Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Press Releases
Baloch Society Of North America formally Launched


As we said in that Balochis in North America are forming a new organization called "Baloch Society of North
America», a Non-profit Organization, now it is officially launched. At tits website , it
states the organization is «working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the
Occupation and Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments against Baloch people and our
Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
«. The website has picture of all Baloch leaders and interviews of BSO leader Dr. Imdad.

Dr. Wahid Baloch, the principle promoter of BSO-NA wrote to Baloch unity, that general body meeting will be
held on December 16th-18th, 2005 "after talking to many friends in US, Canada and overseas, based on their
suggestions, we have decided to extend that date of our First General Body meeting Of BSO-NA from Aug 13-
14 to December 16th-18th, 2005, so that we can finish the membership campaign and have enough time to
prepare ourselves better for the meeting "

This meeting will be attended by guests from all over world by delaying " Also this will give enough time to our
overseas guests to apply for the US visa and make travel arrangements. The invitation letters are ready and
will be sent out soon to the participants. «Said Dr. Wahid Baloch

Further the website stated that «July 15th is the "Shuada-e-Balochistan Day". Please don't forget the sacrifices
made by our Heroes for our great Nation. Let’s follow their footsteps and be resolute and determined in our
fight against our enemies to save our Baloch Nation. Long live Balochistan and Long live Baloch Struggle for
Freedom. "

In it's open letter to President of US, it accused Pakistan of occupying their lands and committed Human rights
Violation. »From 1977-2005, Pakistan continues its crime against Baloch people. Thousand Baloch political
activists and students have been arrested since then and are being tortured in secret jails. Many are missing,
including Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch, Goher Baloch and Akther Nadeem Baloch. Pakistani military, paramilitary
and security forces are given tasks to arrest, kidnap or kill any Baloch who talks or think about freedom. More
than 600 military check post have been established all over Balochistan to control the activities and
movements of Baloch people. " .

Iranian government «has distorted political, economical and cultural development of Balochistan and insulted
the human dignity of Baloch people. Religion is manifestly being used as a mean to assimilate Baloch
nationality into Persian national identity. These basic realities have reinforced the Baloch’s general feeling of
frustration and determination of having their own independent State. «, stated in that letter.

This organization is first of its kind which is aimed to educate leaders in North America about "Pakistani and
Iranian oppression». Dr Wahid himself as member in Baloch unity Organisation said that Pakistan's
commercial/strategic ties with China , particularly strategic Gwadar project and US aversion to Chinese
presence in that Strategic location , will enhance Baloch ties with US ,adding voice to their struggle. One
possible move by Pakistan to suppress Baloch activism may be , to ask Chinese to quit from the project and
invite US and UK to build the Gwadar , as US and UK mentioned their interest to participate in that project . It
should be noted that recently many Baloch leaders have met US ambassador privately and officially and the
discussions are not revealed in public. Pakistani authorities and intelligence has produced a report to
Musharraf on the nature of communication between Baloch Leaders and US representatives.

The current Balochi Nationalists , younger generation in particular ,are educated around the world and in
particular western capitals ,are smart enough to lobby , and were successful earlier to being their struggle to
the world stage .

With Washington’s Oil interests in Central Asia, Balochistan will be the next focus point in the world theater, as
many of the oil pipelines have to cross Balochistan to cater energy hungry India and south East Asia. Baloch
have stated openly that any pipeline to India via Balochistan will be at the "good will" of Baloch only, so India -
US - Baloch nationalist’s nexus will play a major role in future.




As the main sponsor, The World Sindhi Institute is organizing peaceful programs in Washington, D.C. on
August 14. WSI will soon announce the programs. Accepting the leadership of the WSI, the Baloch Society of
North America (BSO_NA) under the convenorship of our brother Dr. Wahid Baloch and Baloch Human Rights
International will be among several other  co-sponsors.

All Baloch individuals, groups and parties, particularly those of North America, are requested to make plans to
be in Washington, D.C. on August 13, 14, and 15 (August 14 is a Sunday) to attend these peaceful programs.
Dr. Wahid Baloch and many other Baloch will take part in these days’ events.

Remember that BSO-NA do not have funds and facilities. You have to come on your own, if you can. You may
pool your resources and send one or more of your representatives from each area. We know all of us are
broke. So, let us pool our resources.  Dr. Wahid Baloch and we will try to contact some Baloch’s, Sindhis and
Siraikis or some other sympathizers living in Washington, D.C. area to see if they can accommodate some
Baloch visitors for this purpose.

we suggest that the Baloch living in or near the major cities of European, Asian, African , and other countries
should form "August 14 Baloch Action Committees"  in a non-partisan manner, and begin planning their
August 14 programs from now in collaboration with local Sindhi, Siariki, and Pushtun nationalist circles.

The programs to decelerate August 14 may include conferences, seminars and peaceful marches and
demonstrations not only in front of Pakistani embassies / consulates but also in front of UN, USA, and UK-
related buildings / offices /consulates/embassies etc., asking them to stop their support of the Punjabi-
Muhajirs tyranny.     By:    Malek Towghi      
