied that there is any plan or intention to launch a military operation in
Balochistan! Even today the Chief Minister of Balochistan was on denial to accept that any military operation has taken
place, despite Major Shukat’s confirmation!

It is a routine and old ploy by the Pakistani Army to brand every political descent and uprising as tribal, anti-state and so on.

Baloch people have been subject to institutional neglect and discrimination ever since annexation of Balochistan by
Pakistan in 1948. The military has had launched more than 5 major assault to crash Baloch resistance since then.
Regrettably as there is no change of heart and attitude by the Pakistani Army towards the problem of Balochistan, Baloch
are feared destined for genocide. The Pakistani Army has no mercy or heart for Baloch. The military approach to the
problem of Balochistan only creates animosity and hatred which prolongs the conflict and sufferings.
Balochistan Rights Watch is of a firm view that conflicts can be solved by dialogue in an amicable environment, and use of
force is counterproductive.  

As Pakistani Army is beneficiary of war on terror and receives significant amount of aids and funding from USA, the
Pakistani Army must be strictly forbidden to abuse its close relation with the USA and international community for its unjust,
inhumane and oppressive policies on Baloch people.

Hereby Balochistan Rights Watch in the light of recent military operation by Pakistani Army in Balochistan earnestly appeals
to you as the president of United States of America who can bring a tangible pressure on Pakistani Army to intervene on
time to save innocent Baloch people and put an end to current impasse in Balochistan of Pakistan.

Balochistan Rights Watch

20th December 2005

    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights