An Urgent Appeal to Hammal Jaan Baloch
On behalf Of Baloch Society of North America, I ask every one to please join me in making this urgent appeal to one of our another younger
hero Little Hammal Jaan Baloch, who is also on Hunger strike for the last 7th day, in front of Turbat press club, demanding the release of Dr.
Yousuf Baloch and 14 young BSO member, who are in jail in Turbat for joining a peaceful protest for the release of Dr. Allah Nazar, Ali Asghar
Bangulzai, Goher Baloch, Akhtar Nadeem, Jan Mohd Marri and many other illegally detained Baloch political activists from Pakistani jails.
Dear Kasaneen Hammal Jaan Baloch,
I salute you too. You have also proved to be a great son of the soil and we are proud of you. We know that you will not spare your life for the
Baloch cause and for your comrades. You, Dr. Imdad Jaan and Dr. Allah Nazar are our Hero and your sacrifices are the guiding light in our
National Struggle for freedom.
Dear Hammal Jaan Baloch,
On behalf of Baloch Society Of North America, I join thousands of Baloch from Balochistan and allover the world to personally request you
and Dr. Imdad Jaan Baloch to please honor our urgent request to end your hunger strikes. We all Love you both and we cannot afford to lose
any one of you. BSO and Baloch Nation need you both now more than ever. Please listen to our plea and end you hunger strikes NOW. We
must not give the enemy a chance to celebrate your deaths, which they are desperately seeking for. Let's not make them happy and
successful in their evil intentions. You both have passed the TEST. We are very proud of you and we congratulate you both. You are the
WINNERS. Please join us in our National Struggle for freedom. Let's celebrate your winnings. Death to our enemies. Long live Balochistan
and long live Baloch struggle for freedom. Long live Dr. Imdad. Long Live Long live Dr. Allah Nazar. Long live Kasaneen Hammal Jaan and
long live all the Baloch detainees.
Thaee Sangat,
Dr. Wahid Baloch. BSO-NA, USA
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation and Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments against Baloch people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.