Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation and Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments against Baloch people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Dr. Imdad Baloch's Press
The central chairman of BSO
addressed a press conference
in Karachi on March 1, 2005 and
announced a protest campaign
on behalf of his organization
against the military operation in
the Marri Camp. The whole of
this press conference reads as
Respected journalists!
I am very thankful to you for being here with us. Your impartial and unprejudiced attitude towards the Baloch
issue deserves appreciation. There are a lot of journalists in Pakistan who have joined hands with the rulers
for earning a few pennies, but there are others too who are courageous enough to raise the Baloch issue. Let
me say that the Baloch problem has never been addressed in its true context in Pakistan. This has made it
more and more complex and intricate. The intelligentsia is presenting various solutions to the Baloch
problems, but they are still confounding.
In today's press conference, the objective was to make you aware of the real situation with regards to the Marri
camp, but availing this opportunity, I will elaborate on the Baloch matter without which the Marri camp operation
could only remain obscure.
The matter commences with the advent of the British. Throughout the history, from east to west and from north
to south, Balochistan remained the only land route for travelers, so its importance enticed the British to attack it
on November 13, 1839. The then Baloch ruler, Mir Mehrab Khan laid down his life resisting the British. After
that the Marri, Bugti and other tribes waged guerrilla war against the British. The British rulers soon realized
the nature of the Baloch people and first in 1854 and then in 1872 reached agreements with the Kalat rulers
and, instead of ruling it directly like the other Indian states, just made it sure that their interests remain
protected. The British never claimed Balochistan as their colony but always acknowledged its independent
status. Sir W.L. Metrother who was appointed to judge the British-Kalat bilateral relations wrote:
"Whatever it may be, either Kalat or Balochistan, Khan is its real and legal ruler. We have reached several
agreements with him. He would not harm the British interests. Agreements have been reached recognizing
his independent status".
When the British decided to leave their colony after the devastation brought unto them by the World War II, the
Kalat rulers reminded them of their independent status. This is of great interest that Muhammad Ali Jinnah
fought the independence case of Kalat at the cabinet mission in 1946 as its legal advisor. Mr. Jinnah
presented a memorandum at the cabinet mission which was prepared by Mr. I. I. Chundigar, Sir Sultan Ahmed
and Sirdar S.K. Memon; the memorandum reminded of the Sir W.L. Metrother's proposal and demanded
acknowledgement of the independent status of Kalat.
In 1946, Mr. I. I. Chundigar who later became Pakistan's prime minister in 1956 wrote in his memoirs
regarding the independence of Kalat: "Kalat is not an Indian state, the British recognizing its geographical
importance and its vicinity to India held special relations with it, it is just like Iran and Afghanistan. The state of
Kalat does not show any interest in either joining the Indian federation or other such after it. So I request your
honor to announce the independence of Kalat state".
Besides that, on July 30, 1947, Muhammad Ali Jinnah clarified his policy of not intervening in the internal affairs
of the autonomous states and recognized their right to decide their fate.
After all, an agreement was reached among representatives of the British government, Pakistani government
and the government of Kalat, which was announced on August 04, 1947. The clause #1 of the agreement
reads "Government of Pakistan recognizes Kalat as an independent and autonomous state. It has enjoyed
bilateral relations with the British government and its status has been different than the other Indian states.
The Khan of Kalat formally declared his independence on August 12, 1947. After that the elections for the Kalat
parliament, which consisted of the House of Commons and the House of Lords were held. These elections
witnessed landsliding victory for the Kalat State National Party. It was all going fine till this point in time, but
soon after the creation of Pakistan Mr. Jinnah and other Muslim League leaders started coercing the Khan of
Kalat to accede to Pakistan.
On December 14, 1947, the House of Commons unanimously rejected the unification offer with Pakistan; the
Kalat National Party leaders said that they can't sign a "death warrant" that would only lead to the demise of the
Balochi wishes.
On January 14, 1948, the meeting of House of Lords adopted the following resolution.
"This House does not recognize unification with Pakistan because this would jeopardize the separate identity
of the Baloch."
The Government of Pakistan should have respected this democratic decision of the Baloch people but the
Pakistani government coerced the Khan of Kalat to sign a document regarding unification with Pakistan and, to
suppress the public reaction, the Quetta Brigade was ordered to invade Kalat.
