Press Releases
People of Balochistan and  Baloch Diaspora strongly condemn the Karachi Terrorist bombing
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Press Release:

BSO-NA strongly Condemn the Karachi terrorist car Bombing outside KFC restaurant on Tuesday
in which three people died and more than a dozen were injured. BSO-NA condemn terrorism in it
its all form and believes that these killing of innocent peoples cannot be justified by any mean
and that those who are responsible of killing the innocent people must be brought to justice.

Dr. Wahid Baloch, President BSO-NA, USA
People of Balochistan and  Baloch Diaspora strongly condemn the Karachi
Terrorist bombing.

To all brothers and sisters, It must be remembered that Paki have lost their battle in Balochistan against Baloch. Now
they are attempting to create an impression that Baloch movement is being commanded by terrorists. These are the
most wicked tactics of the defeated enemies of Baloch nation; as they want to involve foreign countries into this
battle of Baloch people by painting them as terrorists to get the sympathies of their masters. BLA & BLF avail the
opportunity to repudiate all such baseless allegations against them. As BLA & BLF deny any sorts of direct or indirect
involvement in Karachi explosions in which KFC & American Hot food resturants were targetted. We would like to
state that such tactics could be the outcome of sick mind of ISI & other Paki secret agencies . As they have enough
experiences in lodging such terrorist activities in various parts of the world; most particularly in Afghanistan, India
and Iran. We the Baloch condemn all such terrorists activities by any party or government in any part of the world,
which causes  enormous innocent peoples lives.

Sincerely yours.
baloch jk "baloch jk" <>

I strongly agree with Dr. Wahid. This act is not acceptable to us. We condemn this act.  Baloch are not terrorist.
Mohd Baloch, Muscat
Mohd Al balushi <>

Although one can not appreciate any act of terrorism as the result of which innocent lives are lost, but condemnable
will mainly be the government which is following a rule of jungle and violating every human right of civilian.

Garboni Garboni <>

Dear Waleed: I also condemn targeting innocent civilians. But yet we don't know that who was behind that blast
because there were two conflicting claims one from an unknown person Chakar Baloch who first called the BBC
reporter in Quetta taking responsibility on behalf of BLA and the second call came from someone using his name as
Azad Baloch denying that and said that BLA does not target civilians but only military installations. In that case there
are two possibilities. One may be that was the work of Pakistani intelligence to tarnish BLA's name and show to
Pakistani public and Americans that BLA is not a resistance movement but a terrorist organization or the work of
religious terrorists of Osama bin Laden group or Jashe Mohammad type Pakistani sponsored group who have been
attacking Shia worshipers, Christian women and children in the church or schools in Pakistan and in the market
places in India under the cover of Kashmiri mujahidin. So, let us wait and see until the dust settles down and a clear
picture comes out about this episode. About your second question that you don't believe in armed struggle and you
suggest that Baloch only follow the Gandhian line of nonviolence for their freedom struggle I may not agree with this
philosophy. Baloch with their small numbers cannot get their rights in the parliament because as once Mr. Wajpai said
that "democracy is the game of numbers". Baloch could not get anything within Pakistan's history of 58 years and
they will not get anything in 100 years more. I hold the view that Baloch must struggle using all available peaceful
means as well as armed resistance like other struggling people of the world until they reach to their final goal.

Long Live Balochistan !
Long Live the struggle of Baloch People !
Yours sincerely,
"noutak baloch"

Dear Br. Waleed Jaan and Ameeri Jaan,

Even if BLA did it. We must condemn it, as killing innocent cannot be justified in any way. But I can
tell you from this that this cannot be an act of BLA. I think what they are trying to show here to the west
is that the Baloch are involved in terrorism and are targeting western business, so they can mislead the
west about our peaceful struggle, but I'm glad to hear, as Br. Ameeri mentioned it, that BLA has denied
the involvement. KFC and McDonald are not Baloch enemy and there is no reason for Baloch people to
take their war to KFC or McDonald and kill innocent people. It doesn't make sense at all.

Thanks and Regards,
Dr. Wahid Baloch <>


Dear all,

KFC bombing  is a deliberate attempt by ISI to draw the world attention aginst Baloch people's struggle so they can
justify their planed military actions before the world community, which is already been planed with moving more
troops and equipments in Dera Bugti and in Makran. If we all look the facts closely, we will know who did it and what is
the purpose of carrying it out. Look at some of the following facts.

1) Azzad Baloch from BLA called BBC and denied that they did it.

2) Chaker named unknwn person calling representing BLA that they did it.( No body never heard of this guy before.)

3) Another man Shakir Alam calling the media organizations in Karachi calaiming responsibility from  Balochistan
Nationla Army (BNA).

Read this article-->>
This is funny, as there is no such group as BNA exists or known to anybody in Balochistan and Shakir Alam (like Alam
Channa) is a common Punjabi  name not a Balochi.

3) Look at the timing of the bombing and the target, The KFC, an American resturant. Under Secretary Karen Hughes
and Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca of United State are here in islamabad for the international donors'
conference and the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan is also expected to be here.
Read This  -->>
what would be a better time to show them the pictures of burning car and smoke on the TV to tell them how bad
Baloch are by killing the innocents people and Targeting American Businesses (KFC) in Karachi, so tomarrow when
they carry out their heinous planed military operation against the innocent Baloch people in Balochistan, they can
justify their action before the Americans and the world community by saying that they are going after the terrorist.

5) BLA is not that stupid to hit his feet with his own axe or target something that goes against the Baloch interests.
They know who is their enemy what are their Targets. KFC or McDonlads are obviously not.

6) I think all Baloch people must condemn this act as our brother Ameeri and Dr. Wahid Baloch did it,  as these
terrorists acts are not in the interests of Baloch Cause at all. we should write letters to Kofi Annan and Christina
Rocca, explaining the motive behind this attack to expos the real Pakistani evil face and its planed military action
against our Baloch people. This is the most ugliest game of ISI i have ever seen being playing against our Baloch
people. We got be very careful, as we will see more of these kind of ugliest acts in the future.

Shome Kastert,
Azum Baloch "Azum Baloch" <>
BLA blames agencies for blast in Karachi

QUETTA, Nov 15: The Baloch Liberation Army has condemned the car bomb blast which killed three people in Karachi on
Tuesday. Spokesman for the organization, identifying himself as Azad Baloch, calling from some unknown place on a
satellite phone, told media people here:
“We condemn the killing and injuring of innocent people in the Karachi blast.”

He blamed secret agencies for the explosion and said that the agencies were involving the BLA in it under a conspiracy.

“We are not involved in Karachi blast,”
he added.

The spokesman said that the BLA was struggling against Punjabi
rulers. “We can hit any target in Islamabad and other areas of Punjab, but not in Karachi or any other area of Sindh,” Mr
Baloch said, adding that Sindhi people were also being victimized and their rights were being usurped by Punjabi rulers.

Earlier, a man identifying himself as Chakar-i-Azam and claiming to be the spokesman for BLA told media men that BLA
take the responsibility of the Karachi blast. However, he expressed his regret over the killing of innocent people.
Related Link:
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights