Press Releases
GENOCIDE IN BALOCHISTAN (Balochistan voice Sweden)

The southwest and the largest province of Pakistan. Annexed to Pakistan in 1948 after first Pakistani military
operation on Balochistan.


On 18th December 2005, Pakistani army started a heavy military operation in the entire Balochistan, particularly
in the Kohlu district and Dera Bugti areas that are rich in oil and other natural resources. The people are not
against the development but oppose the exploitation of these natural resources without benefiting the local
community in the province. The people demand jobs instead of establishment of military bases. But the
Pakistani army compelled them to vacate their homes and open this area for establish of military bases and
forcefully exploiting the area rich in oil and natural resources.

Pakistani army started a heavy military operation by using the air force jetfighters, helicopters gunship, and
heavy artillery against the innocent nomads of these areas. Hundreds of death and serious casualties among
children, women and elderly have been reported, nobody is allowed to take care of death bodies and wounded,
and no one is allowed to search medical help. Contagious disease like cholera is spreading in the area which
is totally disconnected from the rest of the country; nobody is allowed to move in or out. There is shortage of
water, food and medical aids. The situation is deteriorating day by day and numbers of deaths are increasing.
For more details, please visit

On 17th march 2005, when Pakistani army launched a military operation against innocent Baloch of Dera Bugti,
killing more then 70 children and women’s of the Hindu Baloch minority residing in the area.

There is a huge wave of violating the human rights in Balochistan, by illegal detention, kidnapping, arresting
and torturing the Baloch people and on the other side fomenting inter-and intra-tribal conflicts. The Pakistani
military government is coupled with attempts to destabilize the political and social structure of Balochistan and
trying to spread waves of scare, horror and sense of insecurity among Baloch people.

In Balochistan there are four mega Military base, 52 para-milllitary cantonments, five naval bases, sex major air
force bases. There are three nuclear testing sites and six missile testing ranges, on the other site one
university and one hospital which are far low from international standards, for the all inhabitants of province.


1. Genocide in Balochistan must be stopped immediately and political means must be found for the solution of
deteriorating situation in Balochistan, before it is too late.

2. Immediate intervention by western democratic power in general and united nation and Norwegian
government in particular, in order to saving lives and suffering of Baloch people and preventing kind of genocide.

3. Wounded and diseased must be allowed to seek medical helps and let the people to bury the death bodies.

4. Pakistani government must respect the appeal of human rights commission, Amnesty international, other
human rights groups for the release of illegal detainees.

5. Baloch people demand for their political, economic and social rights guaranteed in Pakistan’s constitution
and international human rights laws must be respected.




Balochistan voice Sweden is a democratic and neutral association not bounded to any political and religious
groups. It works to bring forward the injustice and suffering of people of Balochistan which is totally hidden in
the eyes of impartial media.
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights
Contact BSO-NA