Press Releases
A Letter to  Rt. Hon Jack Straw  MP From Balochistan Action Committee (UK)

Rt. Hon Jack Straw MP
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
King Charles Street, London SW1A 2AH

Subject: Human Rights Violations in Balochistan by Pakistani Army

Dear Sir,

On behalf of Balochistan Action Committee(UK), we would like to draw your attention to the deteriorating human rights situation in
(Pakistani) Balochistan where arrests, kidnappings and illegal detention of Baloch students, political workers and leaders by Pakistani
police and army intelligence agencies are surpassing all limits.

Followings are few examples of victimization :

Chairman of BSO), Dr. Yousuf (Press Secretary of BSO), Ghulam Rasool (member Central Committee of BSO), Dr. Naseem (ex- member
Central Committee of BSO), AIi Nawaz and Akhtar Nadeem were detained and taken to secret torture cells and severely tortured
continuously for five months

These are the few cases which were high lighted by international press but there are many others which are yet to be disclosed. The refusal
to release the Baloch illegal detainees is a typical example of a contemptuous and arrogant mind set of an occupying army. These are also
acts of violation against Pakistani constitutional provisions and are crimes against humanity. The new waves of illegal arrests, kidnappings,
detentions and tortures of Baloch people by Pakistani Government is coupled with other sinister acts of destabilizing Baloch social and
political fabrics such as:

The above mentioned sinister acts by Pakistani State institutions are example of a classical colonial mind set. Balochistan Action
Committee (UK) will also like to draw your kind attention towards the humiliating acts against the respected political leaders by Pakistani
army and its agents.

Constructions of army cantonments and deployment of thousands of Para-military forces through out Balochistan is presenting a picture of
siege and have created a sense of insecurity among Baloch people. These acts of terror and humiliation, and a continuum of state
terrorism will not only, increase the ever present tension and hatred between Baloch people and Pakistani Police State, but it will lead to a
point where a bloody confrontation between Baloch and the Pakistani State seems inevitable, resulting in the loss of life and properties of
defenseless Baloch people. It should be noted that Pakistani authorities have arrogantly shown to ignore the just demands of Baloch
people since the occupation of their land in 1948. The Pakistan army is continuously and contemptuously ignoring the appeals of Human
Rights Commission of Pakistan, Amnesty International and other human right groups for the release illegal detainees.
Pakistan army is being patronized by Western Governments and is totally depending on their support for the perpetuation of its illegal
occupation of power and terrorizing and suppressing the voice of smaller nationalities in Pakistan. Immediate intervention by western
powers in general and by British Government in particular can save not only a lot of Baloch lives but it can stop the present situation to
change into a genocide of defenseless Baloch people by Pakistani army as the world witnessed in East Pakistan during 1971.

The Balochistan Action Committee (UK) appeals the British Government to please intervene and help to stop these human right violations
and other acts of social subversions in Balochistan by Pakistani army and its agents before it is too late.

As British citizens, having historical and cultural links and sentimental bondages with our brethrens in Balochistan, we think ourselves
justified in demanding that British Government may kindly take the long standing issue of Baloch people’s plight in international forums like
United Nations, EU and Common Wealth. The people of Balochistan will be highly obliged for this favorable gesture. The Balochistan Action
Committee ( UK) highly appreciates your kind immediate attention and positive intervention in this matter.

Thanking you in anticipation,

On behalf of Balochistan Action Committee (UK)

Dated: 1st December 2005
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights