Press Releases
Balochistan-A Military Analysis

The present military action in Balochistan launched by formations of 41 Division (Quetta) , 16 Division (Pano
Aqil) , Three Wings (Bhambhore Rifles FC) , Four Wings (Maiwand Rifles FC) , Three Wings (Loralai Scouts-
FC) , Two Wings (Sibi Scouts ) , Two Wings (Kalat Scouts) supported by Divisional Artillery 16 and 41 Division
, Two Airforce Squadrons operating from Samungli Base Quetta,Sibi Forward Base and Jacobabad Airbase is
Pakistan Army's Faux Pas.

The major areas of operation are Barkhan-Chamalang-Maiwand-Kohlu and eatern outskirts of Khost and

Its a search and destroy operation.The FC is 99 % Pashtun while the army units are generally 60-70 %
Punjabi and remaining Pashtuns or Ranghars.There is no real military target.The aim is to harass and

The impression Musharraf gave to USA , why he launched the mil action was that the Baloch attacked him with
rockets when he visited Marri Agency which is a white lie.No rocket fell 5 km near Musharraf.

The Baloch need to disperse , not to give any targets and not to retaliate directly.A strategy of indirect approach
may pay.

The real target must be Gwadar.Make it such a graveyard that all land mafia runs away.Demand cancellation
of all allottments after 1992 in the assembly.Demand that Pervez Musharraf be tried as an
usurper under Article 6 .

From:"milsecreview" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 09:29:12 -0000

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    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
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           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
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