The Pakistani rulers justify this act by saying that this act of unification was not undemocratic as the Khan
himself had signed it. But this is wrong as such right only rested with the two houses of Kalat state. The
Pakistani government makes this a basis of their standpoint that the Maharaja of Kashmir had signed the
unification document with India without public support. Why the Pakistani rulers are considering the signature
by the Khan the decision of the Baloch people, even though he had signed it under threats.
Respectable journalists!
As the unification was not that endorsed by the Baloch, they never accepted this unconstitutional, unnatural,
undemocratic and forcible unification. Just a few weeks after the unification, the Baloch people rose to resist
for the restoration of their independent status under the leadership of Khan of Kalat's younger brother and the
governor of Makuran, Agha Abdul Karim.
The government of Pakistan, through Khan of Kalat, asked Prince Abdul Karim to come at the table to resolve
the matter. They assured him swearing by the Holy Quran that he would not be harmed. But when the Prince
came down to have the talks, he was arrested with his friends and put behind the bars.
Respectable journalists!
The real story is that neither the Pakistani government has ever regarded the Baloch as its citizens nor the
Baloch have accepted Pakistan as their homeland. The Pakistani government considers Balochistan its
occupied land and the Baloch have been striving to win their freedom.
My friends!
Most of you must be aware of the painful story of military operation in Balochistan. The Pakistani military forces
broke through Kalat, arrested the Khan, and gunned down the flag of Balochistan flying on a mosque which too
partially collapsed and the Balochi flag was replaced by the Pakistani flag. Balochistan was captured again,
but the barbarianism of Pakistani forces could not win the hearts of the Baloch. A 90-year-old man Babu
Nauroz Khan led them again to the mountains and had a showdown with the Pakistani forces. For two years,
Baloch continued the resistance under his leadership making Pakistani forces incurs heavy losses. At the
end, the Pakistani forces failing to defeat him on the battlefield used the Holy Quran instead to win them the
battle. The Pakistani forces swore by the Holy Quran and said that if Babu Nauroz Khan came down the
mountains and told them about his demands he would not be harmed. But the agreement was blatantly
violated and he was arrested with his comrades and imprisoned in Hyderabad. His seven companions were
hanged to martyrdom and he himself later passed away in the prison at the age of 92.
Respectable journalists!
The Pakistani rulers thought that this genocide and barbarianism has overcome the Baloch. But in the 1970s,
the Baloch again headed towards the mountains for the sake of their freedom and showed great organization
this time. Pakistani government did not consider its strength sufficient to topple the Baloch so they took the
assistance of the Shah of Iran to attack Balochistan. The Iranian helicopters indiscriminately bombarded
human settlements and destroyed them. The innocent people were thrown out of the helicopters, the
respectable and graceful daughters of the Baloch were sold in the markets, and thousands were put to death.
This continued for four years. The authenticity of these lines could be checked from different books and
essays written about this matter by unprejudiced writers.
Respectable journalists!
So many Baloch are brutally tortured in the notorious torture camps, either murdered or rendered disabled.
Not only men but children are also being tortured and martyred. Just recently, 10 nails of an eight-year boy
were pulled out. Can you imagine that an eight-year boy could carry a rocket or fire a Kalashnikov?
My friends!
How many of you could recall the Mian Gundi incident where several farmers were killed while participating in a
peaceful procession against the increased power charges. How we could forget the young martyrs of Mushkay
who were killed by indiscriminately fired upon just because they were demanding food supplies. How we
could forget the young Yasmin who was killed along her mother and brother just because she was demanding
water supply. What crime had the innocents of Awaran committed for they were riddled with bullets? Just
recently, three ladies from the Bugti tribe were killed by the Punjab Rangers because they were drawing water
out of a well. How could we forget these incidents?
Respectable journalists!
Fifty five years have elapsed but the Pakistani rulers continue with the anti-Baloch policies. To make their
efforts more effective, military garrisons are being built in almost every Balochi town. Hundreds of acres of
lands have been acquired for this purpose in Kohlu, Dera Bugti and Guwadar. Someone has said if you want
to capture a foreign country build the garrisons at the borders but if you want to capture your own land then
build them deep within the borders in the towns. Yes! The building of garrisons in the cities means capturing
the Baloch people. If this is not the case then what borders are abutting Kohlu, Dera Bugti and Gwadar that the
rulers are so anxious to build garrisons there? Sui and Kohlu were two towns in a single district sometime
ago but now they intend to build two garrisons there. It is said that garrisons would bring prosperity to the
people. It is strange that prosperity is interrelated with military garrisons, but to our surprise no nation in the
world has ever developed on the basis of just building multitude of garrisons.
Respected journalists!
The Baloch are being turned into minority through fake mega projects so the Baloch resistance against the
plundering of their resources could be put down. Could someone explain it what development is this that is
being brought by overwhelming gun power? We have just witnessed this progress in the form of Shadi Khor
dam breaking down, leaving 500 people dead. A small project like this could lead to such a disaster, what
would be the Baloch left with when such "mega projects" be completed; even the thought of this makes us
Yes! We are being developed through the might of guns. You could recall the recent Makuran operation. You
could go and ask the Pakistani forces that during the course of that operation how many insurgents were
arrested. The reality is this, the Makuran operation was waged just to pacify the Baloch with brutal force so that
they could not be able to protest against the mega projects. The ladies were harassed, the innocent people
were made to live out of their houses for the whole nights, and hundreds of political activists were arrested and
tortured so they could not speak against the violation of their rights. So much so that a report was published in
the local newspapers that water in the canals was poisoned leading to the death of many a people and scores
of cattle.
After Makuran, attention was turned towards Sui where a whole division of army was deployed. Hundreds of
houses were razed. Three hundred people were arrested and houses are still being searched. On 7th, 8th
and 9th January 2005, FC and DSG's indiscriminate firing and bombardment led to the death of eight civilians
including women and children.
The lady doctor's rape is an unforgiving incident in the Baloch society. After the holy Quran, ladies are regarded
the most sacred in the Baloch society. If someone wants evidence, then he should look back into history
where the greatest Baloch leader Mir Chakar Khan fought with Mir Gwahram for 30 years just because his
people were involved in slaughtering a lady's cattle. A youngman Doda laid down his life defending a lady who
had taken refuge in his territory. Even today, if a lady enters the house of a murdered man, the family forgives
the murderer. And if a lady intervenes, a fight between tribes comes to an end. In a society where a lady is
respected, honored and regarded so much, reaction to a lady's disgrace could easily be foreseen. The rape of
an innocent and helpless lady doctor and the patronage of the culprit by the authorities could only incite a
Balochi reaction. Just a few days ago, president Musharaf said that Captain Hammad is totally innocent. This
is a strange land where a General decides the fate of alleged, not the courts. Even if he is innocent, he should
first be arrested and made to appear before the court to prove his innocence there. But here adversely, the
Baloch are being arrested. "We are securing the national installation" they say, are these "national
installations" more precious than a lady's honor and reputation.
These installations are of course national, but Baloch national. This wealth of natural gas belongs to the
Baloch people but they are the only ones who are denied. The image of the Pakistan Army has been tarnished
in the Balochi eyes after this incident of gang rape in Sui and they hate the forces more than ever now. The
forces disgraced the Baloch in 1948, 1958 and 1973-1978 and the Baloch have not yet forgotten it. This lady
doctor's gang rape has added much to this hatred. The Pakistani forces have always been notorious in this
regard. The rape of 20,000 Bengali women by the Pakistani forces makes the Baloch to be more cautious.
You might have gone through the news that was published a few days ago. Three Pakistani soldiers in the UN
peacekeeping army are being interrogated because they are said to have gang raped a lady. The Baloch are
concerned when the forces having this sort of character would become their masters by capturing their
homeland, who could guarantee their respect and honor. Who could expect justice in a country where the
President backs a rapist?
My respected journalists!
I would now turn your attention towards the recent Marri camp operation which should be seen in the context of
55-year anti-Baloch history of Pakistani forces. Fifteen hundred policemen raid the Marri camp, houses were
brought down, and women and children were made to stand beneath the open sky at night in the freezing cold
of Quetta. The DIG Quetta announced "We have flown the Pakistani flag there, Marri camp has been captured."
As I mentioned earlier that the Kalat state flag was brought down from a mosque in Kalat and was replaced by
the Pakistani flag. The Pakistani forces seem not to have changed much in this regard. To replace a flag is a
gesture that suggests that some nation thinks it superior to the other. The attitude of the rulers is sufficient to
suggest that they consider the Baloch their subjects or slaves. For them, Balochistan stays a colony which
they have deprived of resources for the last 55 years and they have bestowed upon the Baloch the dead bodies
of their loved ones. Under these circumstances to expect that Baloch would rise the slogan "Long live
Pakistani" would merely be preposterous.
Dear journalists!
Could you ask the authorities why the Marri camp operation was carried out and why the houses were razed?
They claim that it was a terrorist hideout and heavy weapons have been seized from there. You might have
seen the pictures of this camp where men lived in huts, how could these poor own these costly weapons. The
real version of this story is that the police brought heavy weapons along it and, after the photo session, took
them back. In this operation, 20 were arrested, including three women. Were these women involved in rocket
attacks? It is really shameful that to harm the Baloch people, the forces are involved in torturing the Balochi
women and kids. If Musharaf is so brave and courageous, then why he does not raid the alleged guerrilla
camps (which the central and provincial governments claim are in the mountains). They just make this pretext
that the operation is being carried out against the guerillas but treat the innocents brutally. The same thing
happened in Makuran. There, the mountains, where the guerrillas were allegedly hiding, were never raided but
the village of Zamuran was besieged. No one was let to get in or go out of the village and people were made
to live without food and water for many a days. The same thing occurred in Sui where the forces did not give
the armed man a fight but rendered the innocent targeted by opening indiscriminate fire on them. The same
thing occurred in Marri camp.
The rulers say that a check-post has been established in the Marri camp. The garrisons are being made in
almost every town and check-posts are being set up in each nook and corner. What is the purpose of this?
The Baloch are being suppressed so that they could be made quiet and thus unable to raise their voices.
During the Vietnam War, an American army officer was asked why so many villages have been destroyed. He
simply answered, "Just to prevent the village, we had to destroy it". This was a statement made by an
American army officer intoxicated with power but he was not aware of the fact that the determined Vietnamese
would defeat them some day. The same fate awaits the Pakistani forces.
Dear journalists!
Now we come to the solution of the Baloch national question. All the solutions that have so far been
suggested are all unreal and unnatural. We have to look into this matter with impartiality.
A few state selected parliamentary members are being considered the representatives of Balochistan, which
is a big mistake. The Baloch question should be resolved according to the circumstances and the wishes of
the Baloch people.
Looking the matter in its historical context, nor the Pakistani rulers have ever regarded Baloch as the citizen of
this country nor the Baloch have ever considered Pakistan as their homeland. Because of this gruesome
attitude, the Baloch have hated the rulers more than ever and resisted them. We know that this unwanted
unification of the Baloch would raise apprehensions in the hearts and minds of the Baloch and they would
resort to more and more violence. Not only more and more Baloch would suffer heavy losses, the Pakistani
rulers would also incur irreparable losses. We want that this problem should be resolved through autonomy.
Neither the Baloch would stop resistance nor would the Pakistani rulers halt barbarian acts of terror against
the Baloch. The Balochi people have never accepted unification with Pakistan. But owing to the recent
incidents, the Baloch have been so severely hurt and this augmented by the excesses in the past, they can
now not be enticed by talks, provincial autonomy and royalty.
It is being said that we will give this and that thing to you. We would simply ask when the Pakistani authorities
cannot keep their promises with Prince Abdul Karim in 1948 and then they promise swearing by Quran not to
harm Babu Nauroz Khan and not keep their promise, how could we expect them to keep their promises now. It
is being said that we would give constitutional coverage to their rights, the constitution that could not
distinguish whether a uniformed president is a legal or constitutional one or not cannot ensure our rights.
What is the say of constitution in Pakistan? It is just like a concubine in one's harem that is played with
whenever wished. We would not be lured by these constitutional coverage and promises. Unless and until
the Balochi independence and self determination is ensured and Baloch are made the masters of their land,
the problem can't be resolved.
Respected journalists!
We would observe a week-long protest commencing from 1st to 7th March 2005 against razing the houses of
the poor Baloch, torturing the women, arresting three ladies, arrest of another 20 old men and children, and
violating the Baloch sanctity. Throughout this whole week, BSO (United) would demonstrate against these
immoral acts and we would observe a complete strike on 8th March 2005. It should be made clear here that
our patience has reached its limits and the circumstances are being pushed towards a civil war, the brunt of
which has to be borne by the Punjabi colonialists.
NOTE: This is the press conference after which Dr. Allah Nazar, Dr. Imdad, Dr. Yousuf , Dr. Naseem, Ghulam
Rasool, Akhtar Nadeem and Gohar Nawaz were picked up by the Pakistani intelligence agencies in the
dismal darkness of the night and after two months, they released Dr. Imdad, Dr. Yousuf, Dr. Naseem and
Ghulam Rasool. The other three friends, no one knows yet of their fate, whether they are alive or have been
martyred like their predecessors. Let’s pray for them and work together for their release…
Thank you