Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Press Releases
We have to unite to
safeguard our Nation.

Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti

October 17,  2005

Today, I had the honor and opportunity to talk to our great veteran leader Nawab Akbar khan Bugti over the
phone, regarding Dr. Imdad and other's hunger strikers. I asked him to please intervene and ask Dr. Imdad
and others to end their hunger strikes as Pakistan have shown no response to the just demands of Baloch
Nation. He said, he is aware of the whole situation and the conditions of hunger strikers and he will do
everything in his capacity to save their lives. He said," until and unless we unite ourselves as one nation these
arrest and tortures will continue."

I asked him about the responses and the progress on his Baloch Unity and Baloch single party Call, he said,
the response from Baloch Nationalist has been very disappointing. I told him that the Baloch Society of North
America, Baloch Unity and all other Baloch in allover Europe and Gulf States have expressed overwhelmingly
their support for his Baloch unity and a Baloch single party call. He said," Thank you to everyone", but he said,"
The response was not as good as he expected to be form the Baloch Nationalists in Balochistan". He said, "it
is a critical time for our Nation and the only way to safeguard ourselves, our land and resources is to unite

Dr. Wahid Baloch, President
Baloch Society of North America (BSO-NA), USA.