Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Press Releases
What else is left with us than to wage diplomatic and military battle.

Sunaina Baloch, PhD
Contact :

The Baloch leadership made it clear to Pak government that balochistan's resources are not "national
assets" but belongs to balochistans , Nawab Akbar Bhugti in his recent interview stated "Suie gas is
Balochistans produce not a national asset" .

Referring to the development projects ,Senator Sanaullah Baloch secretary information of Balochistan
National Party said in an interview to "The News" that "the ownership of the development projects in their area
must rest with Baloch. While we are ready to share the benefits of these development projects with others,
we do not tolerate someone taking away everything from us and then giving something to us as in charity.
The dream of development of Balochistan can only be realized by Baloch themselves. The development of
Balochistan should not be dictated by changes in international situation. "

The main irritant to balochis is the presence of large military apparatus in their province and harassment of
suspected nationalist activists and leaders . Pakistan has set up 584 check posts , about 33,000 Frontier
Constabulary (FC) personnel along with 12,000 coast-guards deployed . Analysts say aggressive military
operations by Pakistan will only lead to international outcry and more militancy by nationalist forces , the only
way out for Pakistan is to give Balochis their share of pie from the revenues of Oil and gas and dialogue

Gwadar occupies strategic waterways that connect energy-rich Central Asia with the rest of the world.
Khuzdar, Kohlu, and Dera Bugti sit on the largest chunk of Pakistan’s 24 trillion cubic feet of recoverable
natural gas reserves. Dera Bugti is Pakistan’s energy capital, the three gasfields – Sui, Uch, and Pir Koh –
together account for almost half of the nation’s total annual production of 0.875 trillion cubic feet of natural
gas, which is valued at $3 billion. All four areas are divided among as many major tribes: Gichkis (Gwadar),
Mengals (Khuzdar), Marris (Kohlu), and Bugtis (Dera Bugti). They are all united in their resistance to what they
claim is colonization of their land and its resources.

Baloch nationalists are liberal and follow secular political philosophy , "So to defeat this philosophy of ours,
intelligence agencies with funding from the UAE, Saudi Arabia and other countries are setting up madrassas
in Balochistan. A particular group which enjoys special privileges is being inducted in the political structure of
Balochistan. They are semi-literate, religious extremists. (But) they are a gathering of people without any
political acumen." said Senator Sanaullah Baloch

What else is left with balochis than voicing and responding with all our means available , against oppresive
punjabis sucking our blood , culture and resources to quench their insatiable satanic appetite eversince a
mythical pakistan was formed . Mr.Mengal has rightly pointed out sometime back that balochis will never
hesitate to take help from any satanic powers /countries in the world , if pakistan continues it's diabolic acts
in balochistan . The reporter questioned whether the power/country could be India , pat came the answer
from Mr.Mengal ("Bharat mei insan rehte hi, bharat insanon ke mulk hi") "Humans live in India, India is a land
of Human beings" . This is a shocking snub to the pakistani reporter , reminding how cruel pakistani

Dr Ayesha Siddiqa, doing a fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson Centre, said according to a recent survey taken
in Balochistan, 65 percent of those polled favoured “armed struggle” for the achievement of their objectives .

Now Baluch nationalists are now far better armed both diplomatically and militarily. For the past two years,
Balochis have been dominating the national news. They have rapidly won the masses and classes to their
cause of “Justice for Baluchistan”. Their diplomatic and military successes at home have caught the world’s
attention as well.

Balochis must bare in mind the strengths and weakness , and strive constantly to convert weakness into
strengths . Demography is not in favour , but Geography is. Punjabi forces can't dare to venture into baloch
areas . One of the rules of the game is "rule the streets" , never give upper hand to enemy in the streets .In
South Waziristan alone, the Punjabi forces has lost almost one soldier for every militant it has killed. To be
exact, 251 officers and men died in South Waziristan as compared to 306 Baluchs. REMEMBER THIS
QUOTE : "Right lies in might"

Dr.Wahid Baloch , head of BSO-NA Baloch Society of North America , told to IntelliBriefs reporter that "we
welcome all kind of help and support from our friends, including our Hindu and Jewish friends, to combat the
menace of Pakistani Terrorism against our oppressed people." . President of Baloch Unity http://BalochUnity.
org , Dr.Jumma Khan Ramkhani Marri said , "I like Hindu Unity and i'm a strong supporter of all nationalist
forces in India" , he is in touch with many hindu leaders and is conducting backdoor diplomacy for forging
relationships with hindu organizations . What more , we have to finalize the ties and start engaging in dialog .
This reporter who mailed me this piece was from India who is a muslim , who said I'm indian first and then
muslim. I was shocked to listen to this statement , beacuse my impression about Indian muslims was
something contrary.

Forging relations with our sympathizers and galvanizing their ,support coupled with shrewd Public relations
to educate the public in West, Arab and Indians in particular should be paramount in our action items. Don’t
forget that all neighboring countries, stretching from south to central to western Asia, are potential allies of
the Bloch freedom struggle . Realise the potential and work for greater balochistan.