Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation and Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments against Baloch people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
The Baloch Single Party: A Pressing Need
By Zafar Bashir Advocate
We see "the unity" and "communications system" of "ants"
and "bees" but why a nation (human being, which has a collective
common sense) that is famous for its bravery, honor guarding,
hospitality, loyalty with homeland, unity in time of difficulties,
be not united in "one strong and unbreakable chain of unity"
In recent past, we have made alliances for "only purpose of
parliament or elections" In Balochistan, occupied by Pakistan, we
balochs were the parts of provincial and federal government, in parliamentary
and presidential forms of government. We have found nothing but exploitation
of our resources, national wealths.
From 27th March 1948, first day of occupation upon us, till
now our unserious, insincere, useless and one- centered
alliances for one's self interests did not give us our legitimate
rights!!! We formed BNA, BNP and other alliances "only for
appeasing own self and individual interests"(but individual
struggles of other great balochs can not be ignored and denied).
What happened?? When we made drug, land, arm mafias our " intimates"
or allied forces!!!!!!!!!!! We did achieve noting!!! We understood
that Governorship and Chief ministership would solve our basic
problems but???? Are we contested elections and won them only
for "hours of making embankments", only for a teaching post and for
sole purpose of visiting Islamabad???? What is answer, no
Today, when in every corner of our great homeland, tanks
and army convoys are "tippling", vilifying and have evil intentions
of crushing us, there is no any natural justice and rule of law and
only law of jungle is prevailing. In Makran, Sui, Dera Bugti, Kolu,
kahaan and every part of our land poor, suppressed and oppressed
balochs are being made "slaves" through "blocking' routes of supply
of "daily commodities", killing and destroying cattle and goods of
poor baloch shepherds, tearing and scratching our culture and mother-
father land, suffocating and throttling our "collectivity", making
and increasing "quantity of sycophants and perfidious persons,
dividing us through "stick and carrot policy" is on the top of their
conspiracy, misleading of innocent and self-alienated balochs is
continuing full - fledgedly ,baloch language has been made foreign
or alien to us, throwing chemicals in our water reservoirs, making
our youths addicts of heroines, committing illegitimate act
of "rape" in our homeland(by army men), detaining our youths and
leaders behind "unknown bars" and they are incommunicado, checking
every vehicle after passing one kilometer, threatening our poor
balochs for dire consequences, such as killing, torturing,
incarcerating and destroying.
In briefly, everywhere of our land the genocide and ethnic
cleansing of baloch have been carried on from 1948 till now. Then is
it possible we can end these atrocities of Pakistan, by being
partners or followers of parliament????Is it possible, NP, BNP (M),
JWP, BNM, Ahqtawar and other organizations or parties can give us
our "basic rights only" through their individual efforts???? The
answer is "no", then, why not we become "one", why not we preach and
propagate this message to all balochs "JOIN OR DIE", why not we
accept the proposal/suggestion of waja Akbar Bugti with seriousness
and sincerity??????
The unity or single party for us is a pressing
need and anyhow indespensible. We know it clearly and consciously
that it is very much impossible to struggle for our rights through
different plat forms. If we do not make our minds alert for this
juncture of urgent need; we will be "a nation non-existent". All
blunders and mistakes of past be "buried and used" for unity only.
We should remember our bitter experiences of past and they should be
eye-opener for us. It is also essential for our real intellectuals,
writers, poets, students and others to understand the "value of
freedom and liberty".
Dear Balochs! When in Gwadar brothel houses are increased,
Exploitative elements took part in auctions of our homeland "bidding
by us", tycoons and magnates thrown us in "WHIRLPOOLS OF SLAVERY",
our Balochistan become a rendezvous of Punjabis, Muahjars and other
exploitative groups, bodies and souls of balochs become "the
cheapest moveable chattels", MNCs trodden us under their global
boots, brokerage of self become the only business, profession,
occupation and work of us, then say, without fear and coercion, that
unity is not inevitable or being united is not actionable but
attractive one !!!!
We have forgotten our great heroes of past, Abdul Karim
Khan, Babo Neroz, Sheer Mohd Marri and other great Balochs!!!
Establishment through taking oaths on Quran deceived us!!! Are we
There is nothing left, to not be united, by making a single
party, which struggles for all balochs, under one umbrella.