Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation and Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments against Baloch people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
The never lasting miseries of Baloch and Sindhi people
By Mir Bilal khan Khetran
We have been mourning the plight of the oppressed Nations in Pakistan since long time. I will try to be as
brief as I can so as to save the time of readers. We have a long history of repression and oppression. Since
the inception of Pakistan, Sindh and Balochistan had repeatedly been bullied, butchered, exploited and
maltreated by Punjabi elite not only us but millions of Punjabis suffered the same fate under the unjust rule
of many military and civilian corrupt rulers of Pakistan.
May I remind you here that it took Pakistan more then
8 years to frame its first constitution in 1956? This delay was at the behest of Punjabi elite who wanted to
avoid the 8% majority share of East Pakistan as per their population and bringing it at par with the West
Pakistan (present Pakistan). Thus forcing East Pakistan to accept the formula of parity in all walks of life.
in the West Pakistan there were four Provinces (Sindh, Balochistan, North West Frontier, and Punjab) they
merged all these four provinces into one province and named it West Pakistan. Killing two birds with one
1. Depriving East Pakistan of its majority.
2. By merging remaining provinces in One-Unit and leave them at the mercy of Punjab who was in majority
against all other provinces put together.
At the same time Sindh and Balochistan had less then 1%
representation in the civil and military bureaucracy (who were the actual rulers from day, even to this day
when I am trying to write these sentences).Since the creation of the Pakistan the army was and still basically
mainly composed of people from Punjab ruled Pakistan, either directly or through their nominees. It is not
secret to any body you can very well imagine how much of human rights a common person from Sindh and
Balochistan could have had during last 54 years, when they have less then 1% representation in this
Pakistan army).
Torture, butchery and violation of human rights in Sindh and Balochistan have been but the
order of the day and continue even to this very day. Now that the world has entered into new millennium, we
are living under the heavy boots of Punjabi Army. Strange enough that the developed world always takes
shelter behind their ignorance. It takes no time for the developed world to name the culprits of 11th
September and pin point even their whereabouts, but last 58 years seems to be too short time to notice the
miseries inflicted on the people of Sindh and Balochistan by those who were literally being nourished and
feed by the West. What the west did in the past and doing around the globe is not my business here to tell
you which is as obvious as nose in your face. I do not say here that the developed world had a hand in the
crimes committed against the people of Sindh and Balochistan but they definitely turned a blind eye to the
day to day in human acts committed by the Punjabi elite. Therefore deliberate ignorance on the part of the
Western Powers bears a big question mark for the history to absolve them.
One might wonder why Punjabi
elite had to commit all these inhuman acts to the people of the country, which they claim to be a part of their
The fact is that people of different culture, language, history and even in case of Balochistan
geographical situation were forced into a situation where they had to live together. Right from day one
Punjabi elite had decided to exploit the recourses of other nations. And when they realized that their designs
would come to an end after 1970 election they had to get rid of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) so that they
could retain Sindh and Balochistan as their new colonies.
Through the passage of time the resentment in
Sindh and Balochistan against Punjabi designs kept on growing more and more. Sindhi's could see their
resources, which were more then 65% of the initial state budget of remaining Pakistan which went to the
federal government run by Punjab spent by Punjab for Punjab. Sindh's precious agriculture lands were
lavishly distributed to the army personals, as a reward for their will be conquest of Kashmir. All revenues
from generated from mineral, Oil, Gas, Customs, Fisheries etc went into the federal exchequer, leaving the
wealthiest province of Pakistan as pauper.
The same is the case in Balochistan the gas was found in
Balochistan in early 50's and its revenue robbed by Federal Government. It is supplied to the remotest part
of Punjab and Kashmir for domestic and commercial use. Not a single village in Balochistan has been
supplied the gas. Quetta the capital of Balochistan was supplied the gas only in 1985 when Quetta
cantonment was upgraded into a Corp. Head Quarter.
Apprehending more resentment from Sindh and
Balochistan, Punjabi and Muhajirs elite has now decided to settle this problem once and for all; already the
basic economical hubs of Sindh are taken by Muhajirs while Balochistan will be filled by new settlements
with the same material that is Muhajirs and Punjabis.
This new scheme was to be implemented by
changing the demography of the Sindh and Balochistan by rehabilitating the people from outside.
They have
already succeeded in converting the indigenous population of Sindh to 60% into non sindhis. But in
Balochistan because of the lack of infrastructure people from Punjab and else were could not be attracted to
come and settle down in the rural areas but now with help of new army cantonments this problem will be
solved for their sake.
Now you hear lot of hue and cry about the development of Gwadar Port. Roads from all
direction are being built; building modern city is under way. Oil and gas pipelines from central Asian States
are targeted for Gwadar. It is here that the infrastructure for rehabilitating the people from Punjab will take
place. Big
industrialists from Punjab and Muhajirs dominated Karachi and around the world are invited to
invest and create jobs for the new settlers.
The federal Government has already taken over the job of
allotment of lands (which falls with in the preview of local and Provincial Government). If things are to go in
the interest of Punjab then it is the Federal Government to be trusted and not the Provincial representatives
while all the development is going on the local
people of the area don't have basic facility of drinking water or
basic health care.
This design and program on the part of the Federal Government is most inhuman and is a
gross violation of human right. Now that the posturing of Nawab Akbar Bugti has came to an end in Bugti
regions and Govt has taken to the task of removing the entire Sui populations out of their centuries of homes
all for the sake of safety of gas for Punjab needs.
This encroachment of Punjab on Balochistan and Baloch
rights cannot be stopped simply in crying before the Punjabi elite, the only way out left for the people of Sindh
and Balochistan is to fight it out politically, internationally and if left with no other choice put up physical
resistance for their own survival for protection of their basic human rights.
It should be made quite clear here
that Baloch have no interest in the brake up of Pakistan. Provided it is let to run as a Federal State. This has
been proven beyond doubt that in a state where one ethnic group is in majority against all other units put
together there can never be a Federal System. It will always be a unitary
system whatever the name given to
it. That is why; short of parity there is no other guarantee to protect the rights of the provinces with less
population. Punjab never accepted East Pakistan’s majority and delayed the formation of constitution for
more then 8 years only for this reason, then for what is good for the Goose should be good for that Gander
as well. Same situation has arisen today; if we accept the rule of majority the Indian Muhajirs and the
Punjabis we are will be doomed for good.
There for the only survival for Sindhis Baloch and Pushtoon, lie in
forcing Punjab to forget about the 1973 Constitution, which has already been ripped apart by their own
nominees in the Government and accept a new Constitution formed by the newly elected constituent
assembly on equal representation and given all four Nations in Pakistan equal rights, and the rights to run
their internal matters
without the interference of the central government (Punjab). All the legislative and
taxation powers should be the prerogative of provincial Governments and the provinces having the right of
We have no intention to deprive Punjab or Muhajirs of its rights what so ever; at the same
time we shouldn't be expected to leave ourselves at the mercy of the Butcher of Bengal.
I am afraid we have
already been called upon by the rapid development of events in our part of the world to fulfill our duties as
sons of the soil. We will see to it that we don't budge from, it come what may.
Nizam Nizamani <> wrote:
Dear Mir Bilal Khethran;
In my opinion this is the most comprehansive draft and the best composed writting covering all the aspets of
the prevailing conflicts in Pakistan. I wish all group members instead of yelling and bickering against each
other and resorting to be genrious in political fatwa issues, sanity prevails in these groups and the learned
young people come forwerd and diagnose the issuea and present the solutions. I am very pleased to see
such a work. Congratulations and keep it up
Regards, N N
From:Bilal Khetran"
Sun, 7 Aug 2005 08:10:36 +0100 (BST)
The never lasting miseries of Baloch and Sindhi people
Dear Nizam Sahib thank you for good views about my thoughts I will continue we must write the truth which
some times might be even against us. Soon I will write some thing of different value which might surprise
many. But I love to face the hard core and difficult issues I hope you an others will continue supporting me.
With respect and love,
Mir Bilal Khan Khetran