Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation and Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments against Baloch people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Stop the genocide of Baloch Nation and Balochistan
Right from the very day when Balochistan was occupied by the forces of Pakistan in March-April 1948 the
people of Balochistan have been subject to suppression, humiliation, torture, illegal imprisonment and
treated as second-rate citizens in the country of their forefathers. Successive Pakistani authorities have
refused them any basic human rights and punished them collective for being Baloch
They are deprived of their language, culture, history, the right to rule their own country, and to be the builder
of their future, and so on. Above all, the State of Pakistan has made use of arms against the innocent,
defenceless Baloch on four occasions (1948-1959, 1963-1969, 1972-1977) during the last 57 years of
Balochistan’s occupation by Pakistani forces. The list of Baloch sufferings in Pakistan is very long but in
1970s the State of Pakistan let loose 80,000 of its criminals, the so-called Army men, to devastate the
country of Balochistan and made the people of Balochistan suffer the worse in their history. Thousands of
innocent people were martyred with different pretexts and tens of villages were raised to the soil with
napalm bombs and other mass killing ammunitions. Irony of the fate is that the state of Pakistan, with the
direct help of the Shah of Iran, made massive use of napalm bombs on the defenceless people of
Balochistan but no voice was raised on the international scene to condemn the heinous crimes of the state
of Pakistan.
If two tractors collide in some other part of the world international mass media talks of it for days and days
while hundreds of innocent Baloch are being killed in single army incursions and no one talks of it. It seems
that the blood of a Baloch does not count as they are not human beings and the Baloch people’s
suppression is not worth recounting as Islamabad is more important than voicing for human rights and
democratic values.
The people of Balochistan had not recovered from the shock of the 1970s army operation. Now Mr Mush
(who has no SHARAF) has started another army operation against the innocent and peace loving people of
Balochistan whose only crime is that they have raised their voice for basic human rights and the right to live
in their land with dignity and freedom. As a result to turn the Baloch population into a minority in their own
country the Mush regime has been engaged in several mega projects and in the plans of shifting hundreds
of thousands of non-Baloch to Balochistan so that the Baloch may lose their land for ever. Those who
oppose these criminal aims of the military regime are treated with imprisonment and tortures and threats
for their lives.
Army cantonments are under construction in every nook and corner of Balochistan and the whole military
machinery of Pakistan is being shift to Balochistan to occupy the country. Although Balochistan is the
poorest country in South Asia as it is occupied by foreign forces who are not interested to develop the
country but it is one of the richest countries in minerals. From gold, silver, iron, coal, from oil and gas to
marine life Balochistan is a floating treasure. Much of this treasure is still hidden under the land some has
been discovered long ago and Pakistan has been benefiting from it immensely. One of such example is the
natural gas which was discovered in 1952 and it is estimated that about 8 million cubic feet per annum is
consumed by Pakistan saving the country millions of dollars in foreign exchange, On the one hand the Gas
at Sui and other areas in Dera Bugti has been a gift to Pakistani economy it has been a curse to the
inhabitants of the land. Not only that they have not benefited from this rich resource but have been subject to
army invasions and humiliations from the very day when the gas was discovered from their land. Now the
Mush regime has decided to dislocate thousands of Bugtis from their land and deprive them from their
fields and economic resources simply because they are not tolerated near the gas field. But because the
Bugtis have decided not to abandon their motherland and shift to other places living like immigrants they
are made subject to army invasions and mass killings. In the past days 62 persons were killed in one day
in Dera Bugti and a further mass killing is being organised by the govt.
Some 18 to 20 thousand paramilitary troops have besieged the whole area and the army commanders are
claiming that the whole region is vacated by the local people and the only remaining persons are the body
guards of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, which, according to the Pakistani military sources, are more than 5000
in number. The first thing is that if the whole population of the Dera Bugti district and Sui have been forced to
migrate to safer places then it is the worst human crises in the region. The govt should be ashamed of it
rather than being proud of it. All these people could have moved with the only clothes they were putting on
leaving behind all their belongings and sources of livelihood. Furthermore, away from their homes, their
sources of income, and their land how can they survive? What they will eat? Where they will sleep? To
whom they will talk? With whom their children will play? And so on. For how long women, children and
elderly people can live like refugees in the open sky with no drinking water, food and shelter? Has anybody
asked the Govt or the Commandant of the Frontier Corpse who issued the statement that 100 percent of the
civilian population of Dera Bugti and Sui has left the district and the remaining people are only the personal
body guards of Nawab Bugti so any attack on them is justified as they are militant?
We believe that the recent statements on part of the Army are clear indications that the Army is planning to
attack the Dera Bugti and Sui towns and kill thousands of innocent people there. General Musharaf seems
to be putting into practice the famous statement of one of his successors, General Tikka Khan, who said
about the then East Pakistan that “We need Bengal and not the Bengalis”. General Musharaf seems to well
determine to sweep Balochistan from Baloch. He has made up his mind that the State of Pakistan needs
the country of Balochistan and its rich minerals and the coastal belt and not the inhabitants there. He has
started putting into practice his plans of clearing Balochistan from Baloch with the genocide in Dera Bugti
and that of the Marri tribe which will then be extended to the rest of Balochistan. We strongly condemn all
such actions and plead to the peace loving and democratic peoples of the world to stop the blood-thirsty
General from doing any such thing before it is too late. We appeal to the world that there should not be two
standards: one for the country whom you don’t like and one for the countries whom you like. The world
opinion should have the courage to condemn injustice anywhere in the world whether it is committed by one’
s allies or enemies.
We strongly condemn this act of cowardice on the part of the govt of Pakistan and appeal to the international
community to condemn and take action against the anti-Baloch regime of Pakistan. We have seen so far
that the world champions of human rights have their pens broken when it comes to defend the human
rights of the Baloch. We, therefore, request to the peace loving people of the world to raise their voices to
defend the innocent Baloch people so that they are not left alone and the murderers of the blood-thirsty army
of Pakistan are not let loose to commit the planned genocide in Balochistan. Every single day of indifference
adds to the sufferings of the people of Balochistan so let’s come out and force the Musharaf regime to stop
his criminal activities in Balochistan